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The Master Ninja: Gondar(work in progress)

March 22, 2013 by Xenergy
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jester desu | October 2, 2013 9:41am
Thanks for the nice guide. I prefer to skip medallion and go right to desolator and also make monkey king bar my next purchase. Orchid of malevolence is something you might enjoy checking out too 😊
Xenergy | March 23, 2013 6:53pm
Synergy wrote:

Which is a problem as you need rune control to keep your bottle filled, button can't deprive your mid of runes. It can be good though with bottle crowing, but soul ring ends up more reliable.

In some games i just get a tp scroll from the side shop and go back to base. It is more cost efficient if you don't do it so often, but i'll add the Soul Ring and Tranquil Bootsto this guide.
Xenergy | March 23, 2013 6:51pm
In most games I just get a Tp scroll and go back to base. It is more cost efficient if you don't do it so often.
Synergy (2) | March 22, 2013 11:28pm
Xenergy wrote:

Getting a Soul Ring is fine if you get [tranquil boots]] as well, but usually I find that a Bottle helps with most of your mana problems, especially if you can get runes.

Which is a problem as you need rune control to keep your bottle filled, button can't deprive your mid of runes. It can be good though with bottle crowing, but soul ring ends up more reliable.
Xenergy | March 22, 2013 5:49pm
Synergy wrote:

I like to get Soul Ring just so I always have mana on demand for Shadow Walk, Shuriken Toss and Track.

Getting a Soul Ring is fine if you get [tranquil boots]] as well, but usually I find that a Bottle helps with most of your mana problems, especially if you can get runes.
Synergy (2) | March 22, 2013 8:42am
I like to get Soul Ring just so I always have mana on demand for Shadow Walk, Shuriken Toss and Track.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 22, 2013 7:39am
Xenergy wrote:
However, instead of maxing Shuriken Toss, i think getting 2 points in jinada then maxing shurikenis a better idea. it depends on how the game goes i guess, that will determine the skill and item build.

Yep, I do so too: maxing out Shuriken Toss first is fine, but you still need two points in Jinada and one in Shadow Walk before it.
Xenergy | March 22, 2013 7:13am
Hales Own wrote:

This is my skill build for bounty hunter.Lvl 1.E,Lvl 2 W,Lvl 3 Q,Lvl 4 Q,Lvl 5 Q,Then you upgrade track once and skill up jinada.And 6 dvine rapiers?Why not 5 divine rapiers and 1 Battle Fury?That way you can have an easy rampage when enemy is trying to push.In case you didn't know,I got quite a lot of kills with that skill build.It's easy to draw first blood against enemy heroes youre laning with.

I prefer getting 2 levels in shuriken for the early part of the game, as it doesn't scale that well. Then get 2 points in Jinada and max shuriken after. About the battlefury idea, if the other team does not clump up, it's wasted. anyway if you're doing that well, it doesn't matter what items you get purely for fun.
Xenergy | March 22, 2013 7:06am

I think you underestimate the usefulness of Shuriken Toss: you say that maxing-out Jinada is the best way to farm and do big damage, but what you really need from it is the maim ability. Plus, you might have a hard time laning against a competent dual/trilane as you don't have any mana-regen items ( Bottle is the most common, but some competitive players like to pick a Soul Ring too) which makes a hypotetical solo-laning phase very passive, as you would have enough mana for 4-5 Shadow Walks only. With a Bottle you also have enough mana to cast your Shuriken Toss (provided you can bottle crow or frequently pick up runes) and to spam Track, which is the best feature of this Hero.

About the item build, this "only" works with an armor-reducing strategy: in any other scenarios you'd better skip the Medallion of Courage (which only delays your core items, in my opinion) or build a different core such as a Drum of Endurance + Yasha combo. You don't even mention Manta Style, probably the most effective item for any AGI Hero and particularly useful on Bounty Hunter because it disspells Dust of Appearance, Amplify Damage and Track from the enemy Rubick.

Last but not least, I think you should remove Sange and Yasha from the late-game items: not only it's one of the worst items in term of cost-efficiency, but it even helps you less than a Manta Style for both damage increase and survivability.

I forgot to add Manta Style. thanks for pointing that out. About the Soul Ring i suppose it works but i if you're going to get it buy a Tranquil Boots as well to heal up, then dissassemble it to make Phase Boots later. For the skill build I have to agree with you not to max Jinada first. However, instead of maxing Shuriken Toss, i think getting 2 points in jinada then maxing shurikenis a better idea. it depends on how the game goes i guess, that will determine the skill and item build.
Hales Own | March 22, 2013 6:49am
This is my skill build for bounty hunter.Lvl 1.E,Lvl 2 W,Lvl 3 Q,Lvl 4 Q,Lvl 5 Q,Then you upgrade track once and skill up jinada.And 6 dvine rapiers?Why not 5 divine rapiers and 1 Battle Fury?That way you can have an easy rampage when enemy is trying to push.In case you didn't know,I got quite a lot of kills with that skill build.It's easy to draw first blood against enemy heroes youre laning with.
Xenergy | March 22, 2013 6:18am
Yoda wrote:

No Drum of Endurance?? Idk i always get it after Phase Boots. Maybe it;s only a personal preference since i like to stack movement speed.

EDIT:And a when to pick/when not to pick section

I have never tried drums on bounty hunter but it sounds like a good idea. thanks. i will edit it as soon as possible
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 22, 2013 6:02am
I think you underestimate the usefulness of Shuriken Toss: you say that maxing-out Jinada is the best way to farm and do big damage, but what you really need from it is the maim ability. Plus, you might have a hard time laning against a competent dual/trilane as you don't have any mana-regen items ( Bottle is the most common, but some competitive players like to pick a Soul Ring too) which makes a hypotetical solo-laning phase very passive, as you would have enough mana for 4-5 Shadow Walks only. With a Bottle you also have enough mana to cast your Shuriken Toss (provided you can bottle crow or frequently pick up runes) and to spam Track, which is the best feature of this Hero.

About the item build, this "only" works with an armor-reducing strategy: in any other scenarios you'd better skip the Medallion of Courage (which only delays your core items, in my opinion) or build a different core such as a Drum of Endurance + Yasha combo. You don't even mention Manta Style, probably the most effective item for any AGI Hero and particularly useful on Bounty Hunter because it disspells Dust of Appearance, Amplify Damage and Track from the enemy Rubick.

Last but not least, I think you should remove Sange and Yasha from the late-game items: not only it's one of the worst items in term of cost-efficiency, but it even helps you less than a Manta Style for both damage increase and survivability.
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