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Good player? Bad Player?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Good player? Bad Player? 15 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Pu12e » October 19, 2012 11:27am | Report
First off: Captain Plant you are awesome + 1 rep given. You write so much. Where do you find the time to create such great scenarios? Anyways in scenario 1: I think invoker is fine as long as he doesn’t feed but I do think he should help his team if they can’t hold down towers. But it sounds like his team is bad because they are feeding. There is no reason anyone should die defending a tower as a team of 4, although people do die due to bad picks.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Captain Planet » October 19, 2012 11:33am | Report
Well in referance to scenario one, they have no choice. The opponents team has a Towerdiving one, the 4v5 scenario is that they keep pushing and they are unable to defend. their records are in the range of 2-5 fora 25 min match, but only due to the fact that they cannot hold their own in a team fight compared to the opponents. This early in the game Tides and Enigma ults nearly kill the 4 of these heros. Thus in order to not feed they have had to give up towers, it gets to a point where they can not even hope to put up a decent team fight, especially 4v5.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » October 19, 2012 11:38am | Report
Well, this is a normal pub game, this happens very often, a carry sits and farms all game, ignoring his teammates, then loses the game and calls every one else noobs.

That is a bad player, of course, he's losing the game, when he could easily win, and farm even better, because with his team together, he could get more kills, more creeps and even more towers.

Of course, you can't do anything about this, most players are selfish and ignorant, the best way to avoid these situations if to play with 4 other players as a five man team.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Captain Planet » October 19, 2012 12:32pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Well, this is a normal pub game, this happens very often, a carry sits and farms all game, ignoring his teammates, then loses the game and calls every one else noobs.

That is a bad player, of course, he's losing the game, when he could easily win, and farm even better, because with his team together, he could get more kills, more creeps and even more towers.

Of course, you can't do anything about this, most players are selfish and ignorant, the best way to avoid these situations if to play with 4 other players as a five man team.

I know that pubs will be like this and there will always be people like this, but we, the players who have the ability to make a differance, the players who grasp what playing as a team is, that courtesy, respect, teaching, and learning can improve the Dota 2 Player community. If we at least try and get through to at least 1 person, then that is 1 better person that is in that player pool to match with. Of course there will be irrational players, obnoxious people, and overall poor competence, but there are far more better people who can come together and understand, it just takes some reaching out to them to achieve this. My goal is to change that "most players are selfish and ignorant" into "most players have a degree of integrity that makes playing worthwhile" The crusade to subdue ignorance, just like in the real world, never ends.

And btw hades you are absolutely correct with why the invoker was a bad player, It does not matter what Role or position this player plays, invoker was only added to show that he had the ABILITY to prevent their team from pushing if he would have just participated in the defense. One thing I say to try to get those afk farmers to help is that, no matter how farmed they get they won't solo their team. 9-10 I prove my point when late game comes around and they get rolled.

Captain Planet

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Pu12e » October 19, 2012 3:13pm | Report

I know that pubs will be like this and there will always be people like this, but we, the players who have the ability to make a differance, the players who grasp what playing as a team is, that courtesy, respect, teaching, and learning can improve the Dota 2 Player community. If we at least try and get through to at least 1 person, then that is 1 better person that is in that player pool to match with. Of course there will be irrational players, obnoxious people, and overall poor competence, but there are far more better people who can come together and understand, it just takes some reaching out to them to achieve this. My goal is to change that "most players are selfish and ignorant" into "most players have a degree of integrity that makes playing worthwhile" The crusade to subdue ignorance, just like in the real world, never ends.

And btw hades you are absolutely correct with why the invoker was a bad player, It does not matter what Role or position this player plays, invoker was only added to show that he had the ABILITY to prevent their team from pushing if he would have just participated in the defense. One thing I say to try to get those afk farmers to help is that, no matter how farmed they get they won't solo their team. 9-10 I prove my point when late game comes around and they get rolled.

This is not 100% true in my opinion. I really enjoy the afk farming magebane that ends up carrying the game after we lose our first Rax. If he can't do that in the end then I think he should help his team but up a fight before that. :)


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