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64 Votes

-BrokeN-'s Guide to Ember Spirit [6.88]

July 8, 2016 by -BrokeN-BrokeN-
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Burnz | January 6, 2017 5:01am
really looking forward your 7.00 update :)
-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | February 3, 2017 2:08pm
Honestly.. I haven't played a game of Dota since 6.88 - and personally (while I haven't tried it out yet), I'm really not a fan of the "new Ember" as such.

Also, the entire guide would practically need to be re-written.. (not all, but a very large portion).

So while I'm not saying I won't, I honestly don't know if Im going to make a major update on the guide again. I'm very very disappointed with what IceFrog's done to Ember. We'll see though.
G0dc0mp1ex | October 20, 2016 8:14pm
Ember Spirit hasn't been changed at all for the past 3 or so major patches anyone have thoughts why?
Nubtrain (58) | July 23, 2016 1:46pm
It's been awhile since I critic'd guides but so far the presentation is good here, so there's a +1.

On another note, more than half the items in the situational box should be removed.

You don't need euls, octarine, orchid, sny, satanic, vlads, sb, butterfly. These items will do nothing but delay the really big items Ember needs.

Really the core build on Ember is literally two items, BoT and Battlefury.

Items to consider is really only situational items that can help Ember kill or survival something like silence and insta stun/hexes.

Orchid could be a fun "****-around" item though.
The 10th Doctor | July 22, 2016 9:06pm
While playing this hero against Riki a few times i felt kind of countered, he can use Smoke Screen and silence and slow you with the smoke and Diffusal Blade so you can't escape, you can't even hit him without MKB, i'm not a great player maybe it's just me. Created this account just to do this comment btw XD
-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | July 23, 2016 1:12pm
I know it sounds a bit unconventional, but try out Force Staff. It replaces your Blink Dagger, and allows you to quickly jump out of Smoke Screen and get away. Unfortunately Manta Style/ Ghost Scepter are not an option because Smoke Screen is an AoE silence, and because Rikimaru commonly buys Diffusal Blade. Having the Force Staff isn't that particularly detrimental to you, and it definitely helps against the Riki!
NiCoSaN | June 3, 2016 11:04pm
Great guide, have some extra tips for a new ember Spirit?
windel | May 12, 2016 1:17pm
i want to use ember i see this and its nice
nvthanh1994 | May 4, 2016 12:22am
Really nice guide. Thanks you guy.
-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | May 4, 2016 4:53am
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
windel | May 12, 2016 1:23pm
hi my name is windel

Vapor24 (1) | April 25, 2016 4:26pm
Great guide, I would include blink dagger as a core item though, it is extremely good and core on ember spirit, always built by pros usually after battlefury. Great guide
ludrah007 | April 8, 2016 9:30am,bottle,poorman shield,RoT,DoE,TP scroll.....basically this is my item if thing didnt go well....nice guide BTW....its clear to me now when to buy this ill just ignore this item if thing go well and go straight to BF or BoT so that i cud farm more quickly but only if thing go well.....right??
-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | April 9, 2016 12:01pm
Yeah Drum of Endurance is best when you find yourself fighting a whole lot as a team and pushing as 5, and you don't really have as much space to farm and split push alone. Sometimes you're forced into a situation like this when you're behind, so that's why picking up a Power Treads + Drum of Endurance can be a good choice.
Parash | March 31, 2016 9:46pm
This is the best guide I've read so far...good volume and info on laning phase. I hope you make a guide of Templar Assassin in the same way. I like detailed informations like this...hope you'll make it soon for TA.
-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | April 1, 2016 5:47am
Parash wrote:
This is the best guide I've read so far...good volume and info on laning phase. I hope you make a guide of Templar Assassin in the same way. I like detailed informations like this...hope you'll make it soon for TA.

Thanks! I'm very glad you enjoyed the guide. :)

I'm not much of a TA player, but if I ever do start playing the Hero a lot and I feel like I could write a guide for her, I'll be sure to do so! ^.^
-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | March 31, 2016 12:52pm
I would go for the Battle Fury first as normal. If you're in such a bad position that you're forced to go straight for a Black King Bar, you've probably already lost the game.

This being said, if you know the OD is going Orchid Malevolence, then Manta Style as your first item isn't bad.
Burnz | March 31, 2016 4:10am

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the guide!

As for Outworld Devourer, I have a video about playing against him up on my YouTube Channel. You can find it »Here!«

Thank you that did help a lot. One thing you didn't mention in the video though, is the itemization sequence. Depending on how OD is snowballing, aside from boots, would you typically go BF first then BKB, or go fully defensive BKB + Manta/Linken or Linken/Blink since your pushing/farming potential is already pretty decent with Flame Guard?
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