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4 Votes

Our enemy is crushed and our victory assured!

September 15, 2017 by WhosNuker
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senthil raja | May 30, 2017 10:20pm
Hi. First of all Nice guide. I am a 2k player. I used to play LC a lot like 200 games but I kinda stopped playing her now. I think LC is best in lane but my problem is my team will pick a strong mid hero, a offlaner and a hard carry mostly no support even if I first pick LC which I shouldn't. So I will end up jungling everytime. I usually go BlinkDagger only after phase boots and a blight stone. I was using SB before because players in lower bracket don't really react fast enough. But nowadays even if I do the combo real fast they just popup their own BM not to mention a linkens. Also there are sentries everywhere so I used smoke for important ganks. Also they ****ing don't solo everytime someone is there to help the enemy so I can't snowball. So do you have any tips for me?
Another thing : why do you go for 40 duel damage? In late game what is the role of LC? She is used as a lockdown for enemy hard carry or a Crowd control support like Enigma. So she won't be concentrating on getting bonus dmg at that point of time. Press the attack is GOLD. Used for pushing fast and the most important DEBUFF that can save your carry from most disables in a team fight with a lower cool-down. So I think you would have enough dmg to kill a tanker without the bonus dmg. Correct me if my approach is wrong.
And do you think Aghs is a viable item on her in this new patch?
Thanks in advance.
WhosNuker (7) | May 31, 2017 8:13pm
Hi, first off glad you enjoyed the guide. TO answer your questions, you start off with really good base damage and attack speed so fight for the farm. It's better than jungling. I go for Blade Mail before Blink Dagger because if you go for the blink first, you rely on your team and T.B.H., you can't rely on anyone at lower skill brackets. You will have enough movement speed with Phase Boots and Overwhelming Odds so don't worry about catching them, you just want to make sure you get that Duel win. When you do your combo, you don't want your enemy to see you if possible. Hide in the tree lines and wait for an opportunity. I highly discourage trying to Duel someone with Linken's Sphere because once you pop it, they can just run. The only exception is if you have an ally who is willing to pop it for you than I say go for it. I still buy Shadow Blade as an escape and occasionally an initiation option but at this point, I feel like Blink Dagger give you more mobility around the map which you really need. Next, the reason I go for the +40 Duel damage is because I play Legion Commander as a core. I don't really use it to lock enemies down because, and I hate to say it, lower bracket players are usually noobs and don't know what they're doing. You have to rely on yourself for the win so the +40 Duel damage is a good talent for you. Another reason is because the +40 Duel damage talent is like a fail-safe system if you know what I mean. If you're losing the game and you have a bunch of damage racked up, just go backdoor them and win the game. With a Desolator, you will melt through their base. However, if you are just locking down the enemy carry, than by all means go for the -8s Press the Attack CD. It's not a bad talent, I just don't find it really useful as I'm generally the one that has to carry the game anyway.Finally is the new Aghanim's Scepter effect good on Legion Commander and my answer to you is: it varies. If your role on the team is to lock down the enemy carry and you do go for the -8s Press the Attack CD, than yes this is good and I would take out the Blade Mail or Desolator for it. If you are carrying the team, I don't recommend it because this build set makes you really strong and by the time you should be worry about the Black King Bar spell immunity effect, you should be able to end the Duel fairly quickly.
WhosNuker (7) | May 31, 2017 8:14pm
Sorry a bit long haha hope this helps.
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DioX (1) | May 27, 2017 2:02am
this works if your againts newbies.
knight96-1994 (2) | June 2, 2017 4:29am
DioX wrote:
this works if your againts newbies.

Why do you even keep writing posts in this website is beyond me..
WhosNuker (7) | June 2, 2017 3:16pm
Thank you
WhosNuker (7) | May 28, 2017 6:13pm
Not true at all just because you don't like a build doesn't mean that it doesn't work.
DioX (1) | May 29, 2017 3:10pm
it only works if you use autocast and hackz
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