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Here is my dotabuff:
I play dota for more than 2 years now (my dotabuff account is quite new), and i just cant get better.Im really good with a small pool of heros such as : Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, Abaddon, Faceless Void, Lina, Crystal Maiden, Pudge, Puck and Sniper.Whit them i have like a 50% chance to win.But when i play other heros ( other heros means supports, cuz i have to play support almost every game, cuz nobody wants to play ), i suck so bad. I make A LOT of mistakes.Im the cause of losing almost every game. I only win when my enemys are far less unexperienced than me. What can i do to improve. And dont tell me to watch pros playing cuz i watch Purge and Streams for 2 years as well. But that dosnt help me.
Well, you not only have to watch pros, but also study their gameplay as well as learn from their strengths/mistakes. For example, if you see him juking in trees, remember that exact spot so you can use it the next time you play.
To get on point, playing a lot of games will mostly just improve your mechanical skills - last hits, ability activation, hero knowledge, that stuff - and watching replays mindlessly will only entertain you, not teach you. You have to use your head, man! ;) You have to notice what you do wrong or badly in your own games and what better players do right. Then apply that to your own games. Only then will you grow! There are probably much that you never think about in your games that they do and that can have great effect. For example, I remember there was a period when I first started to think about and eventually understand how to respond to the enemy pushing a tower for example, or what to do after a team fight, or where to farm safely. I've made it a habit to always ask myself "why did I die there" or "why did we lose that fight" whenever I'm dead or there's a calm period. Decision-making is probably where you can improve the most - same with me - so try to notice which decisions that have good outcomes and which end badly. Always play with your head "on" - autopilots don't learn anything, they just do the same every time ;)
My recommendation is to play with good friends who are willing to call out your mistakes as you make them, as well as praise you for your accomplishments. Plus I just tend to have more fun playing with friends than randoming into 4 players in solo queue. From doing this I have found that when I play with peers that I respect I tend to take constructive criticism from them much better than some random guy in solo queue screaming "omg, learn the game you ****ing idiot" and so on.
So I guess my recommendation is definitely to play with people that you respect and that respect you as a player. That can amplify your strengths and cover your weaknesses.
Alright, I am watching your Earthshaker game and writing this as I notice things.
Firstly you where pulling for your safe tri-lane against a solo earth spirit. Thats nice but really I feel like your wasting your potential as Earthshaker. Personally I'd do it for 1-2 waves then leave because earthspirit isn't going to pose too much of a problem to your AM farming with a rubick there. So you should've ganked more from then onwards. However by staying there you helped get a kill at ~3:40. After that start roaming because know you've won the lane. They had a mid zeus and with no escape method you could've smoke ganked mid and got kill on him with storm.
So to summaries what has been 4 minutes of gameplay you need to stop worrying about your carry. Early game you can make a huge difference and you do some nice fissures (like really nice). So gank. Gank jungle with Mirana on doom. You could've made a kill lead early with the right rotations.
Alright 7 minutes in and you have no more wards place. This is a problem. Big especially since they liked ganking top. Wards = failed gank attempt.
You had no rotations early game which kinda lost out a bit since your AM went vlads first which means he's not going to be peaking early. 12 minutes in you tried to solo kill tiny with no creeps. Thats suicide especially since he has not died and had complete free farm (no ganks).
16 minutes you tp'd to save a tower with yourself and an AM against 4 enemy heroes. Won't happen due to dead storm and underfarmed AM. You would've been better off tping to mid t2 and defending that tower. What happened? their two carries died but you storm, am, urself died. Not a good trade.
18 minutes in you nearly died to tiny. How, well if you noticed he had blink dagger when he killed ur rubick earlier then you might've considered not going to get some cs.
summerising what happened between 20:00-24:00 I saw a lot of pointless wandering around near your t2 tower. Farm. you dont get many options to do this SO DO IT.
So @ 28:43 its beyond realising to me that you're going to lose due to a couple of things. Storms item progression is wrong. Orchid is like AMAZING this game and your AM can't farm.
Also looking at line-ups they have a better teamfight. Also late game carry in the form of Tiny/Doom. Cleave = no illusions for am = doomed am.
So I'll stop there and summarise with a couple of points.
Improve your positioning/decision making. Do this buy thinking will I die here. If yes then get out.
But really you need to stop wasting time and be more active. Earthshaker is a powerful hero for ganking and making someones life a living hell. For example I played a game as earthshaker and ganked mid everytime the tinker was out of position. He died, we won.
Not sure if this helps or not but practice your positioning. You lost the game because of teammate's item choices. Don't feel bad.
Your new diet for heroes; You will need 4 wards (cuz wards taste better), 1 set of tangoes, 1 mango, 1 cheese.
With this you can make a nice Tango Mango Cheese platter. You can wash this all down with a nice bottle of water, Can be flavoured with red, green, yellow, blue, purple AND GOLD!
Caution: Taking roshan 3 times is required.
If I may, here's a bit of advice just in general... Be aware of your heros limitations in relation for positioning; for instance, if you're playing Silencer, stay at the edges of fights so you can pop your spells and not get caught by say, Ravage.
Also, when you watch replays(of yourself or pros), try to imagine as if you are the player that the camera is watching. For instance, if there is a Shadow Fiend on screen farming, and he is about to get ganked, instead of thinking, "I wonder if he'll make it out," think as if you were the Shadow Fiend. You can't see two enemy heros on the minimap, but your ward just saw one going through the rune spot. Then see what the Shadow Fiend does. This gives you a chance to practice analyzing situations and responding to missing heros, etc. without any risks involved on your part, as well as letting you nice things you might not notice in your own games.
Well, I should probably follow my own advice... But I hope this helps you at least
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With this you can make a nice Tango Mango Cheese platter. You can wash this all down with a nice bottle of water, Can be flavoured with red, green, yellow, blue, purple AND GOLD!
Caution: Taking roshan 3 times is required.
Zerak Kyria
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