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14 Votes

Riki The Carry by <VllX>

November 12, 2012 by vlladonx
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Xx epicness xX | May 25, 2014 8:28pm
another very impressive guide vlladonx. will you be making another? even do i like your Viper guide more this ones still very impressive.
kjhgfr1 | November 17, 2012 5:31am
You didn't mentioned BKB at all, yeah..
vlladonx (2) | November 16, 2012 4:44am
Why not? Because I have better things to do? Read my guide, read why.
Making a troll guide? I reckon you have problems, mate. And you didn't, but I had to make sure you know.
xTimekeepeRx | November 16, 2012 1:05am
Why not? It's your guide, you have to justify your choices if a viewer disagrees, that's a quality of a good guide writer. I haven't seen any convincing arguments why Vladmir's offering or SNY provides more pros than cons.

I didn't say your comment was troll, I said my guide was troll. I made the guides with intention of misinforming unfortunate readers who believe it. Now where did I say my english was good anyway?
vlladonx (2) | November 16, 2012 12:28am
I could answer to all this with another huge comment, but just no. You need lo learn the difference between something that makes sense to you and the absolute and only truth. It's pointless to argue with you since you only hear yourself.

P.S. That wasn't a 'troll' comment, that wasn't a disturbance. I just went through your guides to see if you know your **** and realized that 1) You don't 2) Your english is far from good
That's all.
xTimekeepeRx | November 15, 2012 3:59pm
The hole point of the guild is it is for pub games and pub games only. Thats like saying Dazle is a bad hero since he is never picked in comp.

And no, Dazzle is picked in competitions. Some heroes like SA huskar and PA are never picked because they simply don't perform well against good players. If you ever read any forum discussions, you would see that the general pool of high-level players think that either SnY or Rod of Atos are the worst items in the game. They simply just don't have value for gold.

Anyway, I wasn't talking about hero choice, I was talking about items. For 4300 gold(SnY), you sure get some mediocre stats for SnY. The only thing worthy is perhaps the movement speed increase, but you can already get that with manta style, which provides much better stats, including more mana pool for blink strikes, illusions on demand, and more agility than SnY.

Hp shouldn't matter mostly, because if your team is playing right with you, they will mostly never get to focus you down. You will mostly strike when they are disabled or fleeing. If they do get the chance to focus you, that 304 HP from SnY shouldn't matter anyway.

Force staff is on Luna's suggested items, are you saying that it works wonders for Luna as well? Scepter for Luna? How about rod of atos on some heroes like silencer? Veil of Discord on QoP? Not all the suggested items work to the heroes in most games. For instance, Vladmir's Offering. I don't even know what it is doing in the situational items on Riki, because the situation for that is when you have 5 melee heroes in your team and you didn't up permanent invisibility on Riki.

By putting your guide out here, you are presenting it to be judged, whether good or bad. So you shouldn't really be bothered if anyone is patronizing you for any form of misinformation. You could have double checked your guide before posting it. You should not be taking offence tbh, because this is nothing personal. I don't come onto guides to personally attack people, it's all professional. In fact, I felt your Viper guide was pretty good.

I would also suggest you from removing your steam profile name from your user when writing guides, because you have a negative winrate with(or without) SA and that, really is not helping your guide. Also, I have searched your name plus filtering your skill level by Very High, High and Normal bracket in the 'Watch -> Recent Games' inside the DotA 2 client, and your games mostly ended up in normal, which means you are playing at a reasonably low MMR with a negative winrate, where builds like Vlads -> SnY -> AC would work.

I'm sorry for the comprehension error I made there and misunderstood you about the smoke screen issue, that was my mistake.

I'm not presenting my opinions as facts, I'm just trying to justify the strength of diffusal over SnY.

First of all, it's cheaper than SnY. You are able to obtain it 1000 gold before SnY, which is probably around 3 minutes.

Diffusal = 3300 Gold
SnY = 4300 Gold

You are able to obtain a diffusal much earlier than SnY, and it provides more agility.

As a decent SA player, you should never be attacking enemies alone unless they are at low hp or really squishy. You often wait for your teammates to initiate the battle(unless you are smoking to initiate, but that's very situational). Usually you would wait for your enemies to be disabled or pre-occupied with your allies when you strike.

I don't think BKB is wasted on riki. Smoke screen does not stop your enemies from using item disables such as Cyclone, Hex or Orchid(though orchid should not really matter after your smoke screen is popped in a team battle). Also, you are almost never able to keep all your enemy heroes with disables inside the smoke screen for the full duration (unless you have diffusal or a lucky maim, and the enemy is ******ed and running in the wrong direction). Sometimes, that 3-4 seconds lost in a team battle can cost you the team fight. You can also BKB a silence or a bounty hunter track(just make sure his track is on cooldown though, because you can still be tracked with magic immunity) to fade to invisibility.

Let's put the strengths of Diffusal this way:
You are able to slow the enemy from a distance. It is an on-demand slow, and you need not waste your blink strike first in any case the enemy has any getaway cooldowns such as leap or blink.
You are able to manaburn enemies and if the game is early enough, often drain their mana to the point they are unable to cast an important spell that is expensive on mana, e.g Hex.

Any decent enemy will carry a TP against riki and TP the moment they get smoked, because it means you have no way of stopping it unless you have a basher, which you don't. With the on demand slow, you can force them to expend their cooldowns early, and save your smoke for when they do.

Strength of Sange (Maim):
Firstly, more HP. This allows you to receive more hits. If you catch an enemy off guard, you probably wouldn't even need the hp anyway. You're basing your slow on a 15% chance, and since you're a Dota 2 player, it is currently using RNG(Random Number Generator) and not PRNG(Pseudo-Random Number Generator) unlike in Warcraft 3, you can go for 10 hits without any maim if you are unlucky. If you do not maim your target on the first hit, you are forced to use your blink strike early because you are unable to continuously attack the target as he is fleeing. You might even be forced to pop smoke if he gets too far and no maim is procced. The moment smoke is used, he TPs, and you have no way whatsoever of stopping him from it.

It sounds like people prefer Maim just because they can't be bothered to use active target items and just want to right click enemies, hoping for maim to proc. If you can give me a realistic scenario where you are on the offensive(as SAs should mostly be), which Sange is better than Diffusal, I would be sincerely interested to read it.

4 Scenarios that Vlad's would spoil Riki's stealth that is very common:

1. You are letting your teammate bait for enemies to dive him, so you may clean them up. Unfortunately for you, you have lifesteal aura, so you must remain 900 range away from your ally. When they do gank your enemy, you try to blink strike in, but you need 2 seconds of travelling and in result, your teammate dies.

2. Enemies are attacking you, hoping to kill you before you fade. You fade with 100 HP left. Enemy has AoE spells, or someone with dust is coming that you are unaware of. You choose not to run back to base but hang around the creeps, trying to trick the enemy that you are no longer in the vicinity, hoping they would leave and you can get that last creep wave before going back to base. Your vladmir's is spoiling it. You are dusted and killed.

3. You are just right behind, about 150 range behind an unsuspecting enemy farming the creep lane, waiting for your teammate to TP and stun the enemy so as to land maximum burst damage without using your smoke or blink strike just yet. However, hanging right just behind him cannot be done, because of your aura. In result, you must stay 900 range away from your creeps, forcing you to use your blink strike earlier and not getting the most of the disable.

4. You are stalking your enemies, silently following them in the NC while they wait for your team, who is pushing mid. Your enemies do not know you are with them, but they do know you are not with your allies because your allies do not have Vlad's Aura.

Vladmir's would absolutely wreck riki's stealth against any somewhat observant players, that's why it's just... no.

P.s Ha, I did see the comment on my troll sniper guide, good job with that, I don't feel disturbed in any form at all. Just saying. Don't make this personal, it's not. We're still having a friendly discussion, right?
Mirror (22) | November 15, 2012 2:53pm
Sange and Yasha is a lousy item and should not be purchased

If it was a bad item than why did valve make a hero item for it on Riki? The blink dager they mad for Axe works wonder in game.

When was the last time you ever saw Sange and Yasha purchased in any competitive game?

The hole point of the guild is it is for pub games and pub games only. Thats like saying Dazle is a bad hero since he is never picked in comp.
vlladonx (2) | November 15, 2012 1:47am
I disagree on S&Y and I'm really not going to argue out an item. It does wonders on Riki in my opinion. I've said exactly what is wrong with Diffusal Blade.
BKB's cost is too high to get it before the end of middle game which means by the time you get it won't be needed as much.

Vladimir's offering may give out his location, but Riki doesn't tend stand around creeps for too long. By the time the enemy will see the aura they will see Riki as well, just as his smoke. Riki will be always severely harmed when plying good because once early game end it's 2-3 vs 2-3 and at least one or two heroes will damage him with the best spell they've got to not let him get away, as soon as they see him.

"And anyway Cloud = Smoke Screen." Please read properly. He said that I didn't include an important skill called Cloud. I said that Riki doesn't have Cloud, he has a Smoke Screen, which I INCLUDED, using points that he mentioned in his comment. Hence, "I hate to break this to you mate". I take your tone, and twisting the facts as an offence, by the way.

I suppose I did a mistake, I took it straight from a wiki page. Saying it's wrong is one thing, but generalizing it to 'you clearly need to get your fact straight is implying I don't know anything all. Please stop patronizing.

P.S. So far I only saw your opinion on items that differs from mine, but I really don't think presenting your opinion as a fact is a good idea. Your arguments against them are valid but not nearly sufficient to prove a point.
xTimekeepeRx | November 15, 2012 12:43am

Diffusal should be placed on greater priority before Sange and Yasha. It's cheaper, even.

For that matter, Sange and Yasha is a lousy item and should not be purchased(even for any hero). When was the last time you ever saw Sange and Yasha purchased in any competitive game? It is simply not worth the money. If you need the hp, go for a bracer, or even vanguard. Riki would be doing much better off with a Manta Style if he believes he needs the movement speed increase. Manta style also allows you to escape from certain snares, dodge certain projectiles and confuse enemy heroes with single-target spells.

The point of having diffusal is getting enemy heroes stuck in cloud for the full duration, if not just chasing an enemy - by missing it out and getting sange instead, you're betting it on luck that you will maim a target.

Diffusal Blade also greatly benefits riki because of the agility it provides too. Diffusal blade can also be used to purge annoying debuffs on you such as track and amplify damage which allow them to see you.

As for BKB, enemy players can walk out of the smoke screen and stun you, BKB is useful for riki, you will never get 5 heroes inside the smoke screen for the full duration.

Vladmir's offering is a bad item choice because it gives away your location, as creeps and other heroes will obtain your aura, and it cannot be turned off. Besides, riki does not need the lifesteal because you should never be fighting any hero head-on. If you are, you're either doing it wrong or the enemy is severely under farmed.

Mate I hate to break this to you but..... Riki doesn't have a skill called cloud. He only has smoke.

And anyway Cloud = Smoke Screen. The reasoning for this is DotA is a warcraft 3 mod, and the animation used for Smoke Screen is Cloud on the Dragonhawk Rider, leading to players calling Smoke Screen as Cloud. And anyway that argument is invalid, since you clearly knew what he meant.

Sentry Wards. They don't have a lot of sight range, so they are almost useless when there are no creeps or heroes (or Observer Wards) around. They provide the true sight in area of 1600 around them (blocked by obstacles as for any other unit), but they do not provide the actual sight.

You clearly need to get your facts right, because Sentry Wards have 950 true sight radius. If it did have 1600, everyone would be planting sentry wards next to their towers to see about twice the tower's attack of 700 and true sight range of 900.

I can agree with some points of the guide, but that being said, this guide/build does not work optimally compared to other item builds or guides. Forget the vlads and SnY. AC is also a terrible choice.

On a final note, don't take it to heart, but if Vlads + SnY is working for you consistently(not just one or two games), then you must be playing at a low MMR.
Mirror (22) | November 14, 2012 6:10pm
Thanks for reading my post and responding to it, you have defended your point as well as proving it. I think I will go play riki off this guild now. Riki makes a lot more sense now that I see this guild in a different light.

No diffusal? No bkb?
oh wow, I do wonder how low you are in the MM system

Departed, the diffusal is under "Hard Carry" and the other "pub" team cannot stun you if you are silenced.
depparted (3) | November 14, 2012 2:06pm
No diffusal? No bkb?
oh wow, I do wonder how low you are in the MM system
vlladonx (2) | November 14, 2012 5:20am
Mate I hate to break this to you but..... Riki doesn't have a skill called cloud. He only has smoke. Which I didn't miss. And I described exactly how to use it, including what you said in your comment, so... yeah.

I was asked to compare them and I showed what differences they have in their invisibility abilities. Not who's better or something. Riki who has S&Y and MoM and something else doesn't really need a butterfly nor does he have the money to buy it before endgame. With most of this build he can wipe out a properly fed Pudge in up to 10 seconds, alone. It's not the damage that he needs most, it's the ability to not let anyone get away.
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