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6 Votes

Horses are magic

July 28, 2012 by Xajora
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Xajora (3) | July 30, 2012 2:24pm
Really depends on what you want to do. Kotl has silly levels of versatility and that's why we love him.

That and a 500 damage 1600x400 nuke on a 10 second cooldown by level 7.
SnakeBitez (2) | July 30, 2012 1:05pm
Pushing a first tower within 5 minutes isn't exactly a good thing though. You want to be supporting your carry and giving him farm, not trying to push the lane out as far as you can and get ganked.

KotL works well in a tri-lane. He can harass from the jungle, and stack/pull with a nice standard.
Xajora (3) | July 29, 2012 8:18pm
Its possible to get a first tower within 5 minutes if you lane with Leshrac, generally all the others follow by 10. KoTL really needs a team comp that agrees with him which is something I see missing in other guides for him.
SnakeBitez (2) | July 29, 2012 6:07am
I didn't downvote you dude, I think this is a decent guide, I just disagree with the late Chakra max and some items :)

Everything is situational, and it all depends on your lane, whether your carry can farm efficiently or whether you can harass efficiently. I just think the Arcane boots are a bit over the top, as you don't really need anything that gives you mana due to the boost you already have
Xajora (3) | July 29, 2012 3:40am
Guys situation is everything, some characters with "mandatory" shadow blade get a blink dagger or a force staff depending on situation. Same sorta thing happens with KoTL. Laning with leshrac? Max Q and E and rush down the tower, forget about mana leak entirely!

Mana dependent carry? All W and E with sparing use of Q. You should know very well by this point this is the bones, the RECOMENDATIONS. To downvote for one thing disagreed is just folly.
SnakeBitez (2) | July 28, 2012 5:02am
^ I'm pretty sure you said that early mana leak was a MUST, yet you agree with the skill build that has been said?

The arcane boots aren't needed, as you have a instant mana supply off your Chakra. Like the above post said, Euls is situational due to the mana regen and offers little survivability.

Working around this will give you a better build, but the basic fundamentals are down at least.
knightsljx | July 28, 2012 4:27am
^ Thank you for getting the point of a KotL

Arcane boots are a waste as well. Get a Tranquil or just don't upgrade at all.

Rod of Atos is a better item than Eul's and even that is pretty situational. Eul's gives you mana regen, which you don't need and doesn't help you survive.

Atos also has disable and gives you extra 250 HP and 25 Int(more than Eul's)
nakedoldguy | July 27, 2012 8:59pm
I downvoted this guide because Chakra Magic needs to be skilled to level 3 ASAP. Level 4 Chakra can wait for later, since it is only another 75 mana. But the absolute biggest impact that KOTL can have on a game is allowing a teammate to spam like crazy, and 75 mana at a time is insufficient even in early game.

Xajora (3) | July 27, 2012 2:04pm
Yes, but I get mana leak at lvl 4. As a result he cant do what you envision for him without them, his mana restore only restores 35 to himself or costs 45 for use on others.

You never buy any more clarity, but two to start makes up for the general badness of lvl 1 Chakra Magic until level 7.
knightsljx | July 27, 2012 5:30am
Why Clarity potions? He is better than a Clarity potion. Get a Gauntlet instead to increase survivability.

As you mentioned, Illuminate is wasted on early levels as you don't want to push out the creep wave. You should get one point of Mana Leak early to harass.

Level 3 Chakra Magic at level 5 is essentially a cheat code for unlimited mana.
Xajora (3) | July 26, 2012 11:19pm
Please comment on how I may make this a better guide, currently a work in progress.
Also Working on a video to explain proper skill use.
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