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Great guide,
Do you think get Blink dagger or Shadow blade for tiny will make him easier to gank a lonely hero or even initiate on the battle ( in and out of the battle ), I usually see in the game, people prefer blink dagger or shadow blade first before go aghanim scepter, considering people now are prefer another item than radiance.
And then the uses of the Toss, I ever seen people use to toss enemy hero to allies, please comment about it
My first posts :)
I find myself build
about tossing enemies to allies, you will most likly see this done at level 1 getting a person stuck on the highground by runes.
kappa. no seriously:
Great guide!
I love tiny but I usually go for Manta before Ac. But now as illusions do less dmg to towers I am not really sure which items is better for fights and pushing...
Anyways you could add this video to show em when to not throw em
Well good work,
keep it up!
Do you think get Blink dagger or Shadow blade for tiny will make him easier to gank a lonely hero or even initiate on the battle ( in and out of the battle ), I usually see in the game, people prefer blink dagger or shadow blade first before go aghanim scepter, considering people now are prefer another item than radiance.
And then the uses of the Toss, I ever seen people use to toss enemy hero to allies, please comment about it
My first posts :)
Anyone ever try Dagon on Tiny? Good for his mana pool, good for added burst (maybe overkill)? I realize that it doesn't solve his attack speed or armor problems, but Tiny COULD be played as a nuker rather than a right-click carry...
it is possible to get a dagon on tiny, but I wouldn't recommend it (unless you already won the game and are trolling). While the added burst and mana is nice, it isn't needed, and considering the cost of a fully upgraded one, think of what you could have bought otherwise.
not sure, but don't you do twice the damage when you toss an solo enemy ?
great guide, not sure if manta-AC synergy is that great
On the double damage: doesn't matter if they are solo or not, if there are two enemy heros and you
The manta-AC synergy is good enough, because even though illusions don't don't get your bounus attack speed, they do get the armour arua, and Im not sure, but pretty sure the attack speed aura of the AC works with them, and that is almost half of the bounus attack speed.
great guide, not sure if manta-AC synergy is that great
You're lacking Drums, but other than that it's perfect: I usually get
About the skills argument: I usually go QWQWQWWQ if I have to max both by level 8,
Thankyou for the comment. I have seen people get phase boots on tiny, and I understand the mobility part of it, but I feel that damage is wasted a little bit because of how hard you hit already.
About the skills argument: I usually go QWQWQWWQ if I have to max both by level 8,
225 * 35% + 150 * 2 = 603.75 (3 toss 2 avalanche)
225 * 2 + 150 * 35% = 650.5 (2 toss 3 avalanche)
For the sake of it, it's probably still better to go toss whatever.
Thanks for working out the math, I guess I through in an alternate skillbuild for the people who like toss over avalanche.