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30 Votes

Manatikik's Guide to Dragon Knight

February 25, 2012 by Manatikik
Comments: 18    |    Views: 182011    |   

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The amazing A.K.A stupid | August 5, 2014 7:45pm
is this right but I always get vanguard on DK early on instead of a helm of iron will because the extra regen and health helps alot in my opinion and the damage block is extremely useful. I usually get this so that I can farm in lanes and in the jungle while beig present on team fights with high or full health due to dragons blood + vanguard. In my opinion I think getting helm of dominator early on is a bit useless because you already have amazing regen and your attackspeed and rightclick in early and semi mid game is horrible.
This is just my opinion and im no pro so yeah if this is wrong
I willstop doing it :) ty
Cataclysm2146 (3) | June 21, 2014 7:31pm
12 13 and 14 should be Dragon Tail, not Dragon Blood.
cROSF1Re (1) | April 23, 2013 7:18am
+1 on this guide. Though i have a few concerns about the skill build. Around 2 years ago (when i didnt even know about DotaFire) i used to go by this skill build as DK. But after I started getting Breathe Fire over Dragon Blood last hitting creeps, ganking and securing kills got much easier and money starting flowing like crazy. So remember that Dk needs much GOLD and Farm so securing kills early game will definitely increase your presence in the MID and LATE games. and P.S add SOUL RING TO THE CORE AND UPDATE IT PLEASE. TNX :D
Leo Bahmed | April 19, 2013 6:51am
Good guide bro! +1 !
I would just add the soul ring just like other people said. Low cost and the mana regen as life regen are very good.

How do you guys feel about vanguard or hood of defience on DK? Does it work well or just no necessary? Thanks!
Berkxz | March 9, 2013 11:06pm
Manatikik wrote:

If you want demonstrations this is a video of me playing around with DK:

There are 2 types of builds in Knight Davion, the pure tanker and semi carry and a hard carry/ tanker in late game. These 2 types of build will be depending on your allied heroes and skills and opponent's heroes and skills. Remember this, there is no definite build in every hero in this game. Item build must be bought depnding on the opponent's strategies/ heroes and skills and also your team's strategies heroes and skills.
Manatikik (1) | February 18, 2013 10:19am
Berkxz wrote:

reading guides without proper justifications, explanations and demonstrations is not advisable for readers. Copying item builds, skill builds without knowing its purpose, advantages and disadvantages will surely ruin your game.

If you want demonstrations this is a video of me playing around with DK:
Berkxz | February 14, 2013 9:23pm
reading guides without proper justifications, explanations and demonstrations is not advisable for readers. Copying item builds, skill builds without knowing its purpose, advantages and disadvantages will surely ruin your game.
Case | January 1, 2013 11:57am
Hey bro, you can't get 7 ranks in passive. Levels 12-14 need to be moved to stun or stats.
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