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38 Votes

[Full/Dense] Goo's Guide To Mid Lane (Now with over 70 pictures!)

May 22, 2015 by TheGooGaming
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TheGooGaming (29) | January 25, 2015 6:55am
Dimonychan wrote:

Has this guide been actually updated? I can't see any difference.

Added a bit where I talk about the heroes specifically, also fixed some spelling here and there. Starting items still not in.
Dimonychan (43) | January 25, 2015 4:25am
Has this guide been actually updated? I can't see any difference.
TheGooGaming (29) | January 20, 2015 7:55am
Karazar wrote:

-You can do a gank at any point of the game. A level 1 gank is particularly strong if you are part of a trilane or if you get a strong level 1 rune like haste, invisibility or double damage.
outdated note.

Otherwise, this guide is excellent (the main help for me is the one about last-hitting under tower). I especially liked the section about Force Staff (people usually complain when I build it on Puck before Blink Dagger ).

You might want to add a section about calculating how much damage you can do (for instance, with Puck, I know that Q + W + auto (all skills maxed) does about 2 bars). This combined with doing the same for your enemy helps you decide exactly what you can get away with.

Fixed now. Thanks.
TheGooGaming (29) | January 19, 2015 4:52am
mcshrek201 wrote:

I read most of the guide but it was too long to read the whole thing for em (lazy), anyway I did not see you talking about getting shared tango's from your teamates. was just wondering if and where this would benefit your lane. TY great guide!

Yes Starting items and everything related to that topic is pending.
mcshrek201 | January 18, 2015 8:36pm
I read most of the guide but it was too long to read the whole thing for em (lazy), anyway I did not see you talking about getting shared tango's from your teamates. was just wondering if and where this would benefit your lane. TY great guide!
TheGooGaming (29) | January 18, 2015 12:03pm
famasofwar wrote:

You can also do
[your hit]
[tower hit]
[tower hit]
[last hit]

for range creep last hitting under towers.

Sure, its just a guideline.

You can also do your hit, your hit, your hit, your hit, your hit, last hit.

Thanks for reading!
TheGooGaming (29) | January 18, 2015 12:02pm
Karazar wrote:

-You can do a gank at any point of the game. A level 1 gank is particularly strong if you are part of a trilane or if you get a strong level 1 rune like haste, invisibility or double damage.
outdated note.

Otherwise, this guide is excellent (the main help for me is the one about last-hitting under tower). I especially liked the section about Force Staff (people usually complain when I build it on Puck before Blink Dagger ).

You might want to add a section about calculating how much damage you can do (for instance, with Puck, I know that Q + W + auto (all skills maxed) does about 2 bars). This combined with doing the same for your enemy helps you decide exactly what you can get away with.

Will add that idea to the list! Also I have to add treadswitching, stat item dropping, and a little coverage on usual mid lane starting item builds, thanks!
Karazar | January 18, 2015 11:45am
-You can do a gank at any point of the game. A level 1 gank is particularly strong if you are part of a trilane or if you get a strong level 1 rune like haste, invisibility or double damage.
outdated note.

Otherwise, this guide is excellent (the main help for me is the one about last-hitting under tower). I especially liked the section about Force Staff (people usually complain when I build it on Puck before Blink Dagger ).

You might want to add a section about calculating how much damage you can do (for instance, with Puck, I know that Q + W + auto (all skills maxed) does about 2 bars). This combined with doing the same for your enemy helps you decide exactly what you can get away with.
famasofwar (4) | January 18, 2015 9:21am
You can also do
[your hit]
[tower hit]
[tower hit]
[last hit]

for range creep last hitting under towers.
TheGooGaming (29) | January 11, 2015 7:15pm


Not sure if intentional but you have repeating texts in 8.2. Farming Mids.

Will check, probably unintentional
[deleted] (1) | January 11, 2015 12:20pm
First off; amazing guide. I love how you went into depth of about (arguably) the most important lane in Dota 2. The importance of knowing the tower's range, creep blocking, etc.
However, I do have a few suggestions. Maybe covering on giving your mid Tangoes, and Bottle rush (much easier if randomed hero. The pros and cons of Bottle rush and what not.
The 700 gold in the Bottle has amazing investment. I also suggest including in Bottle healing. This sounds ridiculous, but many people do not know to use a Bottle.
As the regen does not stack, the player should "feel" when the healing ends. I've seen many players just spam it to heal up.
The knowledge of knowing you can use one charge when the Invisibly rune is important. It can give you a little juice right up before a gank.

Also, some players only get Slippers of Agility on Weaver when their farm is contested and could not purchase a Wraith Band. Knowing when your farm is limited and to skip early game items is key sometimes.

I love how you included the underrated Force Staff. This miraculous item has saved me many times when my supports refused to buy wards. I remember them saying, "I'll get wards when I finish building my items." It was late game and they didn't get wards at all. Period.

Your cover on aggro is spectacular and last hitting tips. My good sir, you earn a +1.
garri.almighty | January 10, 2015 11:54pm

Not sure if intentional but you have repeating texts in 8.2. Farming Mids.
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