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I'm looking for the best ranged agility hero. I've used a couple i.e. mirana and Drow and had some success but can't always get the job done. Is there any character (preferably not a magic based character) with high AD and good gank abilities?
Very true, he's the first to come to my mind as well, he has high damage output(especally with his w) and skeleton walk(wind-walk). This makes him fast, stealthy and deadly.
I agree with the Clinkz suggestion, you should also give sniper a go.
Sniper is a hero that tends to attract new players, but he really isn't one I would recommend.
He isn't a strong carry, all that he really has to benefit him is his range. He needs some items before he can do any real damage, and by that I mean Desolator, Manta or Daedalus. He can farm easily, but you still need to know how to last hit well to get these items. On top of that, he is easy to feed with because of his slow move speed, low attack damage and he is very squishy.
Clinkz, too, is squishy, he is actually one of the most strength deprived heroes. He is an easy to understand carry, so he is okay to go with, only because of his invis though. If the enemy takes any counter-measure to that, you will be screwed by burst damage, so you'll need to be wary of that.
I would say, Viper. He doesn't need much farm, and he controls his lane well with a DOT/Slow.
Still though, if you're new, you shouldn't be isolating your play to ranged carries. It will benefit you to learn support and some strength heroes. The reason the heroes you are choosing aren't getting the job done is because the team doesn't always call for a ranged carry, and it can really hurt the other four players on your team by picking a ranged carry in some cases.
Sniper tends to snowball as a carry. He may not be a strong carry, but like I said if he continues to do well he snowballs out of control.
That is true, but it's usually because of his lane harass that he gets fed and starts to snowball. If he exits the laning phase without getting fed, other carries that have farm will just do better than him.
Again, though, with either of the items I mentioned he starts to get pretty annoying because of the range+damage. Those items are usually delayed for a Shadow Blade, though.
any good tanky carries similar to lone druid? I just want a hero that'll get **** done. Anything that's not too complicated and has a fairly good set of skills for team fights/ganks.
I'd stay away from Alchemist, he is one of the more difficult carries to use effectively.
For tanky, try Naix, Skeleton King or Huskar.
And by the other post, I meant it's good to play things OTHER than carries much of the time. There are too many games where the team has 4 or 5 carries and you are just screwing your team over by picking a carry. I mean, yeah they get the kills and they attract most people because they get the kills, that's great, but you really shouldn't only be playing carry, it's just selfish.
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