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5 Votes

The infamous Dark Reef Dozen Build

February 27, 2015 by Eisbaer
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marvelicious | July 5, 2013 7:23pm
Good read. Thanks. I really need to give that Armlet another shot.

And agree - slark collects noob tears from bloodseeker and zeus all day long.
Yasutsuna (51) | June 1, 2013 10:27am
Palma wrote:

Slark is really strong early game hero, even without his ultimate.

Eye of skadi is waste of money. You really should focus on more necessary items like SnY or maelstorm. If you want more hp/be more durable, get bkb.

Otherwise skill and item builds are very well scaled. Maybe you could add shadow blade on extensions, it gives you attack speed and chance to land the Leap successfully.

I wouldn't agree on Eye of Skadi is a waste of money. Sure, it does cause hella lot of money, but it gives +25 stats. In late game, Slark will lose some of his ganking potential so getting Eye of Skadi is pretty essential since he can slow. As the battle drags on, he can attack faster and faster and coupled with Pounce, enemy have literally no escape.

Adding Shadow Blade, on the other hand, is a waste of money. Pounce can be used as a good initiation skill, or perhaps Shadow Dance + Dark Pact. You'll be amazed how well this combo works. About leaping, a Shadow Dance is actually more than enough.
Palma | June 1, 2013 8:34am
Slark is really strong early game hero, even without his ultimate.

Eye of skadi is waste of money. You really should focus on more necessary items like SnY or maelstorm. If you want more hp/be more durable, get bkb.

Otherwise skill and item builds are very well scaled. Maybe you could add shadow blade on extensions, it gives you attack speed and chance to land the Leap successfully.
O-R-W-K | May 31, 2013 11:37am
Counter to bloodseeker? In teamfights anything pretty much counters bloodseeker.... His teamfight is horrible...
Xyrus (104) | May 31, 2013 10:15am
Dwemer wrote:

Slark is strong against Bloodseeker and Zeus? Really?

Yeah, I think you need to explain the Effective against/ Weak against heroes, but otherwise, a very well formatted and concise guide
Wulfstan (77) | May 31, 2013 8:08am
Don't take seriously what the statistics say at Dota-Hut.If you want more accurate ones,go to Dotabuff.

On the other hand,I would replace Sange and Yasha with Diffusal Blade.
Dwemer (1) | May 31, 2013 5:30am
Slark is strong against Bloodseeker and Zeus? Really?
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