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Mechanics of a DC'd hero

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Forum » General Discussion » Mechanics of a DC'd hero 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LarpingCthulhu » March 25, 2013 8:13am | Report
I recently played a game where one of my teammates disconnected about halfway through the match. I know that once a player disconnects their hero is then controllable by other members of the team (akin to the courier). What I am not familiar with is how the mechanics of gold work for a disconnected hero. One of the members of my team was saying something about having the DC'd hero "farm the jungle for us". We also used the dc'd hero to help defend our T3 towers and push waves when we were trying to team fight at the enemy base or split push.

So, I have the following questions:

1. If a disconnected hero acquires gold (creeps, tower kills, participating in team fights, etc), where does it go? Does it stay on the hero? Is it divided amongst the rest of the team?

2. Can another player take and use the items on a disconnected hero or are they "soulbound" (for lack of a better word) to that specific hero?

3. Can any/all of the items on the disconnected hero be sold? Usually there are restrictions on who can sell what items, do they still apply in the case of a disconnected hero? Tying in to question #1, where does the gold from sold items go?

4. If the disconnected hero dies to creeps does the enemy team get gold or xp? (I actually dont know how this applies to a regular hero either -- e.g. a jungler getting killed by neutrals) Is it similar to when creeps kill a tower and the gold is split amongst the team?

5. If the disconnected hero dies in a team fight do they grant xp? I assume that they do grant gold just as if you killed a courier or a minion. Is the amount of gold awarded for killing a disconnected hero the same as if the player was still connected?

I have seen videos, guides, etc on how gold works (reliable vs unreliable, how kill gold is calculated, buybacks, etc) and would love any links to guides or detailed explanations on these types of questions. I checked the dota 2 wiki but didnt see anything.



Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » March 25, 2013 8:18am | Report
1. The gold of the disconnected player is split to the teammates.

2. I believe you can use the items after the player abandoned the game, or you can just sell the item and the team receives the gold.

3. You can sell all the items after the player abandoned, the gold received is split to the teammates.

4. If the disconnected hero is killed by the creeps, I believe the enemy team received some gold, not much though.

5. Yeah, doesn't matter what level the hero is or if it's disconnected or not, it will still grant XP and gold.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LarpingCthulhu » March 25, 2013 9:54am | Report
Great! Thanks for the response. I also posed the same questions to the Dota 2 Reddit community and got pretty much the same answers:


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