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Which hero are you? (Game)

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Forum » General Discussion » Which hero are you? (Game) 987 posts - page 21 of 99
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by nuclearengie » July 4, 2013 12:39pm | Report
Pro spelling here
"Knowledge is power" -Sir Francis Bacon
"Power tends to corrupt" -Lord Acton
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 4, 2013 12:49pm | Report
Cepheus1988 wrote:

Alright here comes my next 'hero' riddle, this one might be tricky:

I'm happy to be at your service.
When I heed your call, I'll be there for you,
with a hop, skip and a jump.
You earn my wings,
and I carry your burdens

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cepheus1988 » July 4, 2013 1:08pm | Report

I thought I had something...

Yes it is the Animal Courier / Flying Courier - MOST UNDERRATED HERO EVER! :D

so nuclear was first, with his pro spelling - second is Hades

mind giving Hades a chance? since you had the last few riddles...

I knew someone would fall for "a hop, skip and a jump" :D
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 4, 2013 2:46pm | Report
Cepheus1988 wrote:


I thought I had something...

Yes it is the Animal Courier / Flying Courier - MOST UNDERRATED HERO EVER! :D

so nuclear was first, with his pro spelling - second is Hades

mind giving Hades a chance? since you had the last few riddles...

I knew someone would fall for "a hop, skip and a jump" :D

It's fine, he can post, I'm pretty busy and have a lot of stuff in my head at the moment :p
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by xCO2 » July 4, 2013 3:15pm | Report
Cepheus1988 wrote:


I thought I had something...

Yes it is the Animal Courier / Flying Courier - MOST UNDERRATED HERO EVER! :D

so nuclear was first, with his pro spelling - second is Hades

mind giving Hades a chance? since you had the last few riddles...

I knew someone would fall for "a hop, skip and a jump" :D

I thought it could go either way: 'A hop, skip, and a jump" is a quote. "At your service" could refer to her quote or like the "When I heed your call, I'll be there for you" part of the riddle, she contributes to a lane as a pseudo tri-laner. You earn my wings is easily referable to Nature's Attendants' Wisps being leveled. "I carry your burdens" also fits the description, because if needed she can carry, or does enough damage to cover for a carry who is behind. Not to mention that the courier isn't a hero unit.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cepheus1988 » July 5, 2013 5:03am | Report
Ok xCO2, you may have a point there.
But in my eyes The Courier is the truest hero of all!
May all possible gods, if they exist, bless it. *wipes a tear from his eye* :D
He/she/it is in every game! No one would play a game without him/her/it. (except low level pubs who don't know how to use it)

I'm happy to be at your service.
- It does what you tell him to without question!

When I heed your call, I'll be there for you,
- When you send it to you, he instantly comes to you as fast as he can

with a hop, skip and a jump.
- different Couriers have different animations ;)

You earn my wings,
- YOU (the support) have to pay gold to give it the wings

and I carry your burdens
- it carries every item you want.

If he is not a hero, or doesn't belong to a hero... why are you able to control it? - Think about it! (sure he gains no levels and cannot attack. but he can carry as much items as a hero, and IF he could attack, he could CARRY YOUR GAME! :D)
Also I hinted it with the ' ' at "'hero' riddle" and that it might be tricky... and two out of three got it right instantly, so they have to think like me about our bravest veteran hero!


Ok, let's don't get entangled in a discussion... let's move on with more riddles! Spoink!
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by nuclearengie » July 5, 2013 6:10am | Report
You are right, I have been getting a lot of riddles. I think this is my fourth. Well, here it is

Here I am again?
Well, at least I have some friends.

But they are not due
until I reach level two.

All of their ganks are the same.
Why can they not see my name?

If you cant figure who this is referring to,
Just remember, I am staring at you.
"Knowledge is power" -Sir Francis Bacon
"Power tends to corrupt" -Lord Acton
"Knowledge tends to corrupt" -Transitive property of Equality


Posts: 42
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » July 5, 2013 6:52am | Report
nuclearengie wrote:

You are right, I have been getting a lot of riddles. I think this is my fourth. Well, here it is

Here I am again?
Well, at least I have some friends.

But they are not due
until I reach level two.

All of their ganks are the same.
Why can they not see my name?

If you cant figure who this is referring to,
Just remember, I am staring at you.

Shadow Demon?

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by manic_e » July 5, 2013 7:15am | Report

nuclearengie wrote:

Here I am again?
Well, at least I have some friends.

her brood

nuclearengie wrote:
But they are not due
until I reach level two.

You'll almost always get webs first, spiderlings second.

nuclearengie wrote:
All of their ganks are the same.

They are all identical?
nuclearengie wrote:
Why can they not see my name?

Because she's invis?

nuclearengie wrote:
If you cant figure who this is referring to,
Just remember, I am staring at you.

Staring at you with her 8 eyes?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by nuclearengie » July 5, 2013 7:57am | Report
not shadow demon nor brood
I like your justification about brood, you got the first two stanzas right, but about the wrong hero.
"Knowledge is power" -Sir Francis Bacon
"Power tends to corrupt" -Lord Acton
"Knowledge tends to corrupt" -Transitive property of Equality


Posts: 42
Steam: nuclearengie

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