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70 Votes

The Guardian of the Flame, by Peppo_o'Paccio

June 21, 2014 by Peppo_oPaccio
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Dimonychan (43) | August 3, 2015 11:46am
Altair139 wrote:

I have a few comments though:
1. Without Battle Fury this hero is pretty much **** unless you go for the utility build with Orchid Malevolence and Eul's Scepter of Divinity. Cuz he's often picked to counter illusion heroes like Phantom Lancer or summoned units like Nature's Prophet, he desperately needs Battle Fury for teamfight potential
2. I usually pick Ember Spirit to counter Bloodseeker lol, cuz Flame Guard makes him back the **** off early game and you're invulnerable while flying to your remnant so his Rupture does no ****.

Maybe you should actually try building anything other than drums-bf to see Ember works without them. Maelstrom- Crystalys is a very good alternative to BF as you can easily and effectively get kills in teamfights, early Deso for cutting supports down works well too. This hero doesn't spin around Battle Fury, the only sold build with Bf as a goal item is BoT-BF ricing build.

I like to pick Ember vs Bloodseeker as well, BS just can't do anything to Ember while Ember is a threat to BS.
Altair139 | August 3, 2015 11:36am
I have a few comments though:
1. Without Battle Fury this hero is pretty much **** unless you go for the utility build with Orchid Malevolence and Eul's Scepter of Divinity. Cuz he's often picked to counter illusion heroes like Phantom Lancer or summoned units like Nature's Prophet, he desperately needs Battle Fury for teamfight potential
2. I usually pick Ember Spirit to counter Bloodseeker lol, cuz Flame Guard makes him back the **** off early game and you're invulnerable while flying to your remnant so his Rupture does no ****.
Spain2001 | February 24, 2015 3:57pm
While using sleight of fist you can actually send out fire remnants which is a good way to increase the range of how far your fire remnants go. Also, I'm not sure if valve patched this trick but if you sleight of fist while fading with shadow blade your sleight of fist deals out 150 extra dmg and you tun invisible.
Silence_L | January 1, 2015 8:35pm
Hey man! I love this guide been playing dota for about 6 months? Just a casual player, but I been following you since your first guide to Silencer but I got to say man you have improved a lot ! A lot more detail a lot more info! Love it +1
Killa42 | July 27, 2014 7:20pm
Your guides are amazin bro, obvious that i disagree at some points but my english is bad so... +10000 for you xD please keep making guides you are very good
menesses | June 30, 2014 12:33pm
just want to inform that my build was used by ferrari430 on esl and more recently by rtz. seems legit!
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 5, 2014 11:09am
It might actually work, but I haven't tested it; I guess it's better for when you still want the ganking power versus a melee mid. But anyways, I'd stick to the max- Searing Chains build because it's less mana-intensive and makes ganks easier.
menesses | June 5, 2014 4:41am
what i mean is getting 2 points on searing chains before maxing the sleight of fist
menesses | June 5, 2014 4:34am
what do you think about maxing e first, but before maxing the SLEIGHT OF FIST getting an extra point on searing chains for the extra one second disable.
i've been testing this build and it worked very well sofar
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 24, 2014 10:25pm

y not Radiance?

Because of Flame Guard.
It's like buying a Battle Fury on Sven: it's an okay item, but why would you spend your early game to farm an item with an effect you already have? Ember Spirit's AoE burn, much like Sven's cleave, already gives you the possibility to do something (in this case split push) even without needing the expensive item, plus you can also use the Flame Guard to deal damage when chasing and repel magic damage.

I'd say the Radiance + BoT build could be effective on ES since he can jump back into the lane after teleporting to base, but that would make him a "weaker" (or, well, different) version of a Radiance Naga Siren or any other split pushing Hero with illusions.
CyAnO__Xchrono | March 24, 2014 9:43pm
y not Radiance?
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