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Cuttle's 6.89 Wishlog

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Forum » General Discussion » Cuttle's 6.89 Wishlog 12 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by YellulzQuiet » August 16, 2016 8:41am | Report
Ok, Removing Manta Style dispell seems like a bad idea,, maybe its difussal that needs the nerf(tons of stat, orb, slow and dispell anyway).

Eye of Skadi Anti mage is broken because it would solve all of his problems, Eye of Skadi + Skull Basher would make people unkitable forever, it would pretty much like a Rod of Athos but with insane stats and dps.One could argue that the item is very expensive and Magina would get only in the late game, but still he could get just after Manta Style, even the rat would be better.Other point is Magina is already too strong with early vanguard, so have buff both his late game and early game potential can be unbalanced.

On Arc Warden, you cant say the hero is good because it works in a drow stats, so Visage and Vengeful Spirit must the most broken heroes right now ? XD, the hero suck balls, he has 2 **** skills (Magnetic field and Spark Wraith), Flux that is a very good skill but got nerfed 2 times by now and his ult, and then he was one of the 5 heroes that was not picked on International. Not saying your phantasm ult idea is bad, but is very outclassed by Lone Druid, it also would need a Return skill. You could let him be a Agi Hero, but then you have Manta Style and Difussal Blade, just think the hero could do much better with a Silence.When i said he would work like Queen of Pain it was because of the playstyle, farm the ganking itens and then gank(instead of sitdown farm and Rat), Qop likes to burst people early on and farm fast with a right click transition later on, Arc Warden would gank people and later on would do things like 2x Scythe of Vyse 2x Bloodthorn on enemy carry, also he could be played as a support.

On Doom, i like it because you buffed the cooldown, but i dont agree that Infernal Blade needs the nerf, the mana cost is too high early on to spam it, and you often need mana to spam devour and use scorched earth beacuse you are on offlane, also you are letting with 10 + 5% Damage on level 1(~~40 hp on a 600 hp target before reductions), at least make 10/20/30/40.


Notable (8)
Posts: 340
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cuttleboss » August 16, 2016 9:56am | Report
Alright, you have arguments I can address more easily this time.

You've explained your Skadi thing. I don't agree, but I can at least see where you're coming from, and I won't pursue that further.

For Arc Warden, I'm not seeing this idea that he's super weak. In certain mid matchups he can demolish his enemy with good Spark Wraith usage because the mana cost was reduced. Magnetic Field's cooldown reduction makes it an excellent sieging skill now, which a lot of high level players are using. Sure, if Drow and SD get nerfed, his powers of sieging and lane winning will be weakened, but I don't see this idea that he is currently unplayably bad when he is more successful than he has ever been in high level games. As for the "phantom tempest double" yeah, probably should add a return ability to it so that the phantom can be near the original at all times, but saying its outclassed in all ways by LD I think is an oversimplification, since it has its own advantages in being completely undetectable, so he can more easily sneak into the enemy backlines and kill the supports, which was kinda of the purpose of adding it, giving Warden a much better option for hitting the backline, so that his field is more synergistic and he scales better with DPS items, but is still able to get utility items if you so choose since his double can get close without getting stunned or nuked to death. Also, the reason Arc wasn't pick at TI was because he was not in the hero pool and could not be picked even if people wanted to.

As for Doom, the nerf to Infernal Blade is mainly to push more passive Doom play, since I feel that has been his identity. Currently he can be quite strong by maxing it, though this has disappeared as of recently, but perhaps I'm underestimating the level of damage reduction this really is.


Remarkable (28)
Posts: 689

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