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A question regarding Meepo leveling:
if you were in a 5 man team with capable allies, could you powerlevel trough putting one meepo at each lane and giving your temmates control? You could even jungle a bit with the fourth meepo.
Of course this strategy will be very risky and only executable with goot mates that can protect you (meepo + 3 supports or sth).
Would you lever up incredibly fast using this strategy? basically getting assistgold and lane assist xp? then be lvl 25 when others are at 16?
It would not have to diminish your early game potential because you can poof to wherever the **** is going down.
Just some crackpot strategy :)
you could, but all your team-mates would be under-levelled.
one of the balancing acts playing Meepo is not leeching so much xp from your team-mates that if Meepo dies or can't carry the rest of your team is up turd creek without a paddle.
if you were in a 5 man team with capable allies, could you powerlevel trough putting one meepo at each lane and giving your temmates control? You could even jungle a bit with the fourth meepo.
Of course this strategy will be very risky and only executable with goot mates that can protect you (meepo + 3 supports or sth).
Would you lever up incredibly fast using this strategy? basically getting assistgold and lane assist xp? then be lvl 25 when others are at 16?
It would not have to diminish your early game potential because you can poof to wherever the **** is going down.
Just some crackpot strategy :)
I prefer DPS and armor for meeps.
My build is tranquils -> scepter -> travels -> skadi then everything after that is situational. Blink if initiation is required or I'm unable to land nets or opponents are using forcestaffs or blinks to escape being netted. Eblade for dps and armor. A second skadi for a mix of armor, health and dps. Heart if I'm getting nuked by aoe stuns etc.
Never ever waste money on vlads or mek or assault cuirass unless for some weird reason your playing support meepo.
Scepter 100% stat sharing. Aura items no longer worth getting on Meepo. Stack skadis or eblades for fun to see power of 100% stat sharing.
With a skadi and geostrike which goes through bkb meepo becomes right-click monster.
Tranquils can be rushed, you should have them by 2 min of game. Scepter should be obtained by 15 mins or better. Travels by 20. Then split push, farm and gank.
Dunno why people get power treads. Yes, more attack speed and HP but with travels meepo becomes truly global and the best split pusher in dota. Pushing = massive farm = awesome items = win. Plus you can be clever with travels to execute sneaky gank or join team fight from other side of map.
~2000 games of meepo. I'm addicted to this hero.
But in all serious,
I know that because of how
P.S. I personally have nothing against
P.P.S. I have nothing against any hero in this game, but I do personally HATE
P.P.P.S Pls add sections on heroes that counter
i play it with 1 baby sitter on safe lane.. and boom GG Meepo
i think you should post your replay on this guide too, for those who yelling you about not making meka and others stuff that meepo vintage do...
for core item i chose, BoT, Aghanim and Armlet of Mordigan. i split meepo and got this core item between 20 and 25 minutes with kill between 5 to 8.
for me the luxury item is tarasque and skadi, but hey if you can afford it and play it well.. GG Bro
sorry for my bad english
keep up the good work on your guide there :)