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6 Votes

Mid Meepo 6.79 Dominance

November 28, 2013 by Renderless
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In.My.ConTroL | October 27, 2015 4:44am
I am sorry but I found huge mistakes in your guide.

The first and most clear mistake is upgrading geostrike as your first skill. Please remember that EARTHBIND is crutial to help you taking the rune on beginning.

The second is the same mistake most of Meepo users are doing nowadays: using power treads. For some strange reason you guys believe that it's the most proper boot for Geomancer, maybe just because that's W33 gameplay style. Travel is a MUST, you can teleport with all those five meepos (scepter) and farm all lanes at once and also, this is the best "RAT DOTA" hero in the game.

Avoid team fights in the early game, at least until you have 3 meepos (level 10), because if your meepo dies and you feed your opponents, it gets too hard to come back. Obviously, you must try to kill your solo-mid opponent in every game, but early team-fight is not a good idea for this hero.

Last but not least, this is a hero that demands a lot of skills. So, unless you are able to control 5 heroes and a great pack of itens (travel, dagger, vyse), just jump to the next hero and never pick this one.
ComradeHX | October 28, 2014 2:54pm
I randomed meepo(first time ever playing it; I only randomed meepo in dota 1 before and always repicked) today in pubs.

Followed this guide(first result in google, first guide on top) mostly, except I went for two hearts consecutively(because my micro isn't that good) instead of blink dagger or ghostblade.

Died a few times at first, farmed jungle for a while, learned to spam tab + ww, then went godlike later. 14/6/17

Holy **** meepo's poof does so much damage in addition to the infinite nets and autoattacks.
MatiusSFH | March 14, 2014 5:47am
Gunnsider wrote:

What is about lina as a hard counter to meepo cuz of her aoe dmg and stun and of course her nuke ?
nur overall very nice guide

lalala im happily farming as a meepo in lane

a wild lina appears

Gunnsider | March 11, 2014 9:14am
What is about lina as a hard counter to meepo cuz of her aoe dmg and stun and of course her nuke ?
nur overall very nice guide
Xatos | November 30, 2013 1:53pm
Pretty good guide man, big props. I'm about to run my 3rd run with it. Thanks for sharing!
Renderless | November 29, 2013 6:52pm
Tikru8 wrote:

Interesting going mid with Meepo. How do you lane mid against strong early harassers such as Viper before lvl 4? Mostly stay back and sap the exp while giving up most last hits or?

Yes, that is necessary sometimes. However, the time it takes to get from 4 to 6 is the same time it takes to get from 1 to 4. So you have the same amount of time he has but with a larger advantage than he did to get a kill mid, which is what you are aiming for in a mid Meepo position.
Renderless | November 29, 2013 6:49pm

but maxing geostrike... not loving that, especially if you dont rush Blink Dagger as i think Orb of Venom + lvl 1-2 geostrike is nuff slow n DoT. Your Aghanim's Scepter first build justifies maxing Poof over geostrike as you'll want the INSANE increase of nuke damage it will provide thnx to your extra meepo. On the contrary if going for a Blink Dagger rush u could consider maxing geostrike as Poof deals mediocre damage when blinking.

Yes poof is very good, but before 6.79 Poof was being leveled and often was maxed by the time Meepo was viable to kill in lane let alone gank. Now, with poof being only at best level 2 by the time you NEED to gank it is not nearly as effective, since we are using half of our available poofs just to initiate into a fight. By the time you are 11 now in 6.79 your poof is almost maxed and is about as powerful as it was, and if done properly you will be 11, 2 to 3 levels before anyone else. This means you can go right back to the way it was in 6.78 with Poof now being the major upfront damage dealer. Of course, you can always only get 2-3 points into geostrike, and that can work as effectively when played in that style.
Renderless | November 29, 2013 3:50pm
You seem to forget about Lich. Chain Frost into a horde of meepo. All die.

Lich only counters you for a short window at lvl 6 and if he hits lvl 11 quickly. Otherwise with Meepos inate 35% base magic resist and high late game HP means in teamfights Meepo counters lich.
ReAlChemist (2) | November 29, 2013 9:54am

obviously meepo isnt the strongest mid n i sincerely think skillfull mids will tear him down at mid, but he can handle gainst some of the best middlers in the game outworld devourer Pudge

I'm not a Meepo player, but I don't think that he can in any way handle OD. OD can easily steal all the INT from both meepos then almost one shot you with his ulti. Sure you can soak exp, but one of the main reasons OD wins his lane is that he can deny most or all creeps. Also, he can interrupt your combo before you have 3-4 meepos by imprisoning the meepo yet to cast Earthbind or himself.

Pudge is also not considered a strong mid laner although he's put there for a couple reasons (eg. he's an incredible ganker). There there are many heroes that just **** on Pudge so while Meepo can win the lane, but others will win it harder.

My suggestion is that you draft a Bane if you want to go against a decently strong mid. Have him Enfeeble at start so you win the first wave and roam mid every so often to recast. When you hit 4, he can Nightmare to set up very easy Poofs.
MANNLIER (1) | November 29, 2013 3:36am
obviously meepo isnt the strongest mid n i sincerely think skillfull mids will tear him down at mid, but he can handle gainst some of the best middlers in the game outworld devourer Pudge
Tikru8 (4) | November 28, 2013 10:43pm
Interesting going mid with Meepo. How do you lane mid against strong early harassers such as Viper before lvl 4? Mostly stay back and sap the exp while giving up most last hits or?
Hinakurinchi (3) | November 28, 2013 7:15pm
You seem to forget about Lich. Chain Frost into a horde of meepo. All die.
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