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Stagnant meta

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Forum » General Discussion » Stagnant meta 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by DjSegovia » October 20, 2024 4:07am | Report
Instead of having a meta where players consistently use the same powerful heroes, my idea is to have an AI adjust the strength or power of every skill monthly. This wouldn't necessarily change the skills but would adjust the damage or strength of each hero. By doing this, every hero would get a chance to be used, preventing a stagnant meta in Dota 2. The AI would analyze the games played and buff weaker heroes while adjusting stronger heroes—not necessarily nerfing them, but ensuring a balanced and dynamic meta. Consider changing or removing fixed roles and let the AI adjust them dynamically. The AI could ensure supports remain useful in the late game and cores aren't too weak early on, making the laning phase more engaging. This would help maintain balance and excitement throughout the game.

1. **Dynamic Terrain**: Introduce destructible and evolving terrain that changes during the game, adding another strategic layer.
2. **Skill Synergy Systems**: Enable a system where certain heroes’ abilities can combine in unique ways for synergistic effects.
3. **Hero Progression System**: Implement a persistent hero progression system that allows players to earn and upgrade specific hero talents over time (cosmetic or skill variations).
4. **AI Training Mode**: Provide a mode where players can train AI bots to develop and refine new strategies or tactics.
5. **Community Vote Balancing**: Let the community vote on minor balance changes, making them part of the decision-making process.


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