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28 Votes

Cuttleboss’ Guide to Ruling the Sands [7.26]

June 20, 2020 by Cuttleboss
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Hades4u (296) | June 16, 2020 12:59am
Hey Cuttleboss, great to see an update! :D

Have you thought about filling in the skill sequence of any of the builds? Would be useful to have for newer players!

Let me know if you need any help!
Cuttleboss (28) | June 17, 2020 8:47am
Hades4u wrote:

Have you thought about filling in the skill sequence of any of the builds? Would be useful to have for newer players!
Let me know if you need any help!

Hello Hades. I thought about doing the built-in skill sequences for all of my guides but I decided not to. I always thought it made people feel like they needed to pick one skill sequence each game, same reason why I don't use the built-in guide talent picker.
I think it's better for players to make their own determinations about sequence based on the conditions in their own games and pick every point based on what they can observe about that particular game.

I appreciate the offer of help, but I do want to leave the preset skill sequence blank. Thank you.
Hades4u (296) | June 17, 2020 10:04am
That makes a lot of sense! You're doing great, was just curious to see why you've chose not to add one. Thanks for the reply. :D
Cuttleboss (28) | January 4, 2016 9:03pm
Big update has arrived for the guide. About half of this guide has been rewritten, as Sand King was pretty heavily changed in 6.86, which means that the comparison to Earthshaker section is not longer relevant. Since Aghs is no longer garbage, I happily deleted the Section about why Aghs sucked. I sourced artists and changed some of the art. A lot of the guide that show when I was a much less experienced player has been fixed. No more splitpushing SK, no more right clicking SK (because he can actually semi carry without right click items now), and a much more accurate description of what this hero does and when to pick him.

Also, Jungle SK is pretty weak now, and laning Caustic SK is awesome now, so I want people to start doing that.

I just hope this guide in some way influenced Icefrog to change SK's terrible former Aghs, it makes it worth all the downvotes this guide got.
Cuttleboss (28) | July 7, 2015 5:51am
I don't know how to respond against either of those points, since the arguments made are already in the guide.

However, I haven't tested those 2 things in a long time, since the meta may have changed since I wrote most of this guide a year ago. Not having blink at any point on SK is just not playing him to his potential. His power lies in his extreme mobility that is rivaled only by few (mainly the 3 spirits). And Blink to get that good epicenter off is key to initiating or being secondary initiator, since you need to be in the right spot to get the ult to be useful. Perhaps you can get BKB instead and get it down more safely but definitely to less opponents, but you still are not as threatening as with a blink where you can pickoff anyone with ease from almost 2k range, the type of stuff that wins games.

And as for Aghs, I don't see how it helps scaling into late game. It gives one more level of ult, but nothing new or utility percentage based. The stats are nice, but otherwise, SK has like the worst Aghs upgrade in the game currently. Plus, in a patch with items like Glimmer and Pipe with aura, its not often the best choice to maximize your burst damage. Aghs can maybe work if you're snowballing, since nuking and more survivability are usually what secures snowballing, but not really in other cases, and it doesn't seem better at securing snowballing than a Necro 3, Radiance, or even a Dagon + Eblade would.
Anubis_1993 | July 6, 2015 1:57am
Sorry, but I disagree with a couple of things. Blink is popular for SK, no doubt, it makes throwing his Ult easier, but a requirement? Nah, a luxury. Kind of like A/C in a car. Nice, but not the end of the world. Have yet to lose a game when I didn't get it. So much that , lately, I don't even bother. And Aghs keeps his Ult viable late game. Especially against those squishy supports who are trying to drop nukes in the middle of a team fight. If you are thinking he falls off late game or his Ult is not very useful late game, it's because you are missing Aghs.
Cuttleboss (28) | May 3, 2015 9:29pm
"**** outta luck"

is what that acronym means.
michimatsch (26) | May 3, 2015 8:03pm
Cuttleboss (28) | May 3, 2015 7:37pm
The guide has been updated for the big 6.84 patch. Caustic Change, and Sand King is probably one of a small few heroes who can make use of every one of the new items that was released.

The other guides will also be updated.
Cuttleboss (28) | October 19, 2014 10:13am
A backstory might make that section more fun, but I think it works out well enough.
Unscathed (47) | October 18, 2014 5:26am
Sidenote: Add some more story to the battle like the battle of the two kingdoms.

Because Sand King vs Wraith King
Cuttleboss (28) | August 31, 2014 1:34pm
TheSofa wrote:

Very great guide, visually appealing. I especially like the visuals. +1

However, use of icons, like: would add to the already appealing guide.


Thanks man, I've taken your advice and given an update to the visuals, using a lot more icons.
TheSofa (54) | August 25, 2014 8:05pm
Very great guide, visually appealing. I especially like the visuals. +1

However, use of icons, like: would add to the already appealing guide.

Cuttleboss (28) | August 25, 2014 7:34pm
Hey everyone who's reading this, thanks for getting this to the front page (I don't know for how long) with your support. I appreciate it! :D
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