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DotA2 Skill: Invoke


Casting Method:Active
Targetting Method:Instant
Allowed Targets:Self
Combines the properties of the elements currently being manipulated, creating a new spell at the Invoker's disposal. The invoked spell is determined by the combination of Quas, Wex and Exort. Can be cast during channeling and does not break invisibility.

Number of Invoked Spells Allowed: 2

Invoke cooldown is reduced by 0.3 for each orb level.
Cooldown Time: 7
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So begins a new age of knowledge.

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Dr.D (80) | June 18, 2012 3:40pm
I think it's more of a limitation of DOTAFire, since none of the other heroes with more than four skills ( Puck, Shadow Demon, etc.) have their extra skills listed either.

That being said, I might end up making some sort of reference later for Invoker's skills, if only so people can understand what the skills do.

EDIT: Here it is.
kirbyruled (16) | June 18, 2012 2:36pm
Entries for Cold Snap, Ghost Walk, Tornado, EMP, Ice Wall, Force Spirits, Sun Strike, Deafening Blast, Chaos Meteor and Alacrity are all missing.
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