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3 Votes

Gyrocopter - The Flying Artillery

June 5, 2015 by Kripthmaul
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kkoopman3 (28) | June 21, 2015 3:03am
Dude the guide is decent but everything you have as a core item should be situational and everything that should be a core you listed as situational.
Sando (118) | June 7, 2015 9:27am
Nicely presented guide - as you say, it's kind of a fun build rather than a serious one. It's marked as such so I don't have a problem with that.

Obv. in reality you go for a transistioning right click build with a #4 Gyro.
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 6, 2015 11:36am
Yossarian wrote:

Coming from an experienced Gyro player, the best item to spice up your life if you aren't going hard carry (or even if you are) is a Eul's.The active meshes perfectly with your ulti and your Q, this item is my secret weapon in pub games. It also helps solve your mana problems with regen and a bigger mana pool, and provides greater mobility for going in for a Barrage or running away. I treat it as if it is core on Gyro. My wombo combo is W, come in, Barrage, Eul's, then ulti. It is terrifying if you can time it right, as your enemy is basicly stunlocked into oblivion.

cof cof slasher way
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 6, 2015 11:36am
Yossarian wrote:

Coming from an experienced Gyro player, the best item to spice up your life if you aren't going hard carry (or even if you are) is a Eul's.The active meshes perfectly with your ulti and your Q, this item is my secret weapon in pub games. It also helps solve your mana problems with regen and a bigger mana pool, and provides greater mobility for going in for a Barrage or running away. I treat it as if it is core on Gyro. My wombo combo is W, come in, Barrage, Eul's, then ulti. It is terrifying if you can time it right, as your enemy is basicly stunlocked into oblivion.

cof cof slasher way
Hamstertamer (89) | June 6, 2015 8:22am
Kripthmaul wrote:

But why would being safe lane be throwing the game?

Because you picked Gyrocopter and went safe lane, so your team expects you to carry.

And instead you're playing an underpowered version of Zeus that becomes useless after 30 minutes.

Game thrown. Right there.
Kripthmaul | June 6, 2015 4:39am
Hamstertamer wrote:

EDIT : Okay, okay, since it is for fun, why not. There's nothing wrong with fun builds.
Just to be clear, if you're doing this build on a safe lane Gyro or mid're literally throwing the game and people will flame you because it's pretty freaking bad. Just beware of that and use with caution.

As stated in the guide, this is definitly not for middle. But why would being safe lane be throwing the game? Hard lane would be worst as you suck by yourself.
apaz (17) | June 6, 2015 2:24am
A very well made guide. not completely sold on the build, but very well made.

+1 for effort.
Blubbles (13) | June 5, 2015 11:10pm
Kripthmaul wrote:

AS I say in the guide, this is a build that should be played for fun. Obviously its not viable in a ranked game, but it works well in pugs.

Any player should know how to counter a hero with exclusively magic damage. Its not "fun" if you're losing. I can see going a build that's supposed to be fun but this is a "own noobs in 1k or below" build.
Yossarian | June 5, 2015 10:05pm
Coming from an experienced Gyro player, the best item to spice up your life if you aren't going hard carry (or even if you are) is a Eul's.The active meshes perfectly with your ulti and your Q, this item is my secret weapon in pub games. It also helps solve your mana problems with regen and a bigger mana pool, and provides greater mobility for going in for a Barrage or running away. I treat it as if it is core on Gyro. My wombo combo is W, come in, Barrage, Eul's, then ulti. It is terrifying if you can time it right, as your enemy is basicly stunlocked into oblivion.
Hamstertamer (89) | June 5, 2015 9:42pm
I'm not really sold on the build.

The whole point of Gyrocopter is that he has nukes for the early-mid game, and Flak Cannon right-click for the late game.

Aghanim's Scepter + Refresher Orb + Octarine Core is really a "I love my ultimate" build...which can be really good on heroes with awesome ultimates like Necrophos, Enigma or Doom...but Call Down is not a very good ultimate, and doesn't justify this kind of build.

This feels a bit like an underpowered version of Zeus. Thundergod's Wrath deals 640 reliable magic damage to the whole enemy team while Call Down deals 350 + 275 = 625 unreliable magic damage. Sure you have double Homing Missile, but come on it's not such a good skill either.

Aghanim's Scepter + Refresher Orb + Octarine Core costs 15K gold
For 15K gold of carry items you could have e.g Black King Bar + Monkey King Bar + Butterfly.

For example with those items a decently leveled Gyro hits for ~250 damage. With 6 Flak Cannon hits, this amounts to 1500 physical damage to the whole enemy team.
This is definitely much better than the damage done by the Aghs/refresher/octarine build. And it scales better into late game.

Essentially you're building 3 expensive late game items to do a build that drops off SEVERELY past 30 minutes. Gyrocopter is a hero who scales really well and this build makes him drop off harder than Zeus...why do this to a perfectly good hero?

EDIT : Okay, okay, since it is for fun, why not. There's nothing wrong with fun builds.
Just to be clear, if you're doing this build on a safe lane Gyro or mid're literally throwing the game and people will flame you because it's pretty freaking bad. Just beware of that and use with caution.
Kripthmaul | June 5, 2015 9:27pm
Blubbles wrote:

This build has literally no HP, magic resistance, strength, or right click. In other words, you will be a walking gold mine for the enemy. Also, if you get silenced or the other team gets a BKB, you are a useless piece of trash. Make BKB a core. You will also drop of in the late game as enemies get more HP, magic resistance, BKB's etc.

Good concept, but it just doesnt work. Sorry.

AS I say in the guide, this is a build that should be played for fun. Obviously its not viable in a ranked game, but it works well in pugs.
Blubbles (13) | June 5, 2015 9:21pm
This build has literally no HP, magic resistance, strength, or right click. In other words, you will be a walking gold mine for the enemy. Also, if you get silenced or the other team gets a BKB, you are a useless piece of trash. Make BKB a core. You will also drop of in the late game as enemies get more HP, magic resistance, BKB's etc.

Good concept, but it just doesnt work. Sorry.
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