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6 Votes

The ultimate map killer

April 5, 2013 by DreamTheater66
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xCO2 (72) | April 7, 2013 11:11am
depparted wrote:

I think I found the main problem here:
This guy is a LoL player

"Also, Aghaim's Scepter imroves both your Ultimate, mana and intellect"
"because it will give you a better chance of getting last-hits on minions"

I know a lot of people will flame me for flaming lol players, but this is a perfect example why people shouldn't go from one game to another

Atlas and I are both players of each game, I can't speak for him, but personally I'm pretty knowledgeable in each. But I do find that players coming FROM League are a bit slower than people going TO League. Its because LoL is the trending game, so a lot of players without RTS experience join the game and don't understand the fundamentals of a strictly strategy based game, I think the new sparkly graphics puts them in the mind to thinking its the equivalent of an FPS Arena.
depparted (3) | April 7, 2013 9:24am

Let's say i used the treants at destroying a tower, but is it better than sneaking behind your enemies with a teleport and making a kill?

You win the game by getting towers, not kills
Plus, towers generate way more money for your team than kills
Yasutsuna (51) | April 7, 2013 2:49am

Yes, i agree, you can block, but it's not very easy to do it correctly, and, even if you use them at destroying towers, i think that teleporting from here to there in 20 seconds is better than force of nature.
Let's say i used the treants at destroying a tower, but is it better than sneaking behind your enemies with a teleport and making a kill?
Even if you put one point in teleport and the rest in Nature, its 50 sec cooldown won't be enough for you if you tried ganking but it doesn't turn good for you, and you are hunted. Now, of course it depends on what you think it's better for you.

Also, I made this build for fast killing/escaping, so i didn't refer to jungle. I belive that in this build you don't need force of nature so much.

The problem of teleporting is you can't gurantee he will walk there. I always did juking when there is an enemy Nature's Prophet and believe me, he can't even find me. When I played as Nature's Prophet, the enemy also did juking and I can't find him at all.

Not only that, Nature's Phophet need to rely on supports to a certain extend and they can't jump behind enemies like you can so that defeats the purpose there...
depparted (3) | April 6, 2013 4:07pm
I think I found the main problem here:
This guy is a LoL player

"Also, Aghaim's Scepter imroves both your Ultimate, mana and intellect"
"because it will give you a better chance of getting last-hits on minions"

I know a lot of people will flame me for flaming lol players, but this is a perfect example why people shouldn't go from one game to another
Mirror (22) | April 5, 2013 9:42pm
I was inactive for about 10 days, Decided to come back and look around the site. I notice some one made I guide for one of the most imba hero in competitive play. This guide reminded me why I took a break.

First: You never actually say how he is a cary. It is not stats or abilities. What makes him good is he can push every lane at once. Drop trees bot tp mid wait for more trees make them to push mid tp top rinse and repeat. This will keep lanes pushed at all times.

Second: Please do not max tree ring first. Your tree ring is countered by 225 gold. Your tree ring is only good for a short time because a tango or quelling can cut them down. Unless of course you're matchmaking is so low people do not do that.

Third: "Your ultimate is not very useful, but you can use it in case of team-fights or if you gank an enemy" you clearly have had little success with this spell. This is a game changer. If you need to stop a push you can send this through to clear out all of the opponents creeps to halt an entire push.

Fourth: "Heroes like Drow Ranger, Viper or Sniper will fit perfectly." I hate to beak it to you but these are all awful heroes. at one point I though they were over powered but as I started following competitive games I realized that all of these heros are easly countered by: good team comp, map awareness, team work, burst damage. Along with that they all need farm to be slightly effective, Why would you put two heroes that need farm in the same lane?

Fifth: "If you are with a stunner, like sniper, try taking a fast kill." Why does this statement exist?

Sixth: I would like your reason for not using the jungle. When a hero jungles it gives you a solo lane so over all your team will be a higher level. It is also easer to gank from the jungle.

Seventh: The reason good players get Basilis is for the armor bonus to the treants. If you do not get treants they what is the Basilis for? you also have little last hitting power in lane with these item.

The reason I am posting is because four player with much more skill and dedication have already pointed out flaws in your play style. We can not figure out how this is better than the build professional players use. If you have some good games vs good opponents with this build it would be appreciated if you posted them so we could see this in action.
harumage (15) | April 5, 2013 1:16pm
"Stats > treants" just made this build impossible to read further.
Atlas (117) | April 5, 2013 12:49pm
You can jungle pretty fast with trees, and you can push with trees. They definitely are useful.
xCO2 (72) | April 5, 2013 9:23am

I repeat, this isn't a jungler build. I didn't mention jungle at all, and i will not mention it.
If i wanted to make a jungle build i would name the build: Jungling with the Prophet, or something like that. Also, I don't understand what item do you refer that takes 25 mins to complete? If you are refering to Eye of Skadi , I would rather prefer that cold passive attack which slows down enemies, rather than Shadow Blade The eye gives you hp, mana and a bonus to all attributes, which means more hp, mana and damage.
I usually complete the item in maximum 15 minutes, nowhere near 25-30 mins.

Now you're just lying through your teeth, 20 minutes is considered a good time for a Radiance, which is a relatively cheaper item. 6 minutes is a good time for a Hand of Midas, a 1900 gold items. Unless you're playing bots that run into lane give you a kill respawn and run back for seconds, I can guarantee you're not going to acquire an Eye of Skadi in that time.

He also never says anything about your guide talking about the jungle, he explains within literally the first sentence that he should not be a safe laner. Which means that he's obviously telling you that you should be jungling, and then he proceeds to tell you how you should skill while you're in the jungle.

When you're going to comment on someone's criticism to your guide I suggest you thoroughly read it before responding next time.

Inb4: If this is a guide you developed from playing against bots then you need to archive the guide and play against actual players before writing a guide.
depparted (3) | April 5, 2013 9:12am
Nature's Call a bad skill? Are you ****ting me?
Maxing sprout at level 7? What world are you living in dude?
Please get out of lower MM brackets before making a guide, ty
DreamTheater66 | April 5, 2013 9:05am

Nature's Prophet is not a carry, he's a ganker: he can work as a side carry in many occasions, but putting him in the safe lane is just a waste in my opinion. He can work well as a solo laner though, but you need Nature's Call for pushing so that you can jungle when the enemies are busy defending the tower and then come back with Teleportation if they're too close to your one.

So, instead of building an item that takes ~25-35 minutes to complete and doesn't give many benefits for NP's playing style (for example, silence and raw damage are better for your autoattacks while escape items are better for split pushing) try to go for either a Shadow Blade or an Orchid Malevolence: the first one will make split pushing incredibly easy, the second one (which I see you listed as situational) will give you much more ganking capabilities. The Maelstrom is viable too, but it belongs to an outdated build.

Also, no offence but your skill build is the exact opposite of what competitive players do: maxing out Nature's Call is the best way to go if you want to push and jungle, then reducing the cooldown of Teleportation is your next priority. Sprout is usually taken at level 4-23-24-25 because 3 seconds are more than enough to kill an enemy: in the late game you will need stats to get some more strength and 2.25 more seconds of Sprout usually don't make the difference in teamfights because you will either kill the enemy in 2-3 seconds or he will escape anyway.

And also, Nature's Prophet is not underrated at all. A very underrated Hero is Treant Protector: you can put him against a trilane and as long as he has his Living Armor up and running he will be impossible to kill in the first levels.

I repeat, this isn't a jungler build. I didn't mention jungle at all, and i will not mention it.
If i wanted to make a jungle build i would name the build: Jungling with the Prophet, or something like that. Also, I don't understand what item do you refer that takes 25 mins to complete? If you are refering to Eye of Skadi , I would rather prefer that cold passive attack which slows down enemies, rather than Shadow Blade The eye gives you hp, mana and a bonus to all attributes, which means more hp, mana and damage.
I usually complete the item in maximum 15 minutes, nowhere near 25-30 mins.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 5, 2013 8:18am
Nature's Prophet is not a carry, he's a ganker: he can work as a side carry in many occasions, but putting him in the safe lane is just a waste in my opinion. He can work well as a solo laner though, but you need Nature's Call for pushing so that you can jungle when the enemies are busy defending the tower and then come back with Teleportation if they're too close to your one.

So, instead of building an item that takes ~25-35 minutes to complete and doesn't give many benefits for NP's playing style (for example, silence and raw damage are better for your autoattacks while escape items are better for split pushing) try to go for either a Shadow Blade or an Orchid Malevolence: the first one will make split pushing incredibly easy, the second one (which I see you listed as situational) will give you much more ganking capabilities. The Maelstrom is viable too, but it belongs to an outdated build.

Also, no offence but your skill build is the exact opposite of what competitive players do: maxing out Nature's Call is the best way to go if you want to push and jungle, then reducing the cooldown of Teleportation is your next priority. Sprout is usually taken at level 4-23-24-25 because 3 seconds are more than enough to kill an enemy: in the late game you will need stats to get some more strength and 2.25 more seconds of Sprout usually don't make the difference in teamfights because you will either kill the enemy in 2-3 seconds or he will escape anyway.

And also, Nature's Prophet is not underrated at all. A very underrated Hero is Treant Protector: you can put him against a trilane and as long as he has his Living Armor up and running he will be impossible to kill in the first levels.
TFBeyod | April 5, 2013 8:00am
The treants simply have far too much utility to be ignored, being able to split push without even being there is a gamechanger. To say nothing of jungling, Roshan, scouting...

Also, could really benefit from a mention of desolator. For someone so heavily dependant on not-particularly-quick autoattack, deso is a massive improvement.
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