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148 Votes

Ursa Spotlight Guide by GamingwithDean

March 18, 2012 by GamingwithDean
Comments: 69    |    Views: 724440    |   

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Lockheed | August 2, 2015 10:40pm
Thank you for your well detailed guide sir. It really helped me a lot as a beginner.
WraithKnight | July 16, 2015 4:08pm
Thank you, very useful guide! Wondered on your views with Shadow Blade, allows you to go into rage mode, and then stealth next to the enemy, earthshock and then hug them to death? Just interested in your thoughts, I know you put it on alternate, just wondered if this was a viable play?
AmnesiacGaming | July 11, 2015 5:04pm
Does Sheepstick (best Ursa item ever) not even get an honorable mention?
wherepiewhere | January 11, 2015 5:58am
great guide to ursa really helps to win games
Bokica78 | December 14, 2014 11:04am
Idk why.. but a vanguard instead of bkb and a butterfly instead of linken's sphere works better for me.. try that if you can and see for yourself :)
Oh yeah and i ussualy do a little switch with skills at lvl 7 and 8. at level 7 fury swipes and at lvl 8 overpover.. :)
frisk_ninja | September 13, 2014 3:38am
Great guide! there is one thing that i feel should be mentioned and that is there is no basher or abyssal in late game items, because ursa has no stun a basher is great for catching up and cancelling tp's not to mention once you upgrade it to abyssal it gives great damage and also allows a full 2 seconds to get in your overpower hits. other than that this is probably the best ursa guide on dotafire, keep it up :)
sorcerer455 | September 5, 2013 8:55pm
Great Guide
I love playing jungle heroes( Lifestealer, lycanthrope) and now I think I'm going to try Ursajust for the sake of it. Although I don't think I'll enjoy him as much as Lifestealer. :P
Xarx | August 14, 2013 4:03pm
Hey there!

First of all: this guide is messed up. People hate me because I'm jungling. They hate me because I kill Roshan solo. And in the end they hate me because I carry the team.
So as far as I am concerned: if I play this build, everyone hates me. And I love it!

Best Ursan build I have played so far!

But there are two things I would like you to go more in detail, especially for people like me who just started playing Dota:
1. How can I improve team play? A great issue is that if I join teamfights too early I get killed all the time. If I wait too long, my team gets cranky because they feel forsaken.
2. I feel like Ursa could use a lot more attack speed. Any item suggestions?

Thx for this great guide! :)
letsgoduke | April 10, 2013 11:31am
nachtnebel wrote:

Nice guide but for god's sake do NOT pull the creep camp close to the safe lane into the lane creeps unless your safelane hero's explicitly tell you to do so. I know this guide, and some others too, tell you to do so cause you will get gold and xp easier but at the same time it totally screws your safe lane if you dont do it right.
If you pull the camp into the lane you have to make sure that all of your minions die during the fight cause if they survive they will combine forces with the next wave and push towards the enemy tower which will turn the safe lane into a hard lane until the opponents push the waves back. Due to that your safe lane carry will get less farm, your opponents will get more and the safe lane support will be denied xp as well as gold which he otherwise would get from the jungle camp.

Overll: Taking the safe lane camp will be good for you but bad for the rest of your team so don't do it unless you are told to do so.

Good point. This may be outside the scope of a hero guide, but some extra detail on pulling and stacking might be helpful. Friends and foes, as others mentioned, would be helpful too.

Overall good guide!
BlackT | March 5, 2013 10:34am
Very nice guide. Followed it through almost completely, with great success.
Just one thing: I think it's possible to skip the salve (which you deliver together with Basilus), by simply building tranquil boots first - which you can then disassemble for Vlads.
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