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DOTA 2 Video: Dota 2: Winter Wyvern Support Highlights

Submitted by RedSPiTFirE on 2015-04-04 :: Created by SPiTFirE :: Viewed 2227 times

Dota 2: Winter Wyvern Support Highlights

2227 views Created by SPiTFirE
Highlights from one of my 3900 - 4000 MMR ranked games. I played Winter Wyvern as a solo support and did pretty well. She was a great pick considering their draft had 3 melee physical damage carries and a razor who is ranged but also gets quite high damage right clicks. Wyvern is perfect since her cold embrace negates the right clicks completely and her ultimate can turn all this physical damage onto each other.

I make some wicked saves and good ults to get us kills.

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