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2 Votes

Tinker - Unstoppable like a Bulldozer

October 2, 2012 by xTimekeepeRx
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Glayde (13) | October 4, 2012 10:58pm
I actually like this build, it's unique. Some things I noticed:

- I like keeping rearm at level 2. Te mana cost is manageable, and the rearm time isn't bad either, espicially if you pick up a force staff/blink dagger.

- Get his missiles after you maxed your other spells, not after stats :P

- sheepstick > Shiva's in terms of importance, IMO. Both items are great on tinker though.

- like what hades said, add the level 1 ancients video. It's pretty cool.

- don't really like your starting build, i'd prefer 1 salve, 1 tango, and 2-3 branches.
SuperNova (16) | October 4, 2012 8:53am
xTimekeepeRx wrote:

You're definitely doing it wrong. I'd love to play against you, cuz from what you said, you'd actually stand in a march and try farming :)

not sure what you're trying to imply from that statement, they dont need to stand in the march to farm they will wait for the creeps to come to their tower and farm under it. if you relentlessy spam it they will sit within exp range and cannot be harmed sicne this guides disregards all nukes. i havent tried this and dont need to, to know that this is B.S
xTimekeepeRx | October 3, 2012 9:55pm
SuperNova wrote:

what is this b.s, by pushing the lane you are giving the enemy more creeps to farm.

You're definitely doing it wrong. I'd love to play against you, cuz from what you said, you'd actually stand in a march and try farming :)
SuperNova (16) | October 3, 2012 5:42am
what is this b.s, by pushing the lane you are giving the enemy more creeps to farm.
jaslam (21) | October 3, 2012 3:19am
Rearm is kept at level 1 because the mana cost is perfect with soul ring meaning more mana for your other skills.

funny - you don't level your other skills :)

March of the machines is a great early skill build - and I think is now the preferred tinker build anyway - but you still level laser and missles - just which ever you prefer.

I play a rubbish tinker - so don't even bring me into this **** - but I know enough about dota to say you need to level missle..
Hades4u (296) | October 3, 2012 3:01am
You could consider adding a Force Staff or a Blink Dagger.

Besides that, pretty good guide, +1.

Also, consider adding the level 1 ancients method?
xTimekeepeRx | October 3, 2012 12:17am
No need for that, from your recent tinker plays, I can tell you're a scrub. - 331 GPM - 255 GPM - 226 GPM

Actually it is kinda hard to obtain some low GPM with tinker, can you give some tips?
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