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10 Votes

Riki Mid Domination

January 22, 2014 by Wakkatata
Comments: 8    |    Views: 22689    |   

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dynasty987 (6) | January 23, 2014 5:41am
Wakkatata wrote:

Edited the introduction chapter. Also, this guide isn't meant for Pro-play. Pub games only, left that out. In a game where noone understands how to shut Riki down correctly, then it's devastating. Laugh all you want at the guide, but until you try it your opinion means nothing really. It works, if you use it, it's the way I play Riki and I average a 40+ kills and <4 deaths game every time I play Riki. Give it a try before you rag on it.

Edit: No, this is absolutely not a "troll guide" as you so eloquently put it. Appreciate the down vote though, on something you didn't try, shows a lot for your wisdom.

No offence but if this is the case then you clearly play at the skill level where invis hero = invulnerable because noone buys detection or has any idea how to play against invis gankers.
Wakkatata | January 22, 2014 10:11am
Edited the introduction chapter. Also, this guide isn't meant for Pro-play. Pub games only, left that out. In a game where noone understands how to shut Riki down correctly, then it's devastating. Laugh all you want at the guide, but until you try it your opinion means nothing really. It works, if you use it, it's the way I play Riki and I average a 40+ kills and <4 deaths game every time I play Riki. Give it a try before you rag on it.

Edit: No, this is absolutely not a "troll guide" as you so eloquently put it. Appreciate the down vote though, on something you didn't try, shows a lot for your wisdom.
E4rl | January 22, 2014 6:03am
"Also, no Diffusal Blade. Riki doesn't need it, he has a massive AoE silence and kills anyone that Diffusal Blade is meant for before that silence even evaporates." Seriously. This is ridiculous... Did you know that it can be used to purge Dust of Appearance(The easiest method used to counter invi heros, I think)? Diffusal Blade is CORE on Riki.
Xyrus (104) | January 22, 2014 4:25am
It works as a Troll Guide, but not a serious one. Downvoted.
L0bstz0r (12) | January 22, 2014 4:09am
tbh the title of this guide kinda made me laugh... Also SnY AND MoM Oo are 2 of the most terrible items in the game. if plying riki, rather stick with the BKB + Diffusal Blade rush.
Sando (118) | January 22, 2014 3:01am
Uh, yeah, Riki can only mid against particular heroes, all of the common midlaners will destroy him easily. You'd definitely need a Poor Man's Shield either way. Diffusal Blade isn't even situational on him, I'd say it's core., as is the BKB.
Yasutsuna (51) | January 21, 2014 9:11pm
IMO, Riki is a horrible mid hero. Not only he is melee, he is squishy and can't use invisibility until Level 6. Any mid hero can easily harass Riki to his doom, causing him to not even get Power Threads after level 7. When I tried with my friends in ranked games, I was level 7 with Stout Shield, Wraith Band and Boots of Speed only and my enemy at that time was i think QoP.

Mask of Madness is a horrible items on squishy heroes like Riki, the moment you appear and pop it, everyone will attack you at the same time. If you need more attack speed, I would always prefer Armlet of Mordiggian or Maelstrom.

I would also list Diffusal Blade as a situational item since it's buff will come in handy, and it is an AGI item
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 21, 2014 8:24pm
wrong.riki can't mid effectively against top-tier mid heroes since he is too squishy and melee.
QoP burst can kill him at lvl 5 (with a couple of auto attacks)same with storm spirit.
pretty easy to gank with smoke(if he decides to lane after 6)
agree with blinkstrike maxing since he needs an escape.
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