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85 Votes

The Noob's Guide to Raising Your Solo Ranked MMR

July 20, 2020 by TEL9021
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kency | January 1, 2019 8:57pm
You mentioned about lab time but where do we start lab? with bot or somewhere sir?
TEL9021 (5) | January 18, 2019 11:43am
Lab time is with bots, yes. The idea is that you can easily restart a game if you mess up and can also experiment.
Phsc (4) | July 25, 2018 8:17pm
A important thing nobody considers, behaviour score, many games in 3k+ are lost because of toxic people, really high behaviour scores make it less likely to happen, im talking about actual toxicity, denying items and intentional feeding, not flaming, that can be avoided, but with a behaviour score of F it's really hard, people in 3k will firstpick Invoker lose mid then feed but it's all your fault, people in 4k will not respect marked lane orders or roll and pick a carry into another and blame you for it, and in 5k a carry will give up because you did a really small thing and he's clearly superior to you because he's a 5.5k player, oh, right, thats like 20 wins without losses from you 5k player that is clearly trash, but lets ignore the fact you have a higher total winrate than that dude!
But the most important thing and this comes from a dude who has played games with less than 500 MMR to semi-pro games with 7k players, the trench never ends.
TEL9021 (5) | September 26, 2018 12:24am
I have also lost many games due to toxicity. The most infuriating losses are games where my team was winning, but a single player who isn't doing well decides to feed mid because "we don't deserve to win".

All you can really do is never ever ever do this yourself. That way, you're only worried about 4 other players on your team feeding, and there are 5 enemies who can give you a free win if THEY start feeding. Actually, tilting one specific opponent is a legit strat to win games, but it's not easy to pull off.
Orion5 (4) | July 14, 2017 4:21am
I find watching high MMR players (ie 6-7k MMR plus) very helpful to learn heroes. For example I learned how to play Anti-Mage by watching one of Miracle's matches. This includes laning etc.

Learning how to support is very very valuable in gaining MMR on servers where people spam cores (such as SEA)
winoramadhan (1) | August 27, 2016 7:36pm
it's really helpful, thank you bro. I played DoTA 2 since 2014 but my friends always called me noob. I want to show them, that I could be better, thanks again bro.
indian.joKKer (1) | July 13, 2016 10:31am
Amazing read. Being a 400 MMR noob this helped me a lot in understanding key insights of the game. Thanks
Inflame213 | May 23, 2016 9:06pm
not to be impolite but you don't have to easily muted a person. sometime they have a point even though they we're so noisy. i take a simple example. if you see ganker like pudge,nxy or lc picked up by enemy, would you consider pick drow ranger? is it wise? playing in solo mmr drafting important since we dont have true understanding toward people we just met. we need to be independent in way solo capasity. don't take what you saw in youtube exact in your game. they were trained as a team and have good understanding whatever strategies they've planned. in solo mmr, u cant rely all on support. pick wisely and try to farm as fast as you can. if you were support, try to create space as you can for your carry and provide vision. don't spend too much gold on support item. it may cost you left behind in item which make you vulnerable to be attack. get a simply support item like magic wand and boot. please be wise on hero you want to choose and item you want to use. its way more important than stupid positive encouragement such as "you can do it"
Schmiloff (1) | March 20, 2016 8:18pm
Great read! well put together, explained with a relaxed approach!
H4shakha | October 26, 2015 12:47am
Very well written facts about each phases of the game its just like everyone who plays Dota2 after having a hard day expecting some good time from competitive game like dota but gets encountered by fools disrupts the whole mood of a person i appreciate Mr you have written facts and measures for it will really help us and understand people whom we are playing with in Solo in a much better way. Thankyou
ChiChi (47) | September 8, 2015 9:27am
Ohhh my own tale of potato bracket on your guide =´)

Thanks! It stills happens to me, getting those leadership commends while making a lot of mistakes, just because I'm gentle and I try to come up with a plan xD
Flayed | July 5, 2015 1:43pm
Great guide overall, just by mainly playing support and sometimes mid ive been able to improve my mmr by a 1000( Was at um 1k lol thats what I get for playing ranked at 200 hours, now after ik what am doing at 2k and going strong think I can make it to 3k soon) supports are so huge especially in low mmr dazzle and omni for me have been huge heck I have a 80 percent win rate as omni and 70 as dazzle, healing supports can make a huge difference especially in the lower mmr.
Gum_Punk | July 4, 2015 2:27pm
Thnx a lots.... very usefull guide for me :)
xlytic | July 3, 2015 4:42am
1st rule should always be ! LEARN THE GAME BEFORE YOU PLAY RANKED MATCHES ! AND BY THAT I MEAN IF IT TAKES YOU 1 YEAR OR 10 YEARS NO MATTER HOW LONG DOES IT TAKES JUST MAKE SURE THAT YOU KNOW ALOT ABOUT THE GAME BEFORE YOU START PLAYING FOR POINTS. i know that some of you wont agree with me but ask yourself why r u "stuck" in 1.5k mmr then ? :D

but that's just me tho :)
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