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24 Votes

Some Idiot's Guide to Death Prophet

January 10, 2017 by Safecyn
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lightfae | May 17, 2017 11:14am
Please don't say its updated for 2017 when its not? You don't discuss the talents or recent item changes.
Tuldoka | May 23, 2016 4:49pm
Given 6.87, do you think there are any changes in your Aether vs Veil argument? They look somewhat equivalent to me depending on the game. Aether will still increase damage to everything and give range, but amplifies less than it used to and doesnt provide magic resistance. Veil now also works on spirit siphon, makes use of the early null, gives armor, and lets her be more significant when her ult is on cd. An early Veil would potentially let DP wreck people esp. if you have a team with some nuke damage (though in that scenario you dont necessarily have to be the one to build it). I haven't tested anything yet but I just saw your guide and found your points really interesting. I used to go racecar DP with the old witchcraft skill. But she has a slow now so increasing dmg and tank looks more important than MS used to be
Hijinx05 | March 19, 2016 3:40pm
Thank you for the great guide!
InfuriatedBrute (2) | March 14, 2016 7:26am

Multiple Aether Lens?

The dmg stacks multiplicatively (AKA the second Aether lens will give more damage than the first), but the range increase does not stack at all.

There are some pretty funny builds you can make with aether lens stacking on Zeus/Huskar, but in reality multiple aether lens are almost never viable.
AlphaStrategizer | March 8, 2016 5:31am
First off, I'd like to thank you for all of the amazing guides, and I especially love how you show the effects math has on the game, but I do have a question.......

Multiple Aether Lens?

I never really saw how good it was until the part about Compound Interest, but I'm curious how multiple Aether Lens would stack. Would it turn into a 16% boost, or would it give the 8% to 108%?
If so, would 2, or maybe even 3 Lens be a decent idea?
Sceptre | March 3, 2016 5:09am
Make more guide please I love your guide +1
ChiChi (47) | February 28, 2016 4:35am
Much good, such guide, as usually. Insert all the "good job +1" blabla here. Keep doing this!
Proctodinia | February 25, 2016 4:58pm
Great guide dude! Instant +1
Safecyn (32) | February 21, 2016 10:36am
@Item suggestions: Rod of Atos and Ghost Scepter are both situational items I should have had in here from the beginning, yes. Good catch! I'll update that soon enough.

@TheGhostReader: There are plans to update the old guides, yes. Not too substantially, most of them are only two point releases behind, but I'll definitely try to add the new Aether Lens centered Zeus build to the Zeus one, discuss the potential the item has with Venomancer... number on priority is going to be updating the Silencer guide so that his skills aren't just plain wrong XD.

As for future plans, I definitely wouldn't expect this to be my last guide, no: more will come in time. I've got failed attempts at Undying, Lich, Lone Druid, Night Stalker, and Clinkz in storage, but none of them have ever quite come together the way they should, and I try to keep some baseline level of quality in these things, believe it or not. I'm also going to finish my MMR calibration blog, I swear, one of these days, I don't know why it's so difficult for me but it is.

As for future plans unrelated to the site... I might be going to TI? I can definitely afford it this year, the question is whether I'll be fast enough to buy tickets. It'd be cool to do some sort of Dotafire meet-up if I manage to go, and there's a strong chance that other members of the Safestack will be in attendance as well (the majority of them DO live on the West Coast, after all). So that's something to look forward to! I might even bring hats. Dota players love hats.
Tadeog | February 21, 2016 10:25am
Math Dota is the best Dota. Guides like this make me wet. +1 , keep up the good work
TheGhostReader | February 21, 2016 6:32am

i have a few questions

do you have a plan to update your old guides ? or maybe better... update and make more guides ? XD


do you think rod of atos is a good item for DP... ?

oh and i think you should add ghost scepter to counter juggernaut or other right clickers...
UltraSuperHyper (12) | February 20, 2016 9:48pm
Good guide as usual and congrats on the job!
+1 as usual.

Edit: An early value point in silence might be useful? Also, if going for a lvl1 gank or rune warzzz I'd recommend lifedrain at lvl1 instead of crypt swarm.
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