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230 Votes

Loveless' Guide to Traxex

September 24, 2013 by LuvLes
Comments: 56    |    Views: 1013326    |   

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theFALLEN3 (1) | January 1, 2016 4:21pm
i think that ppl should maxout drow s E because it gives u high bouns damage once u have ur ulti
so in lvl 7 u will have 40 agility from ulti plus 15 which gives u 55 (rly high number for u and ur ranged teamates)
and [diffusal blades] works really goof on drow its like a mini butterfly and rly an az item to get in the early game since the most expensive thing in it is 1000
and if we consider a mask of madness this is whats gonna happpen
activate mask
silence a hero
purge him immediately
attack him and watch them weeping
u can have diffusal and butterfly in the late game which gives u 35+30+80 agility and u will get 55 MOAR agility from ur passive
happy allies and u can watch the creeps transforming into mini carries just by clicking E

anyway about maxing out the slow it wint sork since u need more hits to kill anytnih and will waste more mana tryign to chase a hero..just max ur E and get more damage so u can farm more easly and a higher kill potential even if u dont have mana
Akajosh | March 17, 2015 11:29pm
Great guide. i found myself playing in exactly the same style. drow can become a god late game.
the only suggestion i would make is to get a soul ring early for the health regen. makes a huge difference as you can continue to harass while regaining your hp
Hamstertamer (89) | August 2, 2014 10:18am
jeansar wrote:

Hello everyone.. :) I am new to this game and I would like to ask 2 questions about items.. :/

1. Is it possible to let drow use mjollnir while activating satanic? O.o just asking.. :/
(I saw this 1 item build of drow that has mjollnir)

2. Does drow's Frost Arrows have the same damage as her normal attack? O.o just with a slow?
(why some build only gives 1 level frost arrows and then focuses on stats?)

3. Can she life steal with satanic activated while attacking with frost arrows?

4. Are the enemies with bkb activated can still be affected with an active satanic? O.o
(when hit with frost arrows are they just slowed but not damaged? O.o)

Qestions of a beginner here.. ;/ or a noob.. ;/
I really don't understand reviews talking about "dps and orb stacking.. ;/ how do you even know it is an orb.. ;/

-english isn't my first language and i'm not really good at it.. ;/ can someone help me with tese questions.. ;/


1. Mjollnir does "kind of" work with Satanic. Essentially when the lightning procs you get the lightning but no lifesteal, and when it doesn't proc you get the lifesteal. You'll get a bit less lifesteal in average but otherwise they work together. Mjollnir is a bit of an awkward item on Drow and I wouldn't recommend it.

2. Frost arrows do exactly the same damage as normal attack, the only difference is that they apply a slow on hit

3. She can't lifesetal when attacking with frost arrows. It's either one or the other.

4. When enemies have BKB activated they are immune to your frost arrows' slow. However they still take the same attack damage and lifesteal works normally. Satanic will make you lifesteal.

Hope this helps :)
jeansar | August 2, 2014 9:35am
Hello everyone.. :) I am new to this game and I would like to ask 2 questions about items.. :/

1. Is it possible to let drow use mjollnir while activating satanic? O.o just asking.. :/
(I saw this 1 item build of drow that has mjollnir)

2. Does drow's Frost Arrows have the same damage as her normal attack? O.o just with a slow?
(why some build only gives 1 level frost arrows and then focuses on stats?)

3. Can she life steal with satanic activated while attacking with frost arrows?

4. Are the enemies with bkb activated can still be affected with an active satanic? O.o
(when hit with frost arrows are they just slowed but not damaged? O.o)

Qestions of a beginner here.. ;/ or a noob.. ;/
I really don't understand reviews talking about "dps and orb stacking.. ;/ how do you even know it is an orb.. ;/

-english isn't my first language and i'm not really good at it.. ;/ can someone help me with tese questions.. ;/
wowitsmicah | March 30, 2014 10:18pm
Very informative and easy to read. I didn't know that manually casting frost arrows ignores aggro, I'm abusing that one!
00psTeamKill | January 8, 2014 7:21pm
I thought that precision aura affects all allies and close ranged creeps, not close ranged allies and all creeps. Is that a typo? but other than that +1 very useful guide
bcabralpires | October 25, 2013 11:04pm
Very nice tip about Sange and Yasha.
Rode Krijger (4) | September 24, 2013 1:02am
Sorry I must have missed the Helm of the Dominator. My bad. Since there hadn't been an update in a long time, I wasn't expecting one and voted it down because imo the guide was a bit overrated. Now you've edited the build and items and this really improved the guide and I wouldn't vote it down anymore. Still there are things that I'd do different. Getting a second level in Silence delays maxing Frost Arrows. Since the last level increases its slow from 37% to 60%, I think you'd best max it out asap and switch these levels around.

Besides, Sange and Yasha may not be bad, but Manta Style is so much better for just under 1000 gold extra. Sange and Yasha provides you with a bit more movement speed (+4%), a bit extra strenght (16 vs 10, which makes up for a difference of 114 hp) and maim. But since you already have Frost Arrows, the maim effect doesn't contribute that much. Manta Style in turn provides you with an extra 10 agility (10 damage, 10 attack speed, 2.8 global bonus damage with Precision Aura maxed out and 1.43 armor) and 10 intelligence. Not to mention the incredible active. 2 illusions under your control to greatly increase the damage you can deal for a period of time. They can also be used to escape and the active even gives you a split second of immunity to dodge incoming projectiles when timed right. So although S&Y isn't bad, Manta Style is far better on her.

In the item section you still say "choose one" of the core items, but I think that since the update, you should get them all.

Although I would do some things differently, I think the guide has just been greatly improved. No Shadow Blade as a core item anymore, better item choices and a far better skill set. It has just lived up to its high score, well done
LuvLes (32) | September 23, 2013 6:07am
FYI to the people complaining about how I did not include Helm of the Dominator... There was a whole second build and skill order for it before the update I just made. It was even mentioned several times in the guide. No matter though.
Rode Krijger (4) | September 12, 2013 8:38am
This guide has long be the #1 guide on Drow, but I think its mainly because there was little competition back then. Now it's just outdated, as none of the patches of the last few months are taken into account. Frost Arrows now slow up to 60%, not the 50% that is mentioned. Besides, there are way too many things not mentioned in the guide.

The skillbuild is pretty terrible. The first level in Silence comes only at level 8? And even worse, the first level in Precision Aura comes only at level 13? This is like handcuffing yourself throughout half of the game. Stats never hurt, but when they come at the price of neglecting two great abilities, you ought to reconsider. Take one level in Precision Aura at level 1 or 2 and a level of Silence at level 4 instead.

As for the item choices, Shadow Blade shouldn't really be core since it can be countered so easily with Dust of Appearance and then even works against you. Black King Bar is more of a core item than a situational one. Your high agility may protect you rather well versus auto-attacks, but nukes can kill you off rather easily. Stuns will both damage you and give your enemies an opportunity to come up close and cancel your ultimate. In order to prevent this, you need some kind of defense and BKB is the best item to get it.

Heart of Tarrasque must be some kind of a joke. Yes it gives great survivability, but its regen is based upon your maximum health. Since yours isn't exactly high, you're not nearly using its full potential. Building Heart is just a bad attempt to make Drow into a tank, but she isn't and never will be. If you want more survivability, get it through items that will really make you better like Butterfly, Manta Style, Helm of the Dominator and alike.

About the latter, it's a terrible shame it's missing from the item list. As I explain in my own guide and others do in my footsteps, Helm of the Dominator is excellent on Drow. Gives her lifesteal (survivability), damage and armor (not too needed, but nice) and the ability to control a creep. The Alpha Wolf can greatly increase your damage and the Centaur Khan increases your attack speed and can stun an enemy upclose. This item is absolutely mandatory and you don't even list it.

Since these mistakes were made and the guide is overrated at the moment, I gave it a -1.
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