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Funny/OP Random Ability Draft combos!

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Forum » General Discussion » Funny/OP Random Ability Draft combos! 56 posts - page 3 of 6
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by hjvaughan » February 3, 2014 4:10am | Report
I was playing Kunkka with searing arrows, ensnare, cold feet, and whatever windrunner's ulti is. And yes, kunkka's attacks were ranged. It was pretty great. :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » February 3, 2014 4:31am | Report
Holy ****.

Just saw an Outworld Devourer run Quill Spray, Impale, Fiery Soul and Warpath. He was hitting like a ****ing beast, but I guess this kind of skill combo would make any hero hit like a beast lol

Speaking of Sticky Napalm, I tried that in combination with Acid Spray, Venomous Gale and Poison Nova on Enchantress. I lost, but I wrecked the enemies in lane. This combo could be way better and way more hilarious in the hands of other heroes though.

I'd like to see Sticky Napalm + Quill Spray + Ion Shell (or Blink Strike if Blink Dagger isn't your thing) + Permanent Invisibility :D

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by sulaxrox » February 3, 2014 9:49pm | Report
Dirttttty nastiness here: Pugna with: Decrepify Skeleton Walk Nether Blast Laguna Blade
Hilarious: Lifestealer with Rage Pounce Feast Vendetta
Step 1: Pick Bristleback
Step 2: type in all chat:"GL hf"
Step 3: solo offlane
Step 4: first blood triple kill solo vs trilane
Step 5: continue head butting keyboard
Step 6: don't care, Bristleback doesn't give a ****
Step 7: screenshot repeated: BB OP comments in all chat
Step 8: alternate games with Slark pick


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Mr. Nuke » February 4, 2014 7:44am | Report
I actually managed to get Jinada and Enchant Totem on a Bounty Hunter recently, other two skills were Empowering Haste and Time Lapse. Shadow Blade and Desolator managed to one-shot most of the other team, if not leave them with about 1/10 health left. Once they died I could time lapse away =D
Bristleback - Making chasers kill themselves since 28/3/2013

Smuggels wrote:

the giant hamster is revived by Drow the dog using the power of the best pie in the world.
the daughter who was beaten now is a the ultimate fighter after training for years since she never wants to be beaten again, she learns all forms of killing and martial arts and is now an unstoppable machine, she teams up with drow the dog and rides the giant hamster into battle against the dark lord Gabe Vovlo, crushing his Steam empire and freeing all the slaves under steam sales control.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by saifthedestroyer » February 4, 2014 10:21am | Report
Guys i just played ursa and my spells were:
Tiny's grow
Ursa's attack speed thingy (overpower)
Ursa's slow (earthshock)
Riki's teleport thingy
HOLY **** IT WAS SO OP just blink behind, earthshock and it took like 2-4 hits max to kill them late game with the grow dmg and attack speed buff :D
i rush mask of madness and basher on puck :3


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Smuggels » February 4, 2014 3:47pm | Report
sooo i just played a silencer with Mirana's arrow, pudges hook, slarks leap and tinkers rearm... it was to date the funnest game i have ever had.. i stayed on the cliff after level 7 with a mate who was playing a tide hunter who had devour and rot and anchor smash and krakens shell ...

by 30 mins i had my refresher and yea was fun haha



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by saifthedestroyer » February 5, 2014 12:12am | Report
You had rearm and you made refresher because.....?
i rush mask of madness and basher on puck :3


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NicolasCage » February 6, 2014 11:17am | Report
One of my favorite builds was when I was lucky enough to get silencer. The skills I picked were Brain Sap, Smoke Screen, Vacuum, and Call Down. Would drop a smoke screen, suck all enemy team into it, and drop missiles on them. Best part: when they died I got Int =D

Another fun one I had: I was Nyx Assassin and decided to go a ganker build, got Wraithfire Blast, Gush, Firefly, and Vendetta. Basically a better version of Nyx, haha.

I also had a fun run as a Dragon Knight that I dubbed "the Nightmare Knight," His skills were Dragon Blood, Dual Breath, Corrosive Skin, and Fiend's Grip. The ultimate was last picked and I wasn't too sure about it but it ended up working fantastic; my team won pretty handily that game.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by T1mmay » February 6, 2014 1:58pm | Report
How to be the most annoying hero, choose Nature's Guise, Mana Burn, Essence Aura.
Got randomed Eye of the Storm as forgot my fourth skill had to be an ultimate (don't laugh it was my first time playing it!!), but that still worked out pretty well.

4 second mana burn which you can spam thanks to essence aura pissed them off so much! Annoyed them a lot more when I got Dagon :-)

Nature's Guise OP.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by hjvaughan » February 6, 2014 2:14pm | Report

You had rearm and you made refresher because.....?

Because the main downside to the refreshers orb is the cooldown, so obvi solution is rearm. Duh. But back on topic, I would just like to say how hilarious Grow + Bloodlust is. You get soooooo huge. Didn't try BKB, but I would assume that it would make you even bigger.
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