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Wraith King? Who is Wrath King? A guide to Skeleton King

March 1, 2014 by NicknameMy
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NicknameMy (2) | March 1, 2014 3:17pm
So you want to max vampiric aura early and push the lane 24/7 under the enemy turret so you can't farm? Seriously..

And what is the problem of taking damage if your ultimate ressurects you anyway and you have 50% lifesteal aswell.

You can skip Tranquil Boots and Soul Ring if you want to go jungle midgame, because then, you don't need the lane control the combo offers. Then you also put points into vampiric aura at 7 and 8.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | March 1, 2014 1:01pm
You need Wrathfire Blast and Vampiric Aura maxed till level 9. Mortal Strike is not needed from the start. I wouldn't buy Mask of Madness and Armlet of Mordiggian because when you use Mask of Madness you will take more damage and you will also lose Hp when you turn on Armlet of Mordiggian. Helm of the Dominator is better or Vladmir's Offering. Add Desolator cause it's a core item. No to Tranquil Boots cause they have no use on any carry or initiator, durable only for supports. Satanic and Assault Cuirass are late items. Monkey King Bar is a situational. Heaven's Halberd is situational item.
NicknameMy (2) | March 1, 2014 12:14pm
So, time for a new build here.
Zandalin | February 18, 2014 11:54am
From playing a few matches as Wraith King and with a friend of mine. I think I found the perfect hero to gank with. Even in lvl one if you team with ursa in the same lane you xan stun the enemy and then both you and ursa attack and probably 90% of the time ursa gets the kill but you both get the xp. So ursa and wraith king can kick *** together.
NicknameMy (2) | April 28, 2013 2:37am
I need a cheap ring there, Vlad's costs way more than Aquila. I want to have both the ring and boots finished pre 7 in order to have effective jungling afterwards, while still having mana for the lane if needed. This is also why no other item can be bought in between.

Quelling Blade is an important item because without it, you will get every cs denied and it makes your early jungling way better.

At lvl 2, 3 and 5, nothing is as effective as stats. The aura would just push your lane and crit is useless early.

And no, Heart of Tarrasque is way better. You already have enough lifesteal and Heart of Tarrasque gives you way more survivability, especially the passive. It lets you have Armlet on forever. It also scales way better with your ultimate.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | April 27, 2013 11:42pm
Why not just turn the Basi Ring into a Vlads? Get armor and HP regen out of it, alongside stacking with your skelly aura (dissimilar arua's stack, I knew this but double checked wiki before I posted so i didn't say something stupid)

It's overall a better utility item than A Ring of Aquila

Also, since SK is a strength hero (which is the probable strong point of the lack of agreement in this), he doesn't gain very much from the AGI. 6% attack speed is nothing. Get a bracer and you get more and make drums.

Yea it's an extra item slot, but I bet you have room.
mnoi (2) | April 27, 2013 7:49am
Since you are building a lot of attack speed items, a Satanic is almost always better than a Heart of Tarrasque because it gives you another life (provided you have a BKB). You should also mention Vlads since it stacks with Vampiric Aura and it provides almost as much as an Assault Cuirass (damage bonus&lifesteal vs -armor&attack speed)at a fraction of its cost.

Mention Drum of Endurance as a situational item. If you get this, you can skip stats for more points into other skills.

Finally don't start with a Quelling Blade b/c ~55 damage is ideal to last hit under a tower, you also don't know if you need a stout shield or quelling until you get to lane.
NicknameMy (2) | April 27, 2013 7:43am
Not really, as Ring of Aquila also gives attack speed, HP and damage. And the armor makes also a difference. This helps you very much if you go jungle at lvl 7 to have a good clear speed. It also helps earlier at last hitting, which is your job in the earlygame. Soul Ring should be only bought if you fear enemy mana burners.
Wulfstan (77) | April 26, 2013 10:38pm
Soul Ring 10 times better than Ring of Aquila.
NicknameMy (2) | April 26, 2013 10:35pm
Well, the concept of my build is to combine movement speed and attack speed, that is why I prefer Manta Style. skeleton king is meele, so he has to run up and that is why he needs movement speed.
NicknameMy (2) | February 8, 2013 10:01am
Yeah, another viabel option. It can replace Manta Style. But as you see on my situational items, you can build pretty much everything as long as it has the same concept...
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