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9 Votes

Carry Lina

November 27, 2011 by exTro#154404
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Eheroduelist (2) | February 22, 2014 7:15pm
dirrwen wrote:

But her ult is SINGLE TARGET, Agha's is a terrible pickup for Lina. Sure, you get like 100 more burst on ONE TARGET, and it won't change ANYTHING.

I disagree- teamfights can often rely heavily on an entire team working in unison to pull off a combo in order to win the fight. Instantly annihilating that one carry/support could very easily dismantle the enemy team's combo. Even if you don't kill the durable carry with the instant combo, you could probably discourage him/her from wanting to participate in the fight due to the fact you probably melted most/a noteworthy amount of their health.

Picking up Aghs on a nuking support is typically frowned upon due to the fact that supports aren't intended to get kills, so farming really isn't their role.
However, as the guide states, this person isn't intending to play Lina as a support. She's being played as a mid-game carry.
(However, in my opinion, Aghs can be picked up on a teamfight based support like Earthshaker, because his job is specifically to either single-handedly win a 1v5 (given the right circumstances), or soften up the entire enemy team for his/her carries to clean up.)

In any case, while I agree that playing a support as a carry that falls off in the late game can be a risky gamble (win by 45 minutes or get massacred by farmed enemy late-game carries), increasing the damage output of your carry by a noticeable degree while picking up valuable stats can be fairly worthwhile.
Plus, despite the fact Lina is getting the majority of kills, the main/side carries will most likely be getting enough farm to function, especially if Lina can keep the enemy team(/or at least carries) dead/out of farm for the majority of the game by wombo-comboing the enemy team then pressing R.
Shefeto | February 22, 2014 4:16am
I think getting the orchid asap is better than ags, ags is for shutting down that one hero like weaver or alchemist quickly not for being a carry, either get it first and don't carry or don't get it at all. As quick orchid will give you 25 int aka 1 mana per second and 325 mana pool, with the 150% mana regen, it gives you a flat 2.5 mana per sec and probably another 2.5 from your current int. Plus 55 damage on an int hero with a minimum 300 AS is insane dps. Alternatively you could go bloodstone but orchid is usually enough for mana but you will still need hp regen etc, forcestaff still core tho, mb before orchid since it is such an op item.
exTro#154404 (1) | December 22, 2011 8:39am
I wanted also the stats for mana and hp so don't worry. I think it's an good item and that was shown in every of my games with Pyromancer. :)
dirrwen (10) | December 8, 2011 10:22am
But her ult is SINGLE TARGET, Agha's is a terrible pickup for Lina. Sure, you get like 100 more burst on ONE TARGET, and it won't change ANYTHING.
exTro#154404 (1) | November 30, 2011 12:57pm

No dagger.

Agga as core?

no guinsoo? :o.


What do you mean with "No dagger." and "no guinsoo?" then ;).

In my opinion it's a core because the damage falls of late game and this isn't as bad. The stats it gives are very useful on her. I know what I'm talkin about. So let me build her how I like to build her. :)


The name "Carry-Lina" should say enough to your "she needs armor" comment.
Soleplayer | November 29, 2011 11:48pm
Lina needs armor... Give her a shiva's guard..
PotatisFarfar (11) | November 29, 2011 10:34am
It increases damage by 300.

Maybe luxury, but never core!

I don't even understand what you said at the end...
exTro#154404 (1) | November 29, 2011 10:25am
Are you are a troll? xD

I think it's a core because it gives you awesome stats and your ultimate gets a huge damage buff because you lose damage later on.

No Dagger and no Guinsoo how you can see. I know what I'm building ;).
PotatisFarfar (11) | November 29, 2011 9:35am
No dagger.

Agga as core?

no guinsoo? :o.
exTro#154404 (1) | November 29, 2011 9:32am
Haha dirrwen. That's fine and thanks that you said that with the HoN guide :). Yeah maybe is "carry" not the correct term but I didn't know how I should call it. So I hope this guide works in game too hehe. :)
dirrwen (10) | November 28, 2011 2:41pm

Thanks to you here dirrwen.

Okay? The guide isn't private is it? Hmm I looks now (28.11.2011 - 18:48). Oh man. Thank you. Your right... Sorry. Now it should work (28.11.2011 - 18:53). I have to do that with other guides now!

Anyways. As I started playing with this build with Pyromancer it works really good and was fed mostly times. The E is just useful for the lasthits in my opinion and I made a carry guide to be not helpless after I used my skills thats the trick here. The point is I must spam my skills before I stack my E. I don't know here also how this works in Dota 2 because I don't have a Beta Key yet :(.

Ohh I see. I thought you mean literal carry items, like MKB and daedalus. Now I realize that your "carry" lina uses a lot of mana and regen to spam skills to stack up e for more autoattacks while your spells CD. And the Pyro guide works ;D
exTro#154404 (1) | November 28, 2011 9:56am
Thanks to you here dirrwen.

Okay? The guide isn't private is it? Hmm I looks now (28.11.2011 - 18:48). Oh man. Thank you. Your right... Sorry. Now it should work (28.11.2011 - 18:53). I have to do that with other guides now!

Anyways. As I started playing with this build with Pyromancer it works really good and was fed mostly times. The E is just useful for the lasthits in my opinion and I made a carry guide to be not helpless after I used my skills thats the trick here. The point is I must spam my skills before I stack my E. I don't know here also how this works in Dota 2 because I don't have a Beta Key yet :(.
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