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Get ready for 6.84 the era of ursa

May 9, 2015 by farmlessvoid
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farmlessvoid | May 9, 2015 12:12pm
no no it is only for 4 seconds a team fight now as days take about 14 seconds to end 4 seconds is not too much getting tanky itens while you deal a ton of damage because Fury Swipes is the best this this hero can do this is why i focus on attack speed and only get 1 or 2 real damage itens. ursa will deal a **** load of damage only with attack speed and if he survives most o time in there he will be something to worry about the enrage now just changed how ursa itself. before you just went full attack damage now you want full tankyness and attack speed since Enrage will allows you to obliterate any enemy in 4 seconds. i added a space creator ursa build today i hoppe you all apreciate
I Have Layers (4) | May 7, 2015 10:07pm
Ursa doesn't need heart.

Like the title, it's "old" :P.

Because 80% damage reduction on new ult, Ursa no longer needs any tank items, at all.

Hell, Skadi alone provides HP and armor enough for just about any situation.
farmlessvoid | May 7, 2015 8:28pm
all right now so you guys are in a solid discussion about ursa can carry on not... so i say it can really carry but can also be played as space creator ill add a new build option for it 2 more builds in this section coming today
I Have Layers (4) | May 7, 2015 12:44am
New Ursa is absolutely burst.

All you need is Blink, Vlads, FaZe Boots > TP Boots, Skadi and BKB.

Well, Skadi can be exchanged for just about any other item.
L0bstz0r (12) | May 6, 2015 1:05pm
As already said, Ursa is not a good hardcarry anymore!
If you calculate the damage for a full "overpower" (6 attacks combo) for Furry Swipes with AND without Enrage, you will see that the damage difference is tremendous.

Without Enrage: 30+60+90+120+150+180 = 630 Bonus Damage
With Enrage (LVL3): 90+180+270+360+450+540 = 1890 Bonus Damage (3x the "non" Enrage).

With a lvl3 Enrage up, your damage output increases by 1260, which makes a huge difference. On the other hand Overpower (with a 10 second cooldown) isnt toooo bad of a steroid on its own, so i kinda get your argument for wanting to build damage items. However, initiation- and lockdown tools (such as Blink Dagger and Scythe of Vyse) shouldnt be discarded as "overprized" since they are mandatory for you to be able to deal your damage...whats the point of a 6 slotted hardcarry that can simply be outrun or kited in teamfights.

On the other hand however i am sure, that (itemwise) there is room to grow for ursa...even after he gets his blink. If you manage to snowball as ursa (which he kinda has to in 6.84 to be effective in the lategame) i wouldnt recommend to for pure damage either though (if you get kited, this damage is entirely wasted), but rather go for items your team can also profit from in some way. Assault Cuirass, Scythe of Vyse, Abyssal Blade, Shiva's Guard, Eye of Skadi, Solar Crest and maybe even something like Linken's Sphere or Lotus Orb seem to be viable choices.
El_Alabe | May 6, 2015 9:59am
Ofc being 6slotted is cool, the fact is that other people are farming too, and you don't want to face other 6slotted carryes (or even a couple of support with eul/forcestaff/ethereal) you must act when you're strong and the others are not.

You don't want to go late, and without Blink Dagger/Silevr Edge you will never kill anyone in a game where people know how to place ward, or have good kiting heroes (good luck getting in the face of Sniper/Drow without some sort of initiaion)

I would also list BkB as a core if the enemy team has lots of disable.
SatomiCappucino (12) | May 6, 2015 6:37am
This patch turned Ursa to the another type of carry. The "1v1" carry. Can rek 1v1 every scrub, but cannot do anything in teamfights except combo one guy, kill him, then slow people. That is why Ursa can no longer carry hard. As other ppl said, he is effective even without items, making him an ideal pos 3-"space creator". He just ganks the carry 24/7, disrupting its farm and making it useless. The items you should build now must include Blink Dagger. The other items should be something to tank you up(mby Eye of Skadi),lockdown( Scythe of Vyse) etc. BUT no carry items, because as I said previoudly- Ursa can no longer carry hard and will fall off to other carries in late-game teamfights.
ChiChi (47) | May 5, 2015 5:07pm
I have to agree with Hamstertamer here, mate. I was surprised by your title, since I don't see Ursa's pawning people everywhere no more than before, and really now the perfect comparison that can be done is with Legion Commander - Ursa is a ganking-one man hero, even in teamfights. So I would even say that after this patch, the most useful item I would consider on her would be the Silver Edge, for obvious reasons, after the Blink Dagger.
The Frosto (14) | May 5, 2015 5:01pm
I did a lobby with ursa against a morphling. The mophling was full agility had: e-blade, butterfly, treads, 2 eye of skadis and a satanic. The ursa had 0 items. I let the ursa use enrage and attack the morphling while morphling did nothing. in the 4 seconds the morphling had only 300 hp left, this is what a ursa does with NO items on morphling with 6 slots. I think ursa is a really strong hero whitout farm but if you get even more farm to be usefull outside your 4 seconds he will be even stronger. Ursa is now just a better form of legion commander who can only kil someone in duel and than just melts.

P.S, the morphling used flutter so he had no evasion, i only had the butterfly because it is a good stat item.
Hamstertamer (89) | May 5, 2015 1:03pm
Well, that's kinda the point of the new Ursa...he can't do **** without ult.

The old Ursa used to have almost perfect uptime on an ult that gave him ~200 attack damage. With that, he could blink-combo one hero for every blink cooldown. Now, Ursa is really only effective for 4 SECONDS with a 40 second cooldown, in which he can pretty much blow up anything instantly even without carry items, since his damage only really scales with the number of attacks he can land. Outside of the 4 seconds he has no ult, so no impact.

If you buy carry items to make Ursa a better fighter when his ult is on cooldown, you're pretty much playing a watered down version of the old Ursa, since the old Ursa had 200 attack damage on top of that, damage that you don't have anymore. So he's going to blink-combo a guy and it'll just tickle him since you lost 200*6 = 1200 physical damage from the patch.
caine1232 (3) | May 5, 2015 12:40pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

A 6-slotted ursa with butterfly/abyssal/skadi and stuff doesn't do better than that anyways.

Only thing he can do is burst TWO heroes with a Refresher Orb :)

Ursa is now a single target bursty hero like Legion Commander...he's no longer a main carry.

That's why you buy Scythe of Vyse after blink, not carry items. This way they can't get out with ghost/force/Euls/******** cape or whatever. Besides the sheepstick cooldown is the same as your ult cooldown.
The whole point is, you sheep a guy and hit him with double Overpower amplified by your ult, you get a dead sheep, even if he has 4K HP. And he can't do anything about it.

He definitely does more than kill one hero. With a lot of items you are SO much harder to kite around, and you surely can get more than 1 kill easily. If you have a skadi, hex, or abyssal, you can burst down on of the core heros quickly and chase down the support easily. Ursa without items can't do that Even if he doesn't kill more than one hero, an ursa with a lot of items is fearsome and you have to respect him and run away from him.
Ursa with a blink dagger can't do **** without ult and he can be ignored 100%.
Hamstertamer (89) | May 4, 2015 8:37pm
caine1232 wrote:

The thing is if you play ursa like that you burst one hero and you are done

A 6-slotted ursa with butterfly/abyssal/skadi and stuff doesn't do better than that anyways.

Only thing he can do is burst TWO heroes with a Refresher Orb :)

Ursa is now a single target bursty hero like Legion Commander...he's no longer a main carry.

caine1232 wrote:

when they get an item to save them from you, (force, euls, ghost) you can only kill a support if even that.

That's why you buy Scythe of Vyse after blink, not carry items. This way they can't get out with ghost/force/Euls/******** cape or whatever. Besides the sheepstick cooldown is the same as your ult cooldown.
The whole point is, you sheep a guy and hit him with double Overpower amplified by your ult, you get a dead sheep, even if he has 4K HP. And he can't do anything about it.
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