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DOTA 2 Video: Dota 2: Enigma - Filling ALL the holes! *cough*

Submitted by RedSPiTFirE on 2014-03-15 :: Created by SPiTFirE :: Viewed 2587 times

Dota 2: Enigma - Filling ALL the holes! *cough*

2587 views Created by SPiTFirE
Black Holes everywhere! I've got a good game for you today, this is a match played last week with a good chap I met a few games earlier. It was a ranked, CM game and I was drafted with Enigma. A Hero I had only played twice before!

Of course I know how Enigma works and what his role is, but I was worried I would flub the Black Holes or not get farmed enough to last in team fights. But it seems I proved myself wrong and I had one of the best games of my entire one year Dota 2 career.

So thanks to Math who Captained this game. We actually had a just as good game with Enigma more recently, but this one was much more to the wire!

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