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anyways, good thinking man.. (or girl etc. wtvr haha)
ive learn new things too.. thanks ^^
In that case you might wanna buy some wards and smoke
In terms of his counter, I wanna add magina the anti-mage. His blink can escape from tree dance landing, hyper farming speed, can manfight until jingu mastery buff in early game(then blink away) and burn mana (less use of his boundless strike), natural battle fury carrier (ward him and chop the tree, wu kong is GG :D ).
In the early game, timber against wu kong (1 vs 1) is something crazy but I saw wu kong wins many times. He is made for first blood if a person can play with cool maneuvers. I would directly go MKB skipping desolator for him as core carry (maybe position 2) since mini-stun really benefit to his Jingu mastery buff.
By all means, up vote from me :)
1) Why should he use difussal blade? Skull basher can be super effective when having ulti
2) I tried him with mask of madness and it's just insane..You get ability lifesteal + Mom Lifesteal and you simply dont care about low armor or TP back to base
3) Mischief is pretty much useless as you said, but with Blink Dagger it could be very useful, however spending time and money for dagger would not be the wisest thig.
Nice guide regardless! gj
what do you think about mask of madness?
Although it's a good guide, i would like to see some correction on a few things:
More like a fun skill than something useful. People can attack you while you have changed your form, and you will transform back immediatly. It can be good in certain situations, but it is not adviced to use this as a gameplay mechanic. If you try to hide into the trees, any decent player A-clicking his way will hit you. The rune trasnformation is very bad (run hovers a lot lower than the actual spot). I don't think good players will get tricked by this. Kinda works like original Minefield Sign, but any [aghanim's scepter] upgrade is welcome.
i think that's totally in-accurate. there is gameplay uses for this skill, probably not as a core role but as a support. let me explain, we already seen zai play this hero as support/ganker so there's a potential for that. the slow is awesome. anyways, as a support, you could appreciate a tool to be invisible to wards, almost invisible in river when even thought there is an enemy nearby, it definitely makes it harder to hit you.
misschief when use, your invisible to enemies wards even with sentries around, you can dive towers without enemies noticing. for example, you can camp at a tier 2 tower for sniping of a courier.
also if you want to ward without getting caught by wards, that's a good way to do it.
it's also good to gank from behind (t2 tower) while you want to dive towers. i think when give it time and practice it can be a good skill.
also, it can be used as bait, couriers incoming, i simply did it yesterday. and i don't think being a tree it's that bad. not for escape but for defending and setting up kills.
on the items,
with this patch, you can not purge your self. although it's still a good pick, but not for that purpose.
a few thought on the items for the build:
i would go for an
Well, this are just some thoughts on the matter, hope we can figure this hero together :)
Not only that it helps him to escape some hits before he can climb a tree. I would say he is a Good escape Artist with his already available skills and with the Shadow Blade it will be impossible to gank him.