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DOTA 2 Video: Dota 2: Spectre - How do you kill a ghost?
Submitted by RedSPiTFirE
on 2013-05-04
:: Created by SPiTFirE :: Viewed 5038 times
Dota 2: Spectre - How do you kill a ghost?
Created by SPiTFirE
In this game i'm playing as Spectre, an agility Hard Carry that can be very durable. With her Spectral Dagger she can traverse any terrain and close down her target. And with Haunt she creates illusions of herself to attack every enemy hero on the map and become one of those illusions to pick off the weak and desolate.
This was a good game I played with Vaun Solo, which really gave me an idea of Spectre's carry potential. She was a bit nerfed but aside from being quite vulnerable at the start she's still a good Hero with the right items.
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