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Everything you need to know about Cleaving

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Everything you need to know about Cleaving 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Rigul » November 25, 2012 11:17am | Report
I just made a new video that explains all the mechanics of Cleaving. Enjoy!
Please check out my Youtube channel, subscribe, and like my videos! I'd like to turn pro one day but I need a following first >_<


Posts: 16
Steam: Rigul484
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Rigul » November 26, 2012 6:26am | Report
I decided to post some quick notes about the video here. Basically what I did is go through all the mechanics of cleaving with actual examples to back up all my findings. Please check out the video and I will continue to make them, and feel free to message me with feedback or ideas for new videos.

So basically regarding cleaves:

-All cleaves stack (most know this already). So 3 Battle Furies or more, or some other combo above 100% does more cleave damage than it does base damage.

-Cleaves go through armor. The tool tip tells us this, but it doesn't specify what that means. What I used to think it meant (as I'm sure most everyone does) is you hit Target A and you cleave for X percent of the damage done to Target A. Turns out this isn't the case. The actual cleave damage is based on the attack power of the initial hit, not the damage done to the initial target.

-Getting cleaved doesn't activate most passives as most passives require direct hits to be activated.

-You can use Quelling Blade with cleaves to increase damage on heroes

I go into much more detail in the video, so please check it out and like my channel!
Please check out my Youtube channel, subscribe, and like my videos! I'd like to turn pro one day but I need a following first >_<


Posts: 16
Steam: Rigul484
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fuzzgun91 » November 28, 2012 4:32pm | Report
This is ****ing awesome. I'm going to have my friend farm up some B Furys on Sven in a real game :)


Notable (2)
Posts: 15
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Poetastrophe » December 3, 2012 6:06am | Report
Awesome video :) Subbed to see what you will make.
I think you would be a lot more popular if you made your content more "aesthetic", maybe used a mic instead of all the walls of text.
But anyways, awesome video, very beneficial and informational :)


Notable (4)
Posts: 55
Steam: Poetastrophe
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Rigul » December 3, 2012 12:09pm | Report
I'll have to do that. I just made the videos with text instead of talk since I myself don't always have the volume on. But again, it's about the viewer, not what I like =p

Any ideas for more content? I've got some stuff explaining some odd stuff with Axe but I'd rather do stuff people are asking about.
Please check out my Youtube channel, subscribe, and like my videos! I'd like to turn pro one day but I need a following first >_<


Posts: 16
Steam: Rigul484

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