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I keep playing Visage and really enjoying it. Indeed a very interesting hero, if not the most. He is also the most team-reliant for sure. Wrong team or partner will lead you to slow leveling and defeat at the end. The best part if that he is THE BEST support hero ever. I'd say, he is pure support. Soloing with Visage is a complete suicide - you'll just feed the enemy. But man, how good he is with a proper partner!
As for item build, I use slightly different items. Scepter is good, but it's a later game and hard to get without proper team/partner. So I stick to mana boots, mechanism, maybe another boots for speed and regen, Urn of Something, which collect healing charges (VERY useful during team fights, especially, when you provide support) and something else for mana regen. I'm thinking of adding something for faster attack, since Visage is SUPER slow.
I played Visage a bit and must say it's a very interesting hero. However, he depends a lot on teammates and how good your opponents aware about Visage abilities. You always must have a melee partner. In this case you'll become a super support. I always have the biggest Assists number in the stats, usually twice more, than the others.
As for familiars, I use them occasionally. They're good at the beginning for killing creeps fast and get a lot of money. But in the mid game I find them messy. Controlling Visage and familiars at the same time is pretty hard, and opponents kill them fast. So I use familiars right when they become available and in later game, when everyone is built and fights become more organized.
You'll find that players will target the Familiars immediately as they know the stuns and the damage output of the Familiars can be devastating. Since the Familiars are capable of flying over all terrain, try making use of the forest areas to place your stuns. The stun AOE is quite large so it won't miss if you drop it in the forest area close by enemy heroes. Visage is quite like Io therefore I do agree with the statement you made saying he is very team reliant. However he is incredibly fun to play and can literally turn the tide of team fights.
I played Visage a bit and must say it's a very interesting hero. However, he depends a lot on teammates and how good your opponents aware about Visage abilities. You always must have a melee partner. In this case you'll become a super support. I always have the biggest Assists number in the stats, usually twice more, than the others.
As for familiars, I use them occasionally. They're good at the beginning for killing creeps fast and get a lot of money. But in the mid game I find them messy. Controlling Visage and familiars at the same time is pretty hard, and opponents kill them fast. So I use familiars right when they become available and in later game, when everyone is built and fights become more organized.
One of the hardest heroes for me to play :/ helped me out tho.
Visage isn't a hard hero to play as most players will say. He just requires minimal micro skills. This hero is perfect for players who wish to improve their micro skills with other heroes such as Brewmaster and Chen.
Good guide, I like Urn and Mek on him since hes already a tanky beast, also I usually go Tranquil boots on him. This guide is still good nonetheless.
I do agree with the Urn of Shadows idea however in most games that I've been in as Visage, other players have picked up Urn. However I'll add this to my Supportive build shortly.
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As for item build, I use slightly different items. Scepter is good, but it's a later game and hard to get without proper team/partner. So I stick to mana boots, mechanism, maybe another boots for speed and regen, Urn of Something, which collect healing charges (VERY useful during team fights, especially, when you provide support) and something else for mana regen. I'm thinking of adding something for faster attack, since Visage is SUPER slow.
Keep up the good work :) +1
Glad you liked it :) Thanks!
I played Visage a bit and must say it's a very interesting hero. However, he depends a lot on teammates and how good your opponents aware about Visage abilities. You always must have a melee partner. In this case you'll become a super support. I always have the biggest Assists number in the stats, usually twice more, than the others.
As for familiars, I use them occasionally. They're good at the beginning for killing creeps fast and get a lot of money. But in the mid game I find them messy. Controlling Visage and familiars at the same time is pretty hard, and opponents kill them fast. So I use familiars right when they become available and in later game, when everyone is built and fights become more organized.
You'll find that players will target the Familiars immediately as they know the stuns and the damage output of the Familiars can be devastating. Since the Familiars are capable of flying over all terrain, try making use of the forest areas to place your stuns. The stun AOE is quite large so it won't miss if you drop it in the forest area close by enemy heroes.
As for familiars, I use them occasionally. They're good at the beginning for killing creeps fast and get a lot of money. But in the mid game I find them messy. Controlling Visage and familiars at the same time is pretty hard, and opponents kill them fast. So I use familiars right when they become available and in later game, when everyone is built and fights become more organized.
Nice guide, very helpfull :) keep up the good work!!
Glad you found it helpful ^_^
One of the hardest heroes for me to play :/ helped me out tho.
Good guide, I like Urn and Mek on him since hes already a tanky beast, also I usually go Tranquil boots on him. This guide is still good nonetheless.
I do agree with the