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9 Votes


April 16, 2014 by unicornzombie999
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Moodkill (9) | April 17, 2014 4:58pm
This is just my opinion though but, getting MOM might make you really BKB dependent, if the enemy team has the right disables such as Shadow Shaman they can lock you down pretty hard whilst the MOM buff is active. But as you stated if you die with MOM most probably its a 4-5 man gank.

Also I agree with Timminatorr, vanguard was nerfed pretty hard to the point where I bought mekansm instead of vanguard for axe. I think a drum or hood of defiance might work better than vanguard.

Though considering it's a new guide I'd say it looks good to me, keep it up. And also try to use green coloured text for pros and red for con it might look better IMHO.
Timminatorr (57) | April 17, 2014 5:41am
Putting more then 1 point in feast before maxing open wounds and rage doesnt really make sense, especially if you go for additional lifesteal, which isnt needed anyway.
Jungler's should also be supports in pretty much all cases, unless you have a nyx assasin for example in the offlane who transitions into a support role.
But there is very little reason not to lane naix.

Vanguard is also a complete waste of money and complete trash in late game.
Why not finish the stout? Why the hell would you finish it? You are wasting almost 2000 gold.

I also dont like the mask of madness pickup apart from pubstomping, but you cant assume that you are much better then your enemies.
unicornzombie999 | April 16, 2014 6:44pm
robomartion wrote:

Lifestealer's cons are that is he is easily kited and has low armour.

Thank you, I completely forgot about the low armor, because I always run Assault Cuirass on him, but that is true, and I added it to the guide. Thank you again :D
robomartion | April 16, 2014 5:32pm
Lifestealer's cons are that is he is easily kited and has low armour.
unicornzombie999 | April 16, 2014 12:38pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

every build is the same >_>

and faceless void is NOT, i repeat, NOT countered by MKB. He doesnt's evade damage,he back tracks it.

one more pointer,butterfly doesnt counter him either because all passive forms of damage reduction are disabled in chronosphere (you heard it!).so stuff up and cry because you let that skinny violet man farm.

I disgree with every build being the exact same, or else there would be no need to have dotafire at all. So that in my opinion is wrong. However, I did not know that MKB does not counter Faceless Void, I thought it did when I was against one, but if it isn't I am thanking you for this new information. And the the MKB wasn't intended to counter his ult, in fact, just his passive evasion chance, and the butterfly would be countered by MKB, only the evasion though.

I am going to assume that you are a Faceless Void fan.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | April 16, 2014 6:17am
Xyrus wrote:

That's only if you buy it early, buying it Late Game, say 40 or 50 minutes in gives you a combined 16 seconds of Magic Immunity, 4 times what the other Team will have. It's Situational, but legit.

True dat, BKB is like a 6 slot item for life when going for do or die pushes ; IMO a linkins will serve you better.
Xyrus (104) | April 16, 2014 4:41am

Dont entirely agree with BKB on lifestealer.. Late game bkb lasts 4 seconds and enrage lasts 6..

That's only if you buy it early, buying it Late Game, say 40 or 50 minutes in gives you a combined 16 seconds of Magic Immunity, 4 times what the other Team will have. It's Situational, but legit.
This_name_is_taken | April 16, 2014 2:13am
Dont entirely agree with BKB on lifestealer.. Late game bkb lasts 4 seconds and enrage lasts 6..
KoDyAbAbA (65) | April 16, 2014 1:50am
every build is the same >_>

and faceless void is NOT, i repeat, NOT countered by MKB. He doesnt's evade damage,he back tracks it.

one more pointer,butterfly doesnt counter him either because all passive forms of damage reduction are disabled in chronosphere (you heard it!).so stuff up and cry because you let that skinny violet man farm.
unicornzombie999 | April 15, 2014 8:32pm

I didnt really want to comment last night after seeing the MoM pickup. Just dont.
As for skill build I generally max rage followed by open wounds and 1 level of feast at level 1.

The skilling is slightly dependent on what the enemy team is using, which I should have noted, I do apologize. With the Mask of Madness if you are not willing to try it yourself, you don't have to. But I do look forward to being that person who wrecks you in any lobby while I am losing it. Because after having played 75+ games as Lifestealer with this build. I believe I know what I am doing, or I would not have put that item into my build. I do apologive for sounding harsh, but I figured people would atleast try something, before they call it "plain" and "horrible". I told someone in a pub game to do it, at that point he was 2-5-3. After the MoM he jumped to 18-6-11. You do not want to try it. That isn't my issue, but you do not have to leave a comment saying "Just dont." This goes to anyone, and everyone who in future readings of this, may say that. Just try it out, or do not say anything at all please.
unicornzombie999 | April 15, 2014 8:27pm
My third item build should satisfy everyone who is straight minded, and is not willing to try something new. But if you wanted that, there are hundreds of other Lifestealer builds that you could have used.
unicornzombie999 | April 15, 2014 7:49pm

I think the MoM pickup is just plain and utterly horrible on a hero like lifestealer. Its the same case as ursa or something you need to be deep in the fights and survive and with MoM you will just pop to any carry like weaver or PA so not worth it at all IMO, also vanguard on naaix T_T

The only reason I said Vanguard was because you already have a stout shield, and there is no reason not to upgrade it. If you don't want that item, you do not have to. There are several of these items for a reason. And I am going to add that you probably did not even try out the build, based off of how you were talking in your comment. Just try the build, even if you think I am insane, I have gone 28 and 2 with this exact build, so before you call it "plain and utterly horrible" try the build out.
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