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7 Votes

Tidehunter support

December 10, 2011 by eyveer
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Jigglypuff | May 30, 2012 11:41am

What he is talking about is how Tidehunter's Ravage, which is the main reason people get Blink Dagger on him, has enough range to land 100% without focusing on going for Blink Dagger as a core item. Core means that 99% of the time, those are your items. For a tide, it's more about his Observer Wards, Urn of Shadows, Magic Wand and maybe a Bottle. Blink Dagger is optional, it's only when you are not getting off Ravage on at least 3 enemies or somehow being focused down without getting a good ultimate down.

You don't get it because its hard to land you get it for the element of suprise.
HamSandwich (34) | December 18, 2011 2:06pm
If you only catch 3 enemies with your ulti, then you shouldn't be playing tidehunter.
eyveer | December 16, 2011 4:27pm
HamSandwich wrote:
Blink isn't core on tidehunter.

There are many ways to play every hero, play what you like. Without dagger sure you can catch 3 enemies with ult, but you cant initiate so easily.

dirrwen wrote:
This guide is pretty freakin small, so ill -1 for now. If you ever feel like making an actual guide I'll read through it

i am not a writer nor pr0player, just added guide because there wasnt any for tidehunter. No, i am not going to make any longer guid, sorry for that :)
ixFusion (8) | December 12, 2011 1:26pm
Core = Something a hero needs to function. Luxury = Something a hero needs to improve their functions. Blink Dagger is used to improve the instigating of your ultimate which might be very important, but it doesn't mean you need it to do well with Tide. I personally get it whenever my team has very little instigators and need me to start off the team fight stunning them all while they get into position and clean up my mess.
HamSandwich (34) | December 12, 2011 10:52am
Blink is a good luxury item on Tidehunter, but is by no means 'core'.
mcus (2) | December 12, 2011 1:15am
Hehe, I'd say the dagger is core too, it's for the same reasons that earthshaker and sand king need it, to get in, do max aoe with their ult and then do their best to focus the carry. If anything I think it's even more vital on tidehunter because he's a tank!
Atlas (117) | December 11, 2011 5:31pm
I'm on the side of dagger. Every tournament I see with tide, they get a dagger when they can. Sometimes they rush it, sometimes it's last in their core. But still, it allows you to get in there fast, and get maximum effect with your ult.

I also just noticed you have blink dagger as core in your Tide guide, Love.
kumquat (15) | December 11, 2011 5:08pm

Typically they are buying wards, magic wand, sometimes a bottle, urn, basic boots/treads, etc. and they aren't sitting around in a lane last hitting. It's kind of hard to rush a 2150 gold item when you're roaming around the map. If you get the money, sure. All I am debating here is Core.

Show me a tournament match where a Tide has Arcane Boots and Blink Dagger without anything else.

Well, the game that navi just lost, the tidehunter on the other team didn't even go arcane boots.
LuvLes (32) | December 11, 2011 4:50pm

Yeah that's why in the tournaments everytime someone picks tide hunter, they rush blink dagger. They must be so terrible, opting for the one item that makes your job 10x easier.
Typically they are buying wards, magic wand, sometimes a bottle, urn, basic boots/treads, etc. and they aren't sitting around in a lane last hitting. It's kind of hard to rush a 2150 gold item when you're roaming around the map. If you get the money, sure. All I am debating here is Core.

Show me a tournament match where a Tide has Arcane Boots and Blink Dagger without anything else.
kumquat (15) | December 11, 2011 4:24pm

It's hard to miss unless you're bad.

Yeah that's why in the tournaments everytime someone picks tide hunter, they rush blink dagger. They must be so terrible, opting for the one item that makes your job 10x easier.
LuvLes (32) | December 11, 2011 3:08pm

Yeah it's easy to land if your enemies are terrible.

It's hard to miss unless you're bad.
kumquat (15) | December 11, 2011 3:07pm

What he is talking about is how Tidehunter's Ravage, which is the main reason people get Blink Dagger on him, has enough range to land 100% without focusing on going for Blink Dagger as a core item. Core means that 99% of the time, those are your items. For a tide, it's more about his Observer Wards, Urn of Shadows, Magic Wand and maybe a Bottle. Blink Dagger is optional, it's only when you are not getting off Ravage on at least 3 enemies or somehow being focused down without getting a good ultimate down.

Yeah it's easy to land if your enemies are terrible.
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