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A Huskar guide on how to counter ALL Heroes (7.07)

January 8, 2018 by DerrickZoolander
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AR13S | December 24, 2017 6:40am
A huge thanks for your comprehensive effort!
I love playing Huskar and I was looking for the exact thing that your guide provides, ie, case by case analysis.
Casual gamers may be put off by the length, but I appreciate every detail you've provided.
Keep on making more guides with such depth. You're a rarity among the fillers!
DerrickZoolander (4) | January 7, 2018 3:24pm
Thanks, I appreciate it. Unfortunately, maintaining one guide of this length is difficult when updates are always changing strategies and adding heroes. I will probably make more. But I plan on being more brief, but still hitting key mechanics that will help you win. Goodluck on your future Huskar games!
WhosNuker (7) | September 22, 2017 7:49am
Nice guide to read. I would recommend shortening your guide, however. It is a really big guide that may be useful but can take too long to read and people might leave because of it. For example, instead of implementing every hero, consider just putting in a few that are very important to Huskar whether it's an enemy or ally. Also, for your talent section, put a reasoning of why you chose one skill over another since other people have opinions and they may not understand your reasoning.
DerrickZoolander (4) | September 22, 2017 7:45pm
I really appreciate the feedback. I also think that it is too much to read for it to be useful. I am planning on shortening the hero section to a list of items to use and short strategies. I am also working on a more detailed talent section since with Huskar besides the level 10 talent, the rest are depending on the game and your build.
ChiChi (47) | April 21, 2017 8:29am
Good job keeping your guide up-to-date and incentivating healthy discussions! We should follow more your example :) (arrrrg updating guides aaaarg)
DerrickZoolander (4) | April 23, 2017 2:05am
Thanks, I appreciate the gratitude. It is not easy especially with a large guide.
Masked_Man98 (20) | April 14, 2017 11:48am
Why +500 Life Break cast range? I don't get it +100 attack range is much more viable.
DerrickZoolander (4) | April 21, 2017 2:42am
Unlike most ranged heroes Huskar is an in your face fighter like melees. I would recommend getting the attack range when you are playing against heroes that want you close such as Troll Warlord Ursa and Axe. Otherwise the extra 500 range on Life Break allows you to initiate from farther preventing escape. Huskar lacks one thing more than anything else and that is mobility. Also Dotabuff shows a slight increased winrate with it Hope that answers your question!
DerrickZoolander (4) | April 21, 2017 2:58am
I took a look at your explanation on your guide of why to get the attack range over the Life Break range. They are both good skills. And getting the Life Break range can have some draw backs. The animation is not very fast, so an enemy can blink you into a trap or be prepared to use their Blade Mail. I believe the skill build on this is situational, but I prefer the extra cast range since Life Break applies a slow that will allow the rest of my attacks to hit. Good build btw. I like it.
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DerrickZoolander (4) | February 6, 2017 3:58pm
Yeah, it needs quite a bit updating, perhaps I will do it soon when I get accustomed to patch 7.00. I am going to take a look at yours now.
The 10th Doctor | August 4, 2016 6:56am
Thoughts on Dragon Lance?
DerrickZoolander (4) | August 25, 2016 5:19pm
Dragon Lance is a great item with its low price, extra range and great stats, I have been thinking about adding it in my guide next time I update it. It is however not an item that will benefit you when you are six slotted. I am trying to think of strategies where it would be the most useful such as having a fv on your team.
Hamra (1) | July 8, 2016 7:41pm
First of all, hats down! I've been following this guide for few weeks now, and I'm slamming crazy wins almost non-stop.
Today, was the first time I meet skywrath mage as huskar. And boy was he a pesky thing. You gave him a 5 rating, and said he's easy. Well, he's super easy in 1vs1 fights, but he's a nightmare in a team battle. He waits till everyone is bashing everyone, then silences me and immediately ults me. His ult is impossible to tank, and I can't lifebreak out of it since I'm silenced.
I know you're a BKB hater, but it seemed to be the only way out of his ults :/ Maybe keep a force staff on me?
DerrickZoolander (4) | July 30, 2016 6:57pm
I am glad you are having success. I updated the Skywrath Mage section because it was pretty slim. He can be a problem if he is able to kite you. I included using Lotus Orb to dispel and reflect his spells. You can always go BKB if necessary, I am a BKB hater on Huskar because his Magic resistance used to be so high that is was almost completely irrelevant. They lowered the magic resistance but increased his armor and attack speed.
soskiller | June 30, 2016 4:32am
i think this video will show you how to win an game will insane kills.
GoodBoy49 | January 27, 2016 10:14am
What a fantastic guide! So in depth, I learned a lot... Based on what you said I'm going to release a few video guides!
DerrickZoolander (4) | September 25, 2015 6:18pm

I tried your build and it helped out a lot, thanks for the the in depth information and hopefully you could make a build for troll warlord. You are awesome and you have made me get penta kills beyond belief. He is surely one of my favourite characters and forever will be. Thanks a lot.

I am glad I could help you. I was a passive reader on DotaFire for a long time and many of these guides helped me with my all Hero challenges. It was my time to give back to the community. It really makes me happy knowing that its being useful. Thank you for the +1

I am actually not a great Troll Warlord player. To be honest, all the carries I am good with are ones that I can play without a BKB, ( Storm Spirit Medusa Weaver Spectre Heroes such as Troll and Phantom Assassin where BKB is mandatory I become just an average unremarkable player. I don't feel like I can give adequate advice on heroes, I have yet to master.
Maximus Decimus Meridius (1) | September 23, 2015 12:24am
I tried your build and it helped out a lot, thanks for the the in depth information and hopefully you could make a build for troll warlord. You are awesome and you have made me get penta kills beyond belief. He is surely one of my favourite characters and forever will be. Thanks a lot.
DerrickZoolander (4) | September 10, 2015 8:38am

You are right about vlads, I forgot it gave that much armor. I suppose it actually wouldn't be a bad build to try. You are trading tankiness for damage output, but I suppose it could work in some situations. Guadian Greaves are the best boots for Huskar, but I have never bought them since they are so expensive.

Yes that build is pretty crazy, but you reminded me of it when you mentioned Veil.

I personally have not tried a support Huskar, I think there are better ones out there, but I think what you are trying to do is take a support/tank/gank role, Similar to a pudge, which given the right team you are up against could work. I would like to see one of your games sometime just to see how manage yourself.
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