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62 Votes

The Sound of Silence

May 6, 2013 by VladimirBananas
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Manlytearz | January 23, 2014 5:41am
I personally like taking fully into Last Word as early as I can after ult (level 7) its a great early game nuke along with level 2 curse of the silent and people never expect the damage coming, especially squishy heroes, i keep curse of the silent at 2 and then go glaives 4 from there.
badaxxx | January 13, 2014 4:58pm
I also disagree with the double Null Talisman, since the Talisman is an item you should start with - maybe with a Healing Salve and two Tango charges your supports can give you - to have better last-hitting than the enemy; it's a terrible item for the mid game, only good for your first 5 minutes. But since I assume this is a support guide, two Talismans only obstruct your inventory space and make you spend 10 extra minutes trying to farm something you can't turn into anything useful utility-wise.

Yea... 2 Null Talisman will be waste of spaces.
my items on the beginnings are [Boots, Tango and the rest mana.
the reason why im doing glaive and curse is to make enemy heroes out of the exp area.... so my line partner (Mostly hard carrier) can get more xp n gold... also early kill.
when my team creep reaching the enemy tower... i tell the carrier to do jungling at the nearest area & i stay in the lane. when i need his help... I called him.
so actually most of the time I dont know what kind of role i played (hahahaha) maybe hybrid between support and semi-carry.

most of the times (The end of the games) I have Power Treads, Mekansm, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Bloodstone and Bottle. sofar so good. 10/12 games I won. but of course all team efforts not my own efforts.

Im still learning how to use heroes and lots of guide out there... but a time goes by, we all going to find our own original style.

Cheers ^___________^
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 13, 2014 9:48am
badaxxx wrote:

Hi guys

Im new in dota 2.
I played Silencer a bit different by maxing "Glaive" first and and "curse". I found no problem playing like that and average 1st blood before lv 3 or 4 (depend on the lane partner). I do the same "harass" like huskar, but the bad thing about it, I cannot solo when doing this style. I found this guide is worth to try (cant wait to try different style hehehe)
thanks for the guide


Leaving your nuke last is bad. I must say, though, that the skill build of this guide is messed up too: you normally want to max Last Word by level 7 to be able to land those 300 damage nukes; the majority of players also leave Curse of the Silent at level 1 just to make the enemies waste all their mana trying to remove the debuff, since Glaives of Wisdom is really good in the early game and you don't want to take it from level 10. I also disagree with the double Null Talisman, since the Talisman is an item you should start with - maybe with a Healing Salve and two Tango charges your supports can give you - to have better last-hitting than the enemy; it's a terrible item for the mid game, only good for your first 5 minutes. But since I assume this is a support guide, two Talismans only obstruct your inventory space and make you spend 10 extra minutes trying to farm something you can't turn into anything useful utility-wise.

About the guide itself: it's weird that it shows a build that isn't strictly related to supporting (double Null, lots of core items) but still suggests getting Courier and Wards; I think it's pretty confusing, especially for a newer player that might think "supporting" means "taking damage items more slowly than your main carry" or, vice versa, that carries have to ward and buy the courier at all times. Examples of wrong explanations:

If your support was supportive and bought an Animal Courier, then your first big purchase should be the two Null Talisman


Don't forget to ward as needed!

The first phrase implies you have to lane with a support ("your support"), the second line says you still have to Ward even if you're playing carry. Unless this is for the lower part of the matchmaking bracket, it's clearly misleading.
badaxxx | January 13, 2014 8:47am
Holoduke wrote:

Many times, when pudge at other team i take silencer for mid. Silencer counters pudge if you keep behind creeps.

Against mid pudge is very useful course of silent. E + Q and pudge waste his mana and HP, I usually get lvl 6 / 7 and pudge is at lvl 4 / 5. I see many times pudge players try to activate the damage in aura to avoid, but it does not work (less HP remaining) :) If you care for runes, then Pudge is bored at mid and you force him to leave mid a bit later. Sometimes i can surprise Pudge and gank him at lvl 4 or 5. As soon pudge get lvl 6 or 7, he is too strong for Silencer and it is time for going gank.

badaxxx | January 13, 2014 8:41am
Hi guys

Im new in dota 2.
I played Silencer a bit different by maxing "Glaive" first and and "curse". I found no problem playing like that and average 1st blood before lv 3 or 4 (depend on the lane partner). I do the same "harass" like huskar, but the bad thing about it, I cannot solo when doing this style. I found this guide is worth to try (cant wait to try different style hehehe)
thanks for the guide

BMEhybrid (1) | October 3, 2013 10:39pm
Well... Silencer is not really the one that should gank depending on the team set up, for example I was playing with a mad SB that basicly told me that mid always gank, and all he did was farm offlane until their medusa showed up and killed him after 18 mins of anicent farming... Silencer needs to be close to the combat but depending on set up... Ganking is not always the way to go.
Holoduke | October 3, 2013 8:41am
Many times, when pudge at other team i take silencer for mid. Silencer counters pudge if you keep behind creeps.

Against mid pudge is very useful course of silent. E + Q and pudge waste his mana and HP, I usually get lvl 6 / 7 and pudge is at lvl 4 / 5. I see many times pudge players try to activate the damage in aura to avoid, but it does not work (less HP remaining) :) If you care for runes, then Pudge is bored at mid and you force him to leave mid a bit later. Sometimes i can surprise Pudge and gank him at lvl 4 or 5. As soon pudge get lvl 6 or 7, he is too strong for Silencer and it is time for going gank.
BMEhybrid (1) | October 2, 2013 2:52am
If you want a stable silencer it is all about hitting your glaves, and how you attack your enemy, mostly the build can go like this,cour if you have no other support(yes... It will happen) buysome wards ealy to keep up with the vision and try not to fall behind on lvls by last hitting in lane, build tango three iron branch, then move on with arcane boots to get the mana regen and be able to deal some nice dmg in lane and in team fights withour worrying about the mana pool,then move on with force staff, it is baasicly a must for silencer as most off the time his movement speed is falling short, (also a great support item for saving your team) then move on with a mec to not only save yourself but your team, then finish it all with a aghanim, yasha, your ult gain a curse of the silence that in turn can grant you a very deadly weapon (like global silence is not damaging enough for a team). The most important part about silencer thus is to stay close to the enemy deaths as you have a passive effect that make tou steal 2 int per death if they are in a 900 range, basicly adding more dmg to his glaives, also if a enemy is below 200 it can be worth putting on your Last word and hit him once with the glaives, often they think you are mad for trying to take on a kunkka mid as he would reck you... But... If the time runs out kunkka will get silenced and take a penalty of 200dmg... Again it is all about how you play him, silencer needs skill and in the hands of a pro... He will **** them sideways.. ;)
Jaxtor | August 15, 2013 8:54am
I have read this guide a couple of times and I have to say I hate that you have "Not anti-mage" as a con. You can put that under any hero; I mean I could write a guide about Drow and put under con "Not anti-mage". I guess the reason it bothers me the most is Silencer is such a good counter to antimage that I don't see how being silencer and not antimage is a bad thing. Anyways that is my only complaint. +1 for you.
nananathelion | August 15, 2013 3:26am
nice guide, but where is heavens halberd? with scythe,orhcid, halberd and last word this hero can bring huge trouble to enemy.
xxwgmxx | June 7, 2013 3:44pm
Just went 24/5 with this guide. Thanks.
nuclearengie | June 7, 2013 8:07am
Nice guide, it helped me get some ideas on how to level up his skills. +1 form me. Do you think he will do well 1v2 in a lane (your partner is jungleing). Also I found laning with an axe is really good. The battle hunger and curse of the silent and last word can get you alot of early kills.
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