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52 Votes

Io, the Guardian Wisp

January 18, 2013 by Sarcy
Comments: 52    |    Views: 473214    |   

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Da Boss TM | January 2, 2017 6:57am
Nice guide with excellent content. Really hard to come by such nice guides.
Newbie Gamer | November 23, 2015 4:10am
I usually go Tether my teams carry then on my overcharge stay back and use urn for my teams carry so that the teams carry will not die and I usually go on halberd after urn
noggertz (1) | November 6, 2013 11:26pm
Good guide!
samukobo (28) | October 24, 2013 4:52am
Riki shouldn't be in the "not good lane". Professional games should prove this.
Kendriick | October 24, 2013 4:19am
Good guide.
I'm not much of a Io player but I wanna train this hero.
I see you didn't put ck as "good lane" while it's one of the most effective Io combo.
porygon361 (46) | October 16, 2013 3:31am

im new at dota but why do you need a ward?

Wards give vision, so you can spot your enemies movements in that area without being there. Useful when you want to soak up experience from a lane and want to avoid ganks.
masterchief714 | October 16, 2013 2:48am
im new at dota but why do you need a ward?
Daniel S | August 19, 2013 10:58am
[deleted] wrote:

Just a question, Is there any specific reason why Anti-Mage and Io / Wisp don't work well together?

There are a few, one is that Anti-Mage can't get early kills, he's too late game and doesn't pack that punch that wisp gets from heroes like Huskar / Io randomly appearing at 6 and making 2 v 4s in lane. Another is that early his blink is almost always used as an escape and maxed late unless flash farming (doesn't want ganks) or playing hyper-defensively (doesn't want ganks). So as opposed to an initiation hero like Chaos Knight, you don't get the tether stun from them instantly being there often.

Two qualms with the guide I feel were left out:

It should be noted is that CK and Tiny are amazing, if not hands down the best wisp lane combos, and are flat out overpowered like CM Juggernaut can be. Tiny can throw Io for guaranteed tether stuns and CK can tether stun with reality rift giving super amazing reliable lock-down that Io doesn't otherwise have, and they are both beastly mid-game gankers that take immense advantage of relocate.

Also Heaven's Halberd is an amazing pick up on wisp. It's an affordable strength boost you can build in parts that gives more lock down with maim and then counters almost every carry in game for 4 seconds once completed. The evasion is nice, too, and is a better damage block than vanguard. Even if you build -just- Sange, it offers more HP than vanguard, a slow % that takes advantage of your right click speed boost, and more damage at the expense of damage block.

Still a good guide and +1'd.
InvaderZi | February 15, 2013 5:38pm
Nice guide, but i really think that bottle is situacional
Danneskjold | February 12, 2013 11:18am
Why no soul ring?
harryxaxa | January 22, 2013 2:02am
Great guide! I love playing Wisp. +1
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