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DOTA 2 Video: Dota 2: Lina the Slayer Highlights

Submitted by RedSPiTFirE on 2014-12-24 :: Created by SPiTFirE :: Viewed 2038 times

Dota 2: Lina the Slayer Highlights

2038 views Created by SPiTFirE
What a Scorcher! My MMR has really boosted lately, I'm now up to a whopping 3.5k! Some of the games I had been playing Lina (whom I started out being terrible at) and I feel my performance has been rather good so I decided to cut up my last few games and show you the good bits.

I was actually playing a support role in all the games I played, however I was able to net a lot of kills. The last game of this set went on for an hour and included a really tense base siege that we only broke by being a bit brave.

Anyway I hope you enjoy!

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