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And what is the problem of taking damage if your ultimate ressurects you anyway and you have 50% lifesteal aswell.
You can skip
Quelling Blade is an important item because without it, you will get every cs denied and it makes your early jungling way better.
At lvl 2, 3 and 5, nothing is as effective as stats. The aura would just push your lane and crit is useless early.
And no, Heart of Tarrasque is way better. You already have enough lifesteal and Heart of Tarrasque gives you way more survivability, especially the passive. It lets you have Armlet on forever. It also scales way better with your ultimate.
It's overall a better utility item than A
Also, since SK is a strength hero (which is the probable strong point of the lack of agreement in this), he doesn't gain very much from the AGI. 6% attack speed is nothing. Get a bracer and you get more and make drums.
Yea it's an extra item slot, but I bet you have room.
Finally don't start with a