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2 Votes

Winter is Coming - A Guide to Winter Wyvern

June 7, 2015 by explodingcrayon
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Cuttleboss (28) | June 8, 2015 3:46pm
Hey, nice first guide. Decently well written. Interesting item choices I see.

I notice you have an absence of Medallion of Courage and Solar Crest in your item choices. I find they are great pickups on Wyvern due to the synergy with Winter's Curse and long cast range.
explodingcrayon | June 8, 2015 2:08pm
ChiChi wrote:

Thanks for your answer, it actually clarified all my doubts!

I agree with what you say about Octarine Core over Scythe of Vyze. And now that you've pointed out that you get Cold Embrace only at level 8, indeed the Urn of Shadows makes more sense, sorry I didn't notice that. I don't really like getting one point in Winter's cure so late, I find it very useful before that because of the physical immunity also, but it's just a matter of style, and understanding yours, I respect it.

To help you with formating, check this guide people gave me when I first arrived here too:

Keep up the good work!

I'm actually surprised I managed to explain it so well xD And thanks a ton for the formatting link. You da MVP.

Adapt to the situation!

ChiChi (47) | June 8, 2015 11:05am
Thanks for your answer, it actually clarified all my doubts!

I agree with what you say about Octarine Core over Scythe of Vyze. And now that you've pointed out that you get Cold Embrace only at level 8, indeed the Urn of Shadows makes more sense, sorry I didn't notice that. I don't really like getting one point in Winter's cure so late, I find it very useful before that because of the physical immunity also, but it's just a matter of style, and understanding yours, I respect it.

To help you with formating, check this guide people gave me when I first arrived here too:

Keep up the good work!
explodingcrayon | June 8, 2015 5:29am
ChiChi wrote:

In the disclaimer you say "This in NOT a hard support guide, and best for pub matches." but then "Needless to say, you will be playing the role of a support", I'm confused :D

I don't really agree with her not being a #5, because I think all her skills are meant for exactly that. But if you think she is more like a #4 or even #3, I would like to know what is the difference, in your opinion: is it the build (maxing first Splinter Blast), or the fact that you go for a slighty more expensive Boot and then Octarine Core (or both)? Because I see this build working anyway for a hard support, although you would probably not finish Octarine most of the times.

Also, why not a Scythe of Vyse as Luxury? Not that I think it is necessary better than those you wrote about, but I would like to read your explanation onf the subject.

Except for this, I think this is a good guide. If you elaborate a bit more and put some "colour" on it, it's a plus 1.

BUT "the DoT of the Urn of Shadows scales well with Arctic Burn"?! lol this is weird, the DoT of the Urn is completely neglegible if you're not disabling Blink Daggers or finishing someone with very, very low health, since you don't want to be wasting charges that otherwise could cure you and your teammates. You must have been very lucky in the games you played with Winter :D

Try the Soul Ring michimatsch talked about, it synergizes very well with her and you can transform it later into a Bloodstone or just sell it in the late game, gives you the same mana regen and is slighty cheaper than the Urn, which main purpose it to cure people anyway (which you do already).

Thank you for the detailed response!
Haha yeah, I guess what I did say about this guide not being a hard support guide and then playing as a suppor is confusing, because even if you play her as a #4 or a #5, you still need to be supportive, because in most cases you are the secondary support. #3 is not really true to her because she isn't that item dependant, you're basically set once you get your Eul's Scepter of Divinity or Blink Dagger. Any items that follow are situational or Luxury.
I'm not saying that she isn't a #5, she can be extremely effective in both roles. In most of the games I have played Winter Wyvern, I usually go for Orchid Malevolence over Octarine Core, because the situation calls for that. I have tried making Scythe of Vyse in matches, but the game either ends too quickly or I don't get enough gold. And same goes for Octarine Core or Eye of Skadi. The reason I pick Octarine Core over Hex stick is because it reduces the cooldown of all your spells and items, and that's helpful in a lot of situations. (not saying that the 3.5 second pig trying to run away is bad in any way). But you already have a 3.5 second disable with the added bonus of opponents turning on each other. Winter Wyvern can't really do anything on her own, to stop an enemy from getting away she can just Eul's that person, and by that time if that person's team comes to hep him out, let hell break loose.
In around 35% of my games, I actually have managed to finish my Octarine Core.

Okay, now for Urn of Shadows. In most of the cases, I use the charge ONLY when I use Arctic Burn. The rest of the cases, it goes towards team mates. Early game it chips off a nice portion of the HP and I only use it if there are my people nearby. Another reason is that, I don't take my heal before 8, Urn lets me heal from an early stage. Both Soul Ring and Urn of Shadows have a 50% regen rate, the former gives +3 hp/sec and 150 mana while the latter gives me +6 str and 400 heal/150 damage.
I haven't tried Soul Ring on her as of yet, but I will be sure to give it a try in the next game itself. Personally I prefer Urn over Soul Ring, but no hate for Soul Ring.

As for the guide format and everything, yeah, its a tad blank lol. I am completely new to this so I will update it as soon as I can!

Thank you for your feedback!
ChiChi (47) | June 7, 2015 4:43pm
In the disclaimer you say "This in NOT a hard support guide, and best for pub matches." but then "Needless to say, you will be playing the role of a support", I'm confused :D

I don't really agree with her not being a #5, because I think all her skills are meant for exactly that. But if you think she is more like a #4 or even #3, I would like to know what is the difference, in your opinion: is it the build (maxing first Splinter Blast), or the fact that you go for a slighty more expensive Boot and then Octarine Core (or both)? Because I see this build working anyway for a hard support, although you would probably not finish Octarine most of the times.

Also, why not a Scythe of Vyse as Luxury? Not that I think it is necessary better than those you wrote about, but I would like to read your explanation onf the subject.

Except for this, I think this is a good guide. If you elaborate a bit more and put some "colour" on it, it's a plus 1.

BUT "the DoT of the Urn of Shadows scales well with Arctic Burn"?! lol this is weird, the DoT of the Urn is completely neglegible if you're not disabling Blink Daggers or finishing someone with very, very low health, since you don't want to be wasting charges that otherwise could cure you and your teammates. You must have been very lucky in the games you played with Winter :D

Try the Soul Ring michimatsch talked about, it synergizes very well with her and you can transform it later into a Bloodstone or just sell it in the late game, gives you the same mana regen and is slighty cheaper than the Urn, which main purpose it to cure people anyway (which you do already).
explodingcrayon | June 7, 2015 2:25pm
michimatsch wrote:

Why no love for Soul Ring?
It synergizes perfectly with your heal and you will never have mana issues again.
I don't think that you need the heal of Urn of Shadows.
Oh, and welcome to Dotafire :)

No hate for Soul Ring, xD I use Urn mainly for the HP early game and the DoT scales well with Arctic Burn. I normally don't have mana issues, a couple of Mangoes always help out! God I love them Mangoes!
michimatsch (26) | June 7, 2015 2:05pm
Why no love for Soul Ring?
It synergizes perfectly with your heal and you will never have mana issues again.
I don't think that you need the heal of Urn of Shadows.
Oh, and welcome to Dotafire :)
explodingcrayon | June 7, 2015 1:15pm
Haha thanks, needed that! I am completely new to this and this guide makes it more evident
taeyangfan (1) | June 7, 2015 12:12pm
Nice guide but you need better formatting or it's too hard to read try this: click here.
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