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The Cheshire Cat: HCC - Portals

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » The Cheshire Cat: HCC - Portals 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dubey » June 28, 2017 12:09am | Report
Click here to view the hero's abilities.

Hero: The Cheshire Cat

Melee - Escape - Carry - Support - Initiator

Where is the Cheshire Cat you ask? A better question would be who or how. Neither of them can be answered, mind, for the Cheshire Cat is the Cheshire Cat, no more but certainly less. He hunts and grins and vanishes on a whim, never remaining in one place too long. Some say the cat is mad with fun, others that he is the maddest one, but all were mad themselves you see so take these words with a cup of tea. Who knows what made the Cheshire Cat fight, nor where he goes in the dead of night, all that we know is it's an awful fright when he suddenly appears and grins to himself: What a wonderful whimsy that wicked wonderland was.



Active - Hero Target 700 range 80/100/120/140 mana cost 15 second cooldown

Madness infects the target hero. As long as they are not able to see Cheshire, they suffer damage per second. If they are able to see Cheshire, then they are slowed for the duration instead.

Duration: 5 seconds
Damage Per Second: 30/40/50/60
Damage Type: Magical
Projectile Speed: 1000
Movement Slow: 25%
Slow Lingering Duration: 1 second

Most everyone's mad here.

Phasing Claws

Active - Autocast [Orb] 15/30/45/60 mana cost

Cheshire's claws are sharper than most, and pierce through armour and magical protection alike; dealing bonus damage that cannot be avoided. Bonus damage is dealt in separate instances after a short delay.

Number of Instances: 1/2/3/4
Pure Damage: 7 damage
Delay Between Instances: 0.1 seconds.

Attacks from Phasing Claws cannot miss whilst in Wonderland.
Even if the attack misses, the mana is spent and the bonus damage is dealt.

Most cat claws are unreasonably sharp. Cheshire's are maddeningly so.

Little Door

Active - Instant Cast 75 mana cost 45/35/25/15 second cooldown

Cheshire opens a door into his own personal copy of the battlefield called Wonderland. He is protected so long as he stays inside, but moves at a greatly reduced speed. Return to Reality can be activated to leave Wonderland early. Aghanim's Scepter can be purchased to remove the self movement slow whilst in Wonderland.

Self Movement Slow: 50%
Aghanims Self Movement Slow: 0%

Duration 5 seconds

Cheshire is known to vanish and appear at will, always with that cheeky half-moon grin.

Return to Reality

Active - Instant Cast 25 mana cost 5 second cooldown

Cheshire returns from Wonderland and reenters the battlefield.

From Cheshire's perspective, this is the mad world and Wonderland is reality.

Come Play With Me

Active - Single Target 300 range 100/200/300 mana cost 120/60/30 second cooldown.

Cheshire drags an enemy or ally through his Little Door to play with. Both Cheshire and the targeted hero will have their movement speed reduced whilst in Wonderland. Return to Reality can be activated to leave Wonderland early with the other hero.

Self Movement Slow: 50%
Aghanim's Self Movement Slow: 0%
Allied Movement Slow: 50%

Enemy Movement Slow: 50%/60%/70%

Duration 5 seconds

A little game of cat and mouse.

Hero Stats

Sight Range: 1800/1400
Attack Range: 150 - Melee
Movespeed - 320
Base Armour -1.7

Primary - Agility: 26 + 2.6
Intelligence: 22 + 2.3
Strength: 20 + 1.8


Level 10: +20 Attack Speed or +100 Health
Level 15: +2 second Madness duration or +400 Night Vision
Level 20: +3 Phasing Claws damage or +35 Movement Speed
Level 25: -15 Second Come Play With Me Cooldown or +5 Second Little Door duration.

Details about animation and sound

Cheshire appears to be bobbing and weaving throughout the air, never really coming to a stop whilst moving or standing.

Phasing Claws has a sound effect for each instance in quick succession in time with the damage instances accompied by a number of slash marks on the target. Cheshire's paw grows much larger to make the attack.

Little Door has an awkward woosh noise as a door appears, the door opens, Cheshire vanishes and the door slams shut and shrinks to nothing. Door sound opening and slamming shut. Same affect in reverse when returning to reality.

Come Play With Me has Cheshire reach out and grab the target before dragging them through the door that appears in the same manner as Little Door, it takes around 0.5 seconds to play and can be cancelled by stun or hitting s.

Wonderland visual effect is that of a washed out world, they can see everything happening on the other side, they just cannot interact with it. The only things in full colour are the things inside Wonderland. Everything not inside Wonderland is silenced so the only sound comes from those inside.

General tone of voice is someone entirely insane. Similar to Timbersaw's obsession with trees and inane remarks, Cheshire will make a number of mad responses - some alluding to his time in Wonderland with Alice. Cheshire's Voice Actor would have a deep resonant purr like voice with a Received Pronunciation accent.


Main Image - Porsci []
All icons sampled from and edited by me.


This ability can be dodged.
This ability's slow and damage mechanic is dynamic. If Cheshire weaves in and out of vision both the damage and the slow can be maintained.

Phasing Claws:
Bonus damage is dealt as separate instances of damage to the main attack.

Little Door:
Little Door effectively removes Cheshire from the map from the perspective of all other heroes.
Cheshire cannot interact with anything whilst in Wonderland except for other things in Wonderland, such as enemy heroes or allies.
Everything except Cheshire will appear washed out whilst in Wonderland.
Little door can be used whilst rooted, but the root is not dispelled.
Terrain modifiers like Fissure still affect Wonderland with the terrain, but not with the damage or stun.

Return to Reality:
This skill is only available whilst in Wonderland.
Cooldown prevents you using Come Play With Me, exiting early, then using Little Door and exiting early.
Whenever you leave Wonderland, Return to Reality is put on Cooldown, even if you exit from the ability finishing.

Come Play With Me:
This does not put Little Door on cooldown.


V 0.1c

Phasing Claws changed from static three instances of 20 damage to current version.
Armour and Magic removal removed from Phasing Claws.
Phasing Claws damage is now pure.

V 0.1b

Clarified Wonderland interactivity
Fixed spelling.

V 0.1a

Reworded ultimate to make it less confusing.
Scaled Phased Claws mana cost.


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 28, 2017 2:16am | Report
Hey Dubey!

If you would like to participate in the hero concept contest, you will have to post your hero concept here on our website. We won't accept entries that are posted on other websites.

Thank you! :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » June 28, 2017 6:54am | Report
Cheshire Cat +.+

Credits to Janitsu!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by lonelyfreak » June 28, 2017 10:48am | Report
My two cents.

[Q] Phasing Claws is too strong. Giving a hero true-strike on every attack without an item and for little cost is pretty ridiculous. My suggestion would be to make the true-strike active in Wonderland but not in the normal Dota reality.

That brings me to my second item. It seems, from the description, that the hero can only exit Wonderland by using another skill or the duration expiring. But I suggest being able to attack out of the state. Perhaps attack out of Wonderland provides a small buff to the hero or additional debuff to the enemy; for example the slow that enemy heroes experience in Wonderland, for a 1 second duration or something.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dubey » June 28, 2017 6:42pm | Report
ChiChi wrote:

Cheshire Cat +.+

You don't like the Cheshire Cat?
Thoughts on the abilities or stats?

lonelyfreak wrote:

[Q] Phasing Claws is too strong. Giving a hero true-strike on every attack without an item and for little cost is pretty ridiculous. My suggestion would be to make the true-strike active in Wonderland but not in the normal Dota reality.

Agreed. I have updated this so it cannot miss whilst in Wonderland, but if it does miss in regular reality the mana is still spent and the bonus damage is still applied, but the regular attack damage is not. A sort of pseudo true strike.

lonelyfreak wrote:

That brings me to my second item. It seems, from the description, that the hero can only exit Wonderland by using another skill or the duration expiring. But I suggest being able to attack out of the state. Perhaps attack out of Wonderland provides a small buff to the hero or additional debuff to the enemy; for example the slow that enemy heroes experience in Wonderland, for a 1 second duration or something.

I did not intend for this to be a cheaper slark ultimate. The two realities are kept separate and the only way Cheshire can attack another hero in Wonderland is to drag them through via his ultimate.


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » June 29, 2017 5:14pm | Report
I really like the original character, and your idea is very pretty and original :)

I'll leave the thoughts on the other aspects of it for the judges for now though, tbh judging someone else's hero ideas is really hard as they are so complex. But good luck in the contest, you certainly deserve it!

Credits to Janitsu!

Ammateurs coaching channel iei!


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Remarkable (47)
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