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22 Votes

Tanking through your Nightmares. Spectre

August 18, 2012 by ixFusion
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michimatsch (26) | March 18, 2016 8:12am
Is it becoming a trend of necroing old guides?
Srsly! Maybe I should ask hades to ask the devs to get a disclaimer that shows that the guide is older than a year.
AdyTh3BOSS | March 18, 2016 4:58am
obithepirate wrote:

Not a fan of this style of seem to think that building her as a pure tank is a better idea...however i disagree...spectre is a hard should not be worried about ***its or kills at all early game you should be focused purely on farm...spectres tankyness comes from her innate strength and agi gain (agi grants armor as well boys and girls) and her dispersion passive. I absolutely love radiance on spectre, but sometimes its just not an option if you dont quite have that farm to get it fast enough (this shouldn't be the fault of ur last hitting...if you cant do that just don't play spectre, it will more likely be caused by continuous ganks on spectre)

I agree with getting the vanguard makes you very tanky early on and you only get tankier as the game progresses....after vanguard you should decided on either radiance or diffusal depending on how your farm is going...if you can have radiance before the 22 minute mark then by all means get it, you usually want to follow this up immediately with a heart. Othewise dont waste your time get a helps with survivability (purge) and slowing down enemies...adds a ridiculous amount of dps and a good bit of armor along with an increase in mana pool. After this i prefer to get a yasha. Then either build a manata or butterfly depending on how fast i start gaining money after that. Note that with a vanguard, diffusal and is incredibly easy to carry in the mid game.

Some tips for fast radiance farming...consider getting tranquil boots..if you find your farm is going well buy the relic...if its not split them up into treads and a vlads...and farm jungle! then go the Diffusal route.

Some useless items listed here...daedalus.. Spectre doesn't need crits....she can 1 v 1 any hero without them easy, her desolate ignores armor and gives her 50 bonus dmage...stacking agi makes her illusions do crazy dps...and with an ulti and manta, you'll be fighting 3 tanky illusiioins along with the tankiest hero in the game who is reflecting alot of ur damage on you...spectre owns 1 v 1 no need for crits at all. as far as team fights go...she is one of the few heros in the game who could possibly 1 v 5 an entire team...or at the very least nearly 1 v 5 the entire team... with a maxed item set.

Final note you mentioned that a good spectre should have more ***its than kills...false! A good Spectre will have most of the kills because if the game ever does go to 50 minutes and everyone has equally good farm...i gurantee the team with the spectre wins hands down. So you want your spectre as farmed as possible...a good team will ensure spectre gets easy kills...and a good spectre will use his ult to gank whenever one is available and immediately tp back to safety and continue farming. Its just how spec is played...late game you take all the focus because if they dont kill you you will kill them!

Oh and blademail to me is very very situational on fact i would never get it unless i was vs a mortred or svenc...and even then if they have bkb (and they most definately should) its pretty useless
AdyTh3BOSS | March 18, 2016 4:25am
obithepirate wrote:

Not a fan of this style of seem to think that building her as a pure tank is a better idea...however i disagree...spectre is a hard should not be worried about ***its or kills at all early game you should be focused purely on farm...spectres tankyness comes from her innate strength and agi gain (agi grants armor as well boys and girls) and her dispersion passive. I absolutely love radiance on spectre, but sometimes its just not an option if you dont quite have that farm to get it fast enough (this shouldn't be the fault of ur last hitting...if you cant do that just don't play spectre, it will more likely be caused by continuous ganks on spectre)

I agree with getting the vanguard makes you very tanky early on and you only get tankier as the game progresses....after vanguard you should decided on either radiance or diffusal depending on how your farm is going...if you can have radiance before the 22 minute mark then by all means get it, you usually want to follow this up immediately with a heart. Othewise dont waste your time get a helps with survivability (purge) and slowing down enemies...adds a ridiculous amount of dps and a good bit of armor along with an increase in mana pool. After this i prefer to get a yasha. Then either build a manata or butterfly depending on how fast i start gaining money after that. Note that with a vanguard, diffusal and is incredibly easy to carry in the mid game.

Some tips for fast radiance farming...consider getting tranquil boots..if you find your farm is going well buy the relic...if its not split them up into treads and a vlads...and farm jungle! then go the Diffusal route.

Some useless items listed here...daedalus.. Spectre doesn't need crits....she can 1 v 1 any hero without them easy, her desolate ignores armor and gives her 50 bonus dmage...stacking agi makes her illusions do crazy dps...and with an ulti and manta, you'll be fighting 3 tanky illusiioins along with the tankiest hero in the game who is reflecting alot of ur damage on you...spectre owns 1 v 1 no need for crits at all. as far as team fights go...she is one of the few heros in the game who could possibly 1 v 5 an entire team...or at the very least nearly 1 v 5 the entire team... with a maxed item set.

Final note you mentioned that a good spectre should have more ***its than kills...false! A good Spectre will have most of the kills because if the game ever does go to 50 minutes and everyone has equally good farm...i gurantee the team with the spectre wins hands down. So you want your spectre as farmed as possible...a good team will ensure spectre gets easy kills...and a good spectre will use his ult to gank whenever one is available and immediately tp back to safety and continue farming. Its just how spec is played...late game you take all the focus because if they dont kill you you will kill them!

Oh and blademail to me is very very situational on fact i would never get it unless i was vs a mortred or svenc...and even then if they have bkb (and they most definately should) its pretty useless

I like this, just 1 thing. I won't rush a heart rather attack speed with Yasha as well as movement speed then get a tanky item. Skadi is also a good choice for her.
AdyTh3BOSS | March 18, 2016 4:16am
Well, Vanguard is good on spectre but you should only get it if you being targeted and taking a lot of damage then get your radiance, don't worry about taking damage from creeps because of vanguards. If you get to 30 mins and you don't have your relic you should leave Radiance and build diffusal then manta which is core on spectre, if you 1v1 they will die easily and even in a team. I hardly go for the heart i prefer skadi but I get my butterfly before that. If you get really good farm you can also go for octarine core which is super awesome on spectre.
CriticalState | February 15, 2015 11:16pm
Vanguard Can Delay a lot of time...when your going to Radiance Build up....if you cant get Sacred Relic 12-17 minutes...dnt continue...
xCO2 (72) | February 20, 2013 8:29am
obithepirate wrote:

Spectre does most her damage through Dispersion, being tanky is what makes her the hard carry she is, she's not the standard terms of a hard carry, other-wise she'd be considered a semi-carry.

To clarify, by saying that a good Spectre will have more assists then kills, he means that you will be in every fight in the game through your ultimate. Ideally you will be part of a fight across the map with out even having to swap with your illusion if you have a Radiance early game.
obithepirate | February 20, 2013 8:09am
Not a fan of this style of seem to think that building her as a pure tank is a better idea...however i disagree...spectre is a hard should not be worried about ***its or kills at all early game you should be focused purely on farm...spectres tankyness comes from her innate strength and agi gain (agi grants armor as well boys and girls) and her dispersion passive. I absolutely love radiance on spectre, but sometimes its just not an option if you dont quite have that farm to get it fast enough (this shouldn't be the fault of ur last hitting...if you cant do that just don't play spectre, it will more likely be caused by continuous ganks on spectre)

I agree with getting the vanguard makes you very tanky early on and you only get tankier as the game progresses....after vanguard you should decided on either radiance or diffusal depending on how your farm is going...if you can have radiance before the 22 minute mark then by all means get it, you usually want to follow this up immediately with a heart. Othewise dont waste your time get a helps with survivability (purge) and slowing down enemies...adds a ridiculous amount of dps and a good bit of armor along with an increase in mana pool. After this i prefer to get a yasha. Then either build a manata or butterfly depending on how fast i start gaining money after that. Note that with a vanguard, diffusal and is incredibly easy to carry in the mid game.

Some tips for fast radiance farming...consider getting tranquil boots..if you find your farm is going well buy the relic...if its not split them up into treads and a vlads...and farm jungle! then go the Diffusal route.

Some useless items listed here...daedalus.. Spectre doesn't need crits....she can 1 v 1 any hero without them easy, her desolate ignores armor and gives her 50 bonus dmage...stacking agi makes her illusions do crazy dps...and with an ulti and manta, you'll be fighting 3 tanky illusiioins along with the tankiest hero in the game who is reflecting alot of ur damage on you...spectre owns 1 v 1 no need for crits at all. as far as team fights go...she is one of the few heros in the game who could possibly 1 v 5 an entire team...or at the very least nearly 1 v 5 the entire team... with a maxed item set.

Final note you mentioned that a good spectre should have more ***its than kills...false! A good Spectre will have most of the kills because if the game ever does go to 50 minutes and everyone has equally good farm...i gurantee the team with the spectre wins hands down. So you want your spectre as farmed as possible...a good team will ensure spectre gets easy kills...and a good spectre will use his ult to gank whenever one is available and immediately tp back to safety and continue farming. Its just how spec is played...late game you take all the focus because if they dont kill you you will kill them!

Oh and blademail to me is very very situational on fact i would never get it unless i was vs a mortred or svenc...and even then if they have bkb (and they most definately should) its pretty useless
Mirror (22) | November 10, 2012 1:42pm
Desolate is best early game but early you do not want to be aggressive. I have gotten by with just getting stats instead because dispersion must to be maxed out quickly. Since specter should be in the easy lane pushing the lane with dispersion is ok if the support knows how to stack and pull. Still I love a good specter +1.
ixFusion (8) | August 18, 2012 5:28pm
Fixed skills. It's been 5 months, Still works.
kratrz | March 19, 2012 10:48am
HamSandwich wrote:


Also, if you can manage through the midgame with just a Ring of Health, you can often rush straight Radiance.

i think you should be getting your radiance mid game, not after midgame.
rush to radiance ~approx 20~25 mins (that's my average times atleast).
strictly focus on farming, and let teammates do their **** elsewhere.
PureVapes (2) | March 13, 2012 1:09pm
All damage prevention/reduction abilities are taken into account before Dispersion is applied, so nothing will happen if you evade an attack.
rocka | March 12, 2012 10:03pm
If you evade an attack thanks to Butterfly, will Dispersion still work?

Also, could you fix the Skill order? :)
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