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5 Votes

Jakiro: Try Hard Support

November 24, 2016 by blackpage
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mavidoritos | March 13, 2017 12:37pm
Thank you for this cute guide :)
Krwiozerca (34) | December 20, 2016 10:20am
Cool guide.
ChiChi (47) | November 29, 2016 1:39am
Hey Blackpage, welcome to Dota Fire! And thank you for contributing to us with a guide of your own :)

I agree with most that Plaq says, but some things are aimed at higher levels, and that's what I'm gonna address.

So the two things I would advise you to actually never do in our pubs are: 1) to buy Sentry Wards when the game starts (unless there's invis heroes ofc); and 2) to buy Town Portal Scrolls then too.

The reason for this is basically that 80% of times your enemies won't have blocked your camps with their wards, or you won't know immediately where they could have warded; by the time you figure that out - when a neutral camp hasn't respwaned - you just get them on the courier. And meanwhile you just pull and stack another camp, since an offlaner never has more than one ward and won't waste two blocking your camps (at least again 99% of times, depending on your level). If it occurs, just go violently harass him out while the sentries arrive.

That is why I usually like to not spend all of my initial money, and wait until I'm in lane to see if I need the sentries or not - if so they will quickly come (at minute 1 you're mid won't also be using the courier in all probability, keep in mind pub mid players don't fly out Salves), if not that's already half of the money for my Boots of Speed.

As for the TPs, same thing applies: you won't need to TP quickly to place the wards you so desire quick enough, since you can do it later with very little risk of being detected, depending on the ward you want to place. If you're an offlaner, you can walk directly to their camps to block them and not join the rune fight, or just go there later, they will notice its warded anyway when they see it's blocked. Same goes for a support, bearing in mind that if you get dewarded because they saw you walk somewhere, that means they also have vision there, which you can get after in return.

I find that while these two purchases are a must in pro games and very high leveled ones, they certainly aren't when it comes to our pubs, where it's just not as efficient to waste your money on something you won't need most of the times - you do a greater impact in a pub game with an early boots than you do with having TPed to ward somewhere unnoticed.

That said: by all means get these as soon as needed, or if it's one of those "higher" games. Just don't starve yourself out way too much, since unfortunately in pubs you'll also probs be solo supporting, so you'll need to up the Flying Courier and keep the Observer Wards coming. The part about having multiple camps to pull is also important to remember when you notice any of them is blocked.

I also don't agree that Tranquil Boots are more common, it's just the old two different builds you can go in most #5s that have mana intense usage: you either go Tranquils and Soul Ring or you go Arcane Boots. Again, if you're a solo support the latter is probably also better most of the times, since no one else is gonna offer mana sustain to the team. The good thing with it nowadays is also the possibility of working towards a late Guardian Greeves, if no one else is going to.

Rest I all agree with: the big strong selling point of this hero is you're an incredible pusher, and you do need to have the lockdown from Ice Path asap. You're usually played as a #5 or #4, so you'll want the usual utility support items, Aghs is just too expensive and situationally good to be purchased in 90% of games (see video from Purge yesterday where he said precisily this).

I personally would advise you tried Eul's Scepter of Divinity / Force Staff/ Blink Dagger, it's a very common build that ensures more reliable lockdown/survivibility for you, and enough mana to spam your abilities constantly.

I hope our suggestions are helpful, keep working on your guide and improving it :)

For instance, why are such and such items good on him? How would you adapt his skill build depending on the game?

plaq (3) | November 28, 2016 2:09pm
1. not getting sentries in the start means that you have no way of dewarding your blocked pull camp
2. not getting TP in the start means your ability to place good wards or see enemy warding is lesser... by a lot
3. Jakiro actually deals good rightlick damage in early/early-mid game
4. usuall skillbuild is to max liquid fire first, dual breath second. Ulti is usually left unskilled up to level 8/9. You need lockdown for it to be effective
5. tranquils are more common on this hero
6. euls, veil, glimmer, lens are more common and much more efficient than aghs on this hero - aghs is when you can ensure lockdown for a long time - void usually - and when you are getting this item all enemies cores should have BKB's already finished.
7. Linkens is waste on Twinhead dragon run as support... better positioning is a solution here
8. Shiva's should get one of your cores, they can definitely farm it easier. IF you need armour - go for veil.
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