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March 27, 2013 by ADude
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ADude | March 29, 2013 8:15pm
And he has high attack speed already you wouldn't want to waste all your money on items like that actually a linked sphere is a good addition to my build after all it can counter spells like drows silence and orchid malevolence silence riki isn't supposed to get all agi items
Diffusual blade can be used to remove your silence if you use it on yourself so I think I should place that on my core item list thank you for your feedback
ADude | March 29, 2013 8:09pm
Actually you can pick between Sange yasha and Vlads but I pick Vlads cuz I has life steal very useful when ganking :)
mak1rby | March 28, 2013 11:53pm
Why vlads first ?
Riki benefits from +agi items more than anything because it increases his damage, AS, Armor PLUS backstab damage. So its better to build a diffusal imo, it gives a slow that keeps enemies inside smoke.
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